Use the corkscrew to drill into the lock.
I respect your opinion on this matter. I am not frightened by cloned animals or their offspring.I would rather eat meat without the cloning factor. As for genetically modified plants,yes, it's nearly impossible to avoid those foods especially corn. I think it is better to eat things less processed when possible. Well,…
My statement was general because the article includes other animals(goats and pigs). Also, I was referring toward the end product. :cool: Deku: I believe they would have the same genetic makeup, but their appearance(color markings and such) might be different.
I do not want to eat cloned meat or dairy products. And how can they honestly say it's safe? Is there a meat shortage? I don't understand why they would want to do this. I think this will up the price on non-cloned meat products in the long run.
Well, it's snowing lightly where I am located, but it's not too chilly. Actually, it's been quite mild for this time of year. I imagine that would be a neat sight to see snowflakes in Baghdad. Interesting article.
I don't mind a little dusting of snow....and that's about all I would want right now since I am considering to do some traveling around new year's eve/day. Merry Christmas Everyone!
Dad sells son's 90-dollar video game online for more than 9000
I wish you a happy belated birthday ,Behemoth.
Happy Belated Birthday Hammie!! I do believe I have good reason for posting so very late...and besides, I did bake you a cake! :D
Head West.
Does this mean the Christmas specials over there will have Santa's greeting bleeped out? I think these people are looking at it in the wrong context. They could say the same thing about the Thundercat series and have to bleep every episode.:rolleyes:
I'd say go for it! Who knows...maybe you'll help write the next KOTOR.:p Something like that needs to have many story branches and you're the fellow who can write very well.
Ah, here another one. ;)
Interesting brew. I didn't really care for the last part though. Edit:What I did like was the salesman's sale pitch and the transformation of Mr. Cage;as well as the appearances of the Thundercats.
I hope the brew-wielder is doing okay. EDIT: Actually, I did email him a couple days ago. =P
Happy Halloween Orange-belters!
Spears' mother plans parenting book
Here's another one. The picture was like that when I found it.:p
I haven't tried this before so here's one.
Love is a sweet melody which can change like the waves of the sea. It still is in tune with itself,yet it is unpredictable. As much as we try to control over it, love can open new doors and close others.
US bride sues over wilted bouquets It's shame that someone would sue $400,000 for flowers. Sounds a bit extreme.Trying to get a refund on something you did not order is a different matter.I would understand it if both parties had signed a contract of what was exactly ordered and such. If anything else, you'd think the…
Well, Hamelin, you could always get Mario DDR too. It was for the Game Cube. Apparently, the normal mode is easier than the normal mode on regular DDR games. I like it and gets my heart rate up.
That is an interesting idea, DI. I wonder what games they could play though.
Hold the power button and hit reset.....
A Teddy Bear Swordsman and a Rabbit Warlock then.
A Teddybear Ninja with a Stuffed Toy Elephant sidekick.
Paint a portrait Paint a landscape Paint a portrait of a soup can Make a Key Lime pie Smell a flower Drop a flower into a pool of water and watch the ripples Use a camera Develop film and/or print photos Wake up from a cold sweat...It was all a dream? Drink Immortality potion Become a Wizard Kick someone in the shins Go to…
Oh, geez! I forgot about this. I guess it's too late to submit anything. =(
You could have bought a small box of gourmet chocolates. See what you're missing?! :D
I wonder who thought of that idea and if the doctors kept a hidden stash of vodka just in case something like this would happen. :D That's good they were able to help him. I'd rather see people using an alcoholic beverage to save other people rather than abusing it. Warning over vodka snorting fad