I am quite fond of this music video (and all the other music videos by this band) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GMQLjzVGfw
Well you could eat gold (and nearly anything else), such actions are just not recommended by 9 out of 10 dietitians.
So I believe I started coming here in the 8th grade due to NoLonger. And now I am up at College for my first year. Time does indeed fly
I give to you the AquaSkipper! What is most likely one of the least efficient forms of water transportation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rZR8Xd2YTw Skip to 1:45 to see it work. Then keep watching to see it not work...
Freudian slip February?
Finally getting around to playing BioShock, so far I like it a lot!
I got a yoga mat, an external hard drive, skyrim, and various other odds and ends.
Christmas Eve we had home made sushi, gyoza, and miso soup! Though for Christmas we had a more standard turkey and traditional accompaniments.
I really want one of these! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HchbmLIV3w
I am just getting done with my first semester of college. So my first finals week is this week, should be interesting! So boo the papers and studying that I am spending my Saturday on :mad:
Scientists Brace for Media Storm Around Controversial Flu Studies
I have a Panasonic Digital Camera (DMC-ZS8). I am quite happy with it, although I do not use it that often at college haha
Just got Amnesia! (the game that is...)
If you are getting tiny amounts of water released from this gel to be optionally hydrated isn't that the same as just taking sips of water to be optionally hydraed? If it is just like drinking water over time then you would have to pee just as often. This just seams like a money making scam, take a product that is…
Or you could just drink water... not as SCIENCE!y but still...
Does look like a great view! Just look out for those freak lightening storms...
Well congratulations! I am sure I would have been one of the ten that would have not passed that class.
Double post because I have been running into many amazing videos! Techno made only with the sounds of a jeep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFybwg4wadI Get this man some Malk! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty62YzGryU4 A disturbing and funny video for all you H.P. Lovecraft fans:…
But most importantly you missed FOG! The most exciting variety of atmospheric water!!!
Indeed I am in college now! I have classes everyday before noon (except Mondays, woo!). But I think I left my dorm for breakfast and was thinking "Holy shit! awesome fog!" and went back inside for my camera and then I climbed a mountain... I guess I am strange that way haha
Happy belated birthday! :) I hope you enjoy the color purple I got you!
Spam musubi is surprisingly delicious! Omnomnom
In my free time here at college I have started to play a bit of Defcon again! I didn't bring up any consoles to college with me, or any computer games that required disks for that matter... But, I have not had a huge amount of free time to really do much gaming so its not a huge deal.
I am still waiting for the day when you can build towers tall enough to build on the moon. So for ease of this transmission I vote Square!
Well depending on what they have you hooked up to, then that little beeping noise is a pretty damn good noise to hear... well compared to no beeps...
I wish I had one of these(Bazantar)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crSi9IxPfYA I don't know what is cooler the instrument or the fact that it is being played by a Norse god!
Soylent green is people... shit...