My bad for wording it as I did, by small change I meant small amounts of money that can be used to purchase small items such as drinks, snacks etc. In which case one pound or one dollar fits. Also I would be tempted to consider one dollar small change as it equates to roughly 50p for me, but then I'd only just consider it…
Actually Night Lord the Channel Islands still use the one pound note. Just thought I'd throw that in there. I prefer the good old pound coin to the one dollar bill, partly 'cause it's worth about two of yours but mostly because I prefer my small change in coins. Also I saw, got and used some dollar coins while I was in the…
Wow thanks John I feel touched. I did notice atleast some of New York City's vagrant population, however I did not chart the frequencies of food searching in any bins in the city. I think maybe I should make a note to do that next time I visit.
Because then I wouldn't be in shot, silly.
Look Ma I'm a tourist...and by that I mean "Hi guys."
Oh well it basically boils down to working a lot to attempt to stem the tide of student debt, working a couple of different places and also looking for a more consistent job for the rest of the summer. That tied with trying to get my fitness back up for when I start training when I return to uni and spending a lot of my…
Go for the John being alive thing, I'll have many more birthdays, John will only be alive once. Thanks guys, sorry for the belated display of gratitude, I haven't been spending much time online at all recently as is obvious. Hopefully that will change soon when I'm less busy.
Ah surrealism and weird intro music...what more do you want.
I remember when John Major was Nevermind.
Woo now I can make that tool bar disappear, and the reappear, and then disappear, and then... Ok I need to get out more.
Well I should finally add it. Wii Code: 1387-4895-0058-1761
O yjoml o tr,r,nrt yjod sj yjr ,r,ptord
I really do need to go and get more Wii points, I need to retro game dammit. Then again every time they release something I've played as a child or something I missed out on I can see time allocated to work shrink. It's probably for the best my card doesn't work with the online points purchase system.
Actually I have a comic somewhere in which Batman and Spider-Man team up to take on the Joker and Carnage, (so almost right about Venom.)
Tacky? Not in the slightest.
Cleverly disguised market research eh? To be honest if that's what it turns out to be I have very little problem with that. If Nintendo can use this as a tool to see what Wii users think or want, about certain features/games or channels directly, and then if they actually consider any findings. Then that could be a pretty…
If this is a which do prefer, I can't comment on the PS3 but I do choose playing my Wii over my 360 for the most part, and that'll definitely pick up more once the Wii gets more titles out. If it's a case of which I think will come out top in terms of sale, I don't know at the moment the 360 is obviously looking strong,…
-'s just too far away, I don't think I can make it. However you're pep tal...sentence, has inspired me to at least some point.
No Serephel, I'm afraid you're wrong...not all of us will reach one thousand posts...not all of us...
In Mario's picture? No it's Dean Stockwell. Ah Quantum Leap that takes me back...BBC2 a couple of hours after school, the joys.
Bolton University? That's about 10 minutes away from me, maybe I should go steal some of that stuff.
Yeah, that's what I heard too. Also, my Wii arrived today, damn I'm regretting having it sent to my home address rather than my uni one Oh well at least there's still a chance of my assignments getting done before the holidays.
Oh God no, much worse than that.
Wow I can practically perform knee surgery now.
Ooh ooh I have!
Well I'd prefer not to go into specifics under the current circumstances, but the best way to describe it is to liken it to a drive by shooting, only with no guns, and a fair amount of minor insults and opposing view flying around. Quite a shock to those on the receiving end. It's been a rising problem over here for a…
Wow a thread for me...*feels all honoured.* Heh I am definitely going to try and post more often again, things have just been hectic for me with uni, and various other commitments. Not to mention a shoddy internet connection, ah well at least I have one now. On the drive by argument front, you're kind of both right, but it…
Cambridge impressive, score one for Night Lord.
So far this year of uni, precious little innuendo has arisen's a real pity. Also, I finally have the internet, awesome.
Well I couldn't find one so I guess not, maybe looking for a purpose was the point of the exercise, I can't quite recall.