- My little brother showed me this one, and it's actually pretty funny.
Well, I would also recommend Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying if you liked 1984. I would describe it as a very similar approach to depicting a very different society. More importantly, it's just a good book.
- It looks like glass is flying everywhere, and if it was on I'm sure there would be sparks as well, but this isn't the explosion action I was hoping for...
I love that this guy is so good, but has the modesty to do a nerd act for his YouTube videos.
If Alanis Morissette had done Miracles I would listen to that shit. I would listen to it ironically, but their assertion still stands: I would call it genius. What is questionable is why does their stupidity make the song less enjoyable?
How about this painful pun? It's the best I could do. Happy Birthday.
Yeah I was amazed by that on the news. Who is this person though, and are they being ironic? Because that's pretty cringe worthy even if it's a comedy act.
Also cocktails. No but really.
So far I like Really Clean Socks and AgentCel for their persuasive speech, but I am waiting to see where the others go with their campaigns. Keep it up boys, I'm really enjoying this.
I don't really find Lauren's or Behemoth's promises to be realistic, or even to be particularly appealing. Perhaps you should both elaborate?
This looks like a fun thread. I got: The Book of Genesis illustrated by R. Crumb. A copy of The Jungle. The fallout 3 add-ons. Fifty blank cds. Sixty AA batteries. A Dr Demento cd. A Barns & Noble gift card. So yeah, sweet loot.
Laptop power that is. I am not a robot.
I made one for next month, but it's... festive. Is anyone here prone to seizures?
Guys I just participated in a scrabble game where three terms for vagina made it to the board, and if that isn't success in your book consider that I only smirked immaturely at yoni.
Oh hey; I love you and shit. Hamlen needs to make that wiki thing happen that's gonna be great. This an awesome community for it's encouraging it's members on in a way they know is real. I've been busy lately, but you know I'm right back on here as soon as school lets out. Which is fin be too long. Hey like that Daft Punk…
Das racist.
I just ate Top Romain, and topped that off by drinking Kopi Luwak coffee.
Meh, best we can do is vote for politicians and hope for the best. In addition, people of my age group can't even do that, and I am thus apathetic and lack the drive to present a valid argument. *Goes off to hot topic*
See kids, do your homework or sooner or later Behemoth will smack you down. Hard.
I got the impression that QueenQuinlin was apathetic, and only leaned toward leaving it because would cost money to change the printers. Quick note though, Islam has the same God as Christianity.
Wait, look at yourself. Are you human? Gnomish? Fire type?
Cool threads are pretty cool HWUJC
look_ take any objects scattered around_
I completely agree with Mish, we need more posting. Or as an AoLer would post "me too." [SARCASM]Maybe we should revive the ol' I'm not your buddy thread?[/SARCASM]
This is fun to play around with, but it smells like a poorly disguised social networking site to me. (I do say.)
So, I got about 80 minutes worth of songs, all pretty varied and really quite nerdy. I'm pretty impressed with the extent that the orange belt was willing to help me out. Thank you to everyone who suggested music to me, I ended up looking into a lot of bands I had only vaguely heard of and I got a better look at all of…
It's not a different species if they can produce viable offspring, it is as the article suggests, a subspecies. Gawd.
I'm damned impressed. That guy was telling them exactly what was about to happen and they shrugged him off. Edit: Oh that ragtime guy was pretty cool too, I stopped watching just before the ragroll though.