I had a red one too!!!
Or did we?!
If you re-read your scripts and put a littile more effort into it, I know you could make a great comic... EDIT: Oh, and Drunk Duck > You.
Or is it?!
I can’t believe no one has mentioned King of The Hill.
You forgot to say "Burn!"
They are all NPCs.
When I read the first line of that comic, I thought I was reading the opening to some Dungeon Porn. Not to be mean, (I'm being truthful, if you didn't want criticism, then don’t make your comics public, and ask people to "comment" on them.) but that comic was NOT funny. The jokes are child-like and boring. I'm no expert on…
I think the most surprising part of that post was, it was all one sentence.
Honestly, what exactly was he trying to say? Is that why he’s in Alaska?!
Wild dogs? They bite, dont they?
We're not doing anything for the fourth. I’m not sure why, but I’m pretty sure it’s because my parents are immigrants, but usually we go to Virginia Beach or Ocean City, to celebrate with our American uncle. Oh, and we're having lasagna, joy!
The mind is very powerful, and it can affect your physical body. People who have panic attacks are physically fine, but mentally, their not. Things like fear, courage, and confidence can really affect the outcome of pretty much anything you do.
I already made that joke. :(
"We want... a shrubbery!" "And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this, Thy hand grenade, that with it, Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits... in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and…
And, by the looks of it, a cup.
An update from Zelda Comic AND Homestar Runner?! On the same day?!
When ever I hear (Or in this case, see.) the words "Super Smash Bros." I orgasm with joy.
And then the portable safe was born.
It seems everyone is under the notion that pencils contain "lead." I guess it was a rumor (If it was that, and not ignorance.) started in order to deter kids from stabbing each other with pencils, because if you have a pencil almost all the way through your chest, lead poisoning should be the first thing that comes to mind.
I took art class... once. All the teacher did was scream at us. Luckily I also had a "photo" class which I also signed up for, and it was not what I expected. I thought we we're going to take pictures of flowers and what not, but instead it was a Photoshop class. I loved everything about that class. We had about 7…
I wish they would sell a bag full of just the brown bread-like peices.
The question isn't about efficiency, it’s about the joy derived from exotic "bongsmithing." EDIT: Blizzards going to implement "Bongsmithing" in their next WoW patch, I just know it. Shamans are going to get some really crazy “Bongprints.” Forget mounts, we're flying to Ogrimmar!!
18th times the charm? It could just remind them of the incident, while at the same time entertain them?
Just a bit of sarcastic humor, no harm meant.
I thought the point of a forum was to have fun talking, while linking to clever images and websites, despite if it’s on the topic at hand.
Here, I’ve taken the liberty to update for Mario. (Well, not really.) (NOTE: The grammar/spelling probably sucks, and I would have liked to use... classier words, but I think this will suffice. I didn't really intend on making a good comic, I was just bored myself.)
What if you're both?
The thought just occurred to me... knitting a BONG, with a hood. I think I’ve outdone myself…
*Golf Clap*