



  • Did you? That's good! George Orwell is an amazing author. Of course, this is also good because our AP European History teacher is beginning his career as a bounty hunter to find anyone who has not read 1984 and to take away their high school diploma after he retires this year.
  • I have a word document created! That's something, right?
  • I guess that depends on where you are in America. If you're in the south... Deep Fried Butter!
  • *Bump* I totally love this idea, this is a good idea. But it's Halloween weekend, let's watch a scary movie. Netflix put a few new horror movies on their instant que if anyone's interested for tomorrow night or something.
  • But there are so many awesome novels! How can you choose just one?
  • Yeah, they obviously have to be good games to define the genre. I do think that the game could use things like a graphics update, but I think you're right. They have enough of a fan base at this point, something like a graphics update would be nice but pretty much pointless. They did, after all, hit 12 million subscribers…
  • Serephel, you play on a Taiwan server, correct? Is there any delay for Cataclysm to appear over there? I thought I read that China only updated to WotLK a couple of months ago. Yeah, I suppose so. Was Warcraft very popular before WoW was released?
  • I'm thinking that there had to be an initial catch for WoW though. After all, the game didn't have millions of active subscribers the day it was launched. My first MMO was actually Runescape...I'm pretty sure I could have played anything after that and thought it was amazing. But you're also implying that, because it was…
  • I was never really into MMOs before the BC expansion on WoW, so I might be wrong, but wasn't Eve online the big thing before WoW? What killed that?
  • I know there was a lot of talk that Aion was going to do it, but that just didn't happen. I think the big appeal of WoW is how much more of a casual game it is compared to a lot of the other MMOs. Personally, I gave up on Aion at around halfway to the cap, just because of how much questing it took to get from one level to…
  • I couldn't think of anything creative for the link Mustaches and beards are pretty much the same thing at this point, right?
  • Oh, gotcha. I bet they were decently cool though.
  • I mostly just think it would be interesting to see. How was Dirge of Cerberus?
  • Despite the fact that they said they're not working on it, did you see the teaser trailer thing they did at E3 a few years ago? Whether they're actually going to do it or not, it's something that they could pretty easily do a nice job on. If they stuck to the exact same storyline, people would just melt over it.
  • Bummer, a remake would have been cool. But $10 certainly isn't bad for the original game I suppose. I don't know how much time I would actually spend playing online is the thing. And I do like story centered games. Alrighty, thanks for the input!
  • www.virtualnes.com for the win. I already have a 64. Yeah, the impression that I'm getting is that the only big difference between the system is the games. Is going with the PS3 for the possibility of a FF7 remake and a new Kingdom Hearts sound reasoning? I never played Halo, so I'm not missing much.
  • Gasp, heart is broken </3 But any reason why? Or is it just some kind of turf war thing where they're basically the same system?
  • Wii Number is: 7756 6901 4683 1989 Brawl: 1505 4431 6945 and accepting every challenge... I'll find Mario Kart and Animal Xing next time I get them out. PS: Do something totally crazy, and message me if you add me. Because I'm not taking the time to add everyone on the forum...
  • Oh, very nice. Planning on doing the solo recording thing? Where you record one instrument, then record over that file, rinse and repeat?
    in SUCCESS! Comment by Rorandon July 2010
  • Got my Eagle Scout Award last Sunday. I'm still debating whether to classify this as a major success or a major failure...depends on how much I decide I hate the Boy Scouts I guess... Ever played before, NoLonger? Or is this your first guitar?
    in SUCCESS! Comment by Rorandon July 2010
  • At least robot vampire werewolves will be happy.
  • Well... I typically like to picture them sitting at their desk littered with Red Bull getting upset when Jacob/Edward try to hit on Bella... But I do see your point
  • The addictiveness of an MMO...plus whatever property you want to give to Twilight...that's some dangerous stuff there.
  • Was wondering what that mysterious dripping noise was... Potter Puppet Pals reference. Couldn't resist, sorry.
  • I've been listening to some of his stuff. I only stumbled across it because I had opened up iTunes. I guess I would say it's a bit slower than the rest of his stuff, but I've only heard a couple of the songs on it over the radio.
  • What's the cap now? 7000+? Yeah, 9000 is something I could see in the next few patches.
  • Yeah, that's what kind of sucks. You can have the best gear in the game for a couple of months...then a few patches later you're considered undergeared. What's the GS on Ruby Sanctum going to be again?
  • ...I legitimately thought you were kidding the last time you said I couldn't have a cookie due to shortages.
  • Excellent, that's two items crossed off of my bucket list. Maybe I'll go for legally owning a platypus next.
  • I can only hope. Easily one of the coolest words of all time...whippersnapper