I'm scared.
- bam. (side note - if you've never heard one/won ... go to my soundcloud immediately and scroll all the way down.)
where am i?
I can forward you some relevant emails.
a new one is started, and we've got a pile of old ones we're trying to either finish or compile what we have for release
retroactively, my victory margin just got wider. just sayin is all.
mac. :( this article just makes me sad to be an Apple person, but I maintain that in my lifestyle, the software benefits outweigh the hardware downsides. plus... let's be honest... these spec sheets rate games on my card at 42+ fps... tv is 30, max we can percieve is about 70... I'lll live with being in between.
Let's not forget... when i got my own smiley... :police: EDIT: also, you may notice that photo appears in the pro-geoko ad. (1:20)
aw man, I love 56k almost as much as i love :jt:
I do indeed mean that one. Welcome to Brew in HD b****es.
this is one of the randomest birthday youtube finds i've seen... you're welcome.
((As for your no splitting up rule, I take it then we should consider any "movement" actions offered to be a vote?)) ((EDIT: For anyone feeling like getting caught up on the old goings on, here's a compilation of the episode 1 bits mario wrote and players actions:…
geoko sits up awkwardly and stretches his back. <W>aking up from a 5 and a half year slumber on rock is hell on one's back as he was quickly realizing. After cracking his back and neck, and a few disoriented head shakes, he looks around again. "Verrrrry funny, Carlyle… I'll have that drink now." He waited a moment, but…
((You took mah familiar!!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!!))
… "But if we're going to reconstruct the go kart, surely we'll need more tools." Geoko said, sitting on the floor surrounded by what appear to be automotive parts. Being a seafaring lad, he found neither his experience on boats nor his experience as a mage benefited him in this situation. To be honest, he was quite…
[D] Drink. ((Yea. that's right. i brought it back. i know you still have your files on this somewhere mario.))
well, then on the subject of apologizing, i suppose i owe you one as well mario. the things said during the comptroller campaign... i know there's no way you could actually be for zombie rights. I'm sure you were just playing into the politics of the time, and realize that all zombies need to be put back in their graves.
good job, spambot. nice to meet you.
and now a little sing song. "ooooohhhhh.... i'm just an unarmed peasant waiting for dayliiiiight... it sucks to be on a new server when it's night tiiiiiiiiime..."
hey, them grannys are gettin crazy these days.
LOLZ!!1! Happy BDaY!
Is that why I love Miss Congeniality 2?
indeed it does. oddly enough, i saw the same trombone video earlier today...
i say hooray. the show jumped the shark for me after about season 3 or 4.
Source Blu-ray Maker Re-Boxes $500 Player, Charges $3,500