I think that's called "my calculus class every weekday."
It will come out eventually on its own, but if you want it out before, you can take some scissors and cut the very top of the wrap. It should slide off then with a bit of working. (Bonus points if you don't cut your hair off) Like this, but NoLonger's is a lot simpler.
Just dropped off Zlam at college today :(. Try not to die NoLonger. And enjoy your hair wrap (if yous still have it).
I do play violin, but I fail at it epically. So... I shall be the audience.
Happy Birthday! The zombies wont kill you today.
That's... really disturbing.... I agree that calling someone would not by my top priority while being eaten by bears, but I really hope that no one would be messed up enough to just make this up for kicks and giggles....
Generally mine don't involve pelvic thrusts...
I twitch. Not like a little twitch either, but a full body spasm. It happens randomly every once in a while, in response to no apparent external stimuli. It almost feels like a giant shiver, but I do it when it is warm out too. This really confused my poor Japanese exchange student, who was convinced I was freezing, even…
I never pegged Zeus as a Linkin Park fan.
I understand the feeling Mish. I work at a summer camp, and I looove the 6-9 age range. They are permanently excited and in love with you, unlike the you-are-so-lame-and-I-am-too-cool-to-do-anything teenagers. The little ones definitely awaken the maternal genes. And congratulations Tanya! D'awww! Little ones are adorable!…
Oh. My. Goodness. This is the most amazing show ever. My life has been forever changed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq1Xuxpjsdg This is my favorite so far. Boats are now 100x more hilarious.
Here the weather is cold enough to be absolutely painful, but just barely under the temperature at which they cancel school.
Credit should go to Al Gore, without whom we could not have had the internet.
There's only two open to Sophomores, AP European History and AP Biology. Euro has an intense workload, but its honestly one of the best classes I've ever taken. Most people who have taken it from the current teacher at our school say it is harder than most of their college classes.
Pretty dang awesome, despite the mountain load of homework two AP classes brings!
I have successfully survived the first half of my first year of high school!
I am alive.
Strange, apparently neither did the class syllabus or calender. The subjects on the final are all slated to be taught next tri. A lot of people who've taken his class have told me that he enjoys giving you finals on subjects you haven't learned yet, so I am inclined to believe that its not just me. I'd be fine if he graded…
I'd like to thank my biology teacher for the trimester final he gave us. It had exactly 2 questions on topics we'd covered. The other 78 questions had to do with topics we'd never heard of. He can go die.
Nothing November.
Didn't you hear the disembodied voice in the video? Those things can swim. No island, no matter how secluded, is safe.
Probably the hitman monkey.
Thanks guys!
As nothing is more SCIENCE!y than a robot and Triceratops.
I drank mostly water all summer, as I worked at a summer camp where soda was not readily available. Its been mostly juice and water since spring. Or it has been mostly juice and water. I had to break down today because my stupid stomach has decided that it is no longer accepting food. Even a bite of toast makes me want to…
Shostakovich for the win!
Happy Birthday!
I've been here since I was thirteen. If nothing else, being here has made me realize that none of my friends can use the shift key.
Happy Birthday! Cake is unhealthy, have an apple.