Thanks, Hammy :)
Okay this is helpful. Everyone I've asked likes the style of the guy's head, but has issues with the gun, which I already knew was kinda iffy. So advice received ... and it was helpful. I appreciate your responses. :) In return I gratuitously offer a link to my latest watercolor piece:…
Iggy: I just may. Keep the dream alive, man. The newest versions of this sketch have wings, which makes them look more dragon like and less dinosaur like. I'm still in love with the design and I got new inking pens.
Attempt one at panel 1 of comic 80. I won't keep updating you on every little thing, but since this is the first work done on the actual comic in over a year, as opposed to just drawing the characters in pretty pictures, I thought everyone would enjoy the moment.
Well, it's not just a graphics program, it's a tree viewer (expand, collapse, expand, collapse, repeat) and note taker with picture editing. It's still pretty rough but since I wrote the code I can avoid the bugs. :) I was using the tree part of the program to organize the story of 3APD, still believing I was going to…
I love mine. Now that it has a non-sucky graphics program, it has everything I could ever want.
Aha!!! Well. This is a Zaurus SL5500. If you had a Zaurus, this was probably the one you had.
You can tell that from my screenshot? O_o
My degree is! ... Er ... will be soon!
You know what is the most messed up about that story? I give you one guess what happened to the body.
It's all part of the evil plan.