Happy Birthday to you, Jakey! I hope you get lots of fun presents. I don't have anything else to add, and it is kind of irritating me. You were always a cool person, and I can't think of anything else to give you as a compliment.
Awww...I really miss it too. Aside from the past week or so, I can't recall how long it had been since I visited that forum last and so I forgot your webpage. Truly a shame.
You are quite welcome, John. By the way, what happened to your site? Did you take it down, or have you just not placed it in your information? I enjoyed going there.
One that was lost in the depths of non-activity, never to return. Well, they do have a haiku thread there that seems to be getting a few hits now and then.
Hello to most, hello again to some. To those who don't know me, I was a huge bitch at a previous forum that many people here visited. To those that do know me, I apologize for such bitch-dom and decided to stop by and say hi. So, hi.