


Invited by


  • I don't know how I missed your birthday, Jon. Rest assured, you got better presents than the worst video game ever. I present to you the food pyramid game.
  • Sorry for not replying earlier. To make up for it, I'll give you this picture:
  • /cry
  • Cheap being relative, of course. You're costing your future a fortune.
  • Those Austrailians take their drinking seriously! I didn't realize how seriously, until I got to the last line in this story from the Herald-Tribune. Bars audited for watered down drinks Drinks at Sydney pubs will be tested to see if they have been watered down. The move to test liquor sold at pubs and bars in inner-Sydney…
  • No. The poor high school/college/unemployed/fresh-into-their-first-real-job market.
    in Wii? Comment by Heidi May 2006
  • I love Adam West
  • Happy birthday!
  • Plus, instead of showing the actual PS3 off at E3 (the intention of sony's appearence at the expo, I would assume), it's appearently being run off an emulator!
    in Wii? Comment by Heidi May 2006
  • Exactly. I <3 them. Hence, my collection.
    in 121st! Comment by Heidi May 2006
  • I don't have a box of crappy poems that my crappy high-schools boyfriends gave me. I never even got ONE poem (regardless of quality) from a high-school boyfriend. They must have been even crappier than most. :( Oh, and I read Neil Gaiman's American Gods and I really liked it. But I also enjoy Johnny the Homocidal Maniac…
    in 121st! Comment by Heidi May 2006
  • We have a Sgt. McNutly that I have to call to find out the day's cop stories here in Florida. Also, I frequently proof the Accent pages, which have the engagements and wedding annoucements. There are often funny name combinations found in that page. I can't think of many right now, but one off the top of my head was…
  • Brandon pointed out that article to me, and I personally think that's the truth. I think this is just to generate talk of the system - which, frankly, wasn't getting a whole lot of talk before. There's precedent for Nintendo announcing incorrect things just to whore up the fan-boy attention. I'm guessing this is just a…
    in Wii? Comment by Heidi May 2006
  • Well, actually, I still kinda don't know it, so thanks for refreshing my memory. But that's a lot harder to remember than my previous belief that the sky was blue because it was reflecting the ocean... So why is the ocean blue?
  • If I am correct (which is a stretch, especially considering I didn't know why the sky is blue), since Jon is from the other side of the world (Southern hemisphere), the seasons are reversed. He just went through summer and winter is around the corner.
  • This is so awesome that I'm coming out of my semi-lurking mode to say Yay! and I hope you get enough free moments to post some comics soon.
  • I want a little kitten in a glass.
  • I only write haikus and limericks, so I think I'm safe.
  • You should totally come, Khan! I want to see you again. Count Brandon and I in. He's checking to see if he can get the days off work, but both of us want to go and are financially able to do so this year! (This is the sole reason I keep a job, I swear).
  • That made my day. Even the comments at the bottom are incredibly awesome. Give this man some money and some lazers like Jon said.
  • It was something very techinical about chemicals or some such nonsense. I think I actually posted the article (and my story of critical short-sightedness) in the Inksandwich forums back in the day.
  • Oh my goodness, I just got a MySpace account. It's fun to have more Internet things that I don't have time to update! To make up for it, I deleted my LiveJounal. It was about time.
  • This thread delivers. Title = brilliant, content = interesting, reaction = amusing. I actually like it when scientists come up with stuff like this. And don't question their intentions too much Jakey... I read this one account of scientists creating a natural blue rose (appearently a rather big accomplishment in the flower…
  • ALSO: Pics or it didn't happen.
  • That's exactly what I thought when I read that. You know what Coolio? I make my own spaghetti too. I boil a package of spaghetti noodles (sometimes I decide to be fancy and do elbow macaroni JUST FOR KICKS) and then I pour a jar of Ragu on it. YUM.
  • "Christmas is over but you can still catch the excitment as King Kong goes bananas for his new Cellfoam™ in our latest video." Wow. That's the best movie intro ever. They should totally make that into a full-length feature.
  • Sorry! Totally forgot to put up the link! http://news.com.com/2300-11395_3-6045678-1.html?tag=ne.gall.pg
    in OMFG Origami Comment by Heidi March 2006
  • OMG I used to play this on our first computer, a Commador (sp?) 64...I think that's what it was, it's been so long. I used to periodically look for it, and never found it for another medium, and then I kinda forgot about it. Then I remebered it when Yahoo! games released their modern version, which was fun, but you had to…
  • SCIENCE! has also been very phallic - Not unlike most religions.
  • I still don't know what QED stands for. I just know when it's used, so I've coasted by on that for years.