Yeah it does. Pretty weird I guess.
Crap. I think I need to go back to school. I just use the apostrophe because otherwise the spell check tells me I made a mistake with my spelling.
That's hilarious and terrifying. That story made me cringe more than I have in a long while and gave me a good laugh too. Kind of make's me wonder what I would do in that situation.
I didn't really think I was whining. I think It's great that people donate blood to help the people that really need it, but It's just not my kind of thing.
Yeah I could never do that. I would probably pass out from shock or something.
I can't stand needle's. The idea of having blood drawn just freak's me out way too much to ever donate blood or anything like that.
That's awesome. That tow truck driver is awesome.
No way. It goes great with lemonade too.
Yes unfortunately it is... Made me a bit sad but I still thought it was neat. Also I can't knit or crochet worth a damn. Wish I could though...
No I came here alone. I found it through Zelda Comic and thought it seemed like a pretty cool place to be so here I am.
I will keep your concern's in mind. Though it is my nature to waste as much time as I can.
But does it really matter if I needlessly quote something?
Eh I may as well be. Just think of me as something put here for all of your people's personal amusement.
There I fixed it.
Hello to you.
No. No I'm not.
Hey fun! I'm a stupid newbie too. Nice to meet you.
Then I guess I'll just have to suffer with you all then.
Well It's good to know that I may effectively contribute to relieving your people's sorrow's.
Hey all. I just joined so I thought I should introduce myself. How is everybody doing?