Whitelist me please :D name: greatmagnus
Why didn't this happen Lauren? :(
lol Canada
Jesus Christ this is SO FUCKED UP U.S. Infected Guatemalans for STD tests
I survived the UT Drama of '10
Newsflash: Kids who are bullied more likely to be depressed than the ones bullying them.
When you buy software you do not actually own the software. AKA: Used games just got a slap in the face.
:objection: Several? Hey now, watch it >_> I had a level 70 in BC, that got banned because I got bored and went out in a blaze of hilarious glory. I still have a level 80 though that I made for Lich King though, ain't gonna lie <_<
Yeah, Cera played the awkward guy again. Anyways, this movie was amazing. I had no idea what it was coming in, and it started off as just a normal teen movie. Then all the crazy shit started to happen and I was amazed. A totally normal movie going into full video game mode was probably one of the largest WTF's I have ever…
Hmmm... Ways to make friends in college.... I mean if you are into sports or activity go to the gym or where-ever the field is on campus that people play sports and games at and go ask to join in. Even if you do not get anyone's names or anything, you are still seeing people and having fun. Kind of a fun way to break the…
Aww, I love your body too.
- The judge who threw out Prop 8 is gay, people whine, hilarity ensues.
lolconspiracy. Zomg they want to get people on bikes!!! ITS A TAKEOVER BY THE UN!!!
Insurance, retirement, health care (deciding what to do if your spouse is incapacitated), etc. Alot of private companies give you discounts/different stuff if you are married.
Davey picked the better Avatar
True enough, but I just didn't expect them to have that power to do it outta the blue. I mean I like the outcome of it obviously. I was under the impression that someone had to sue or bring the case to court, but I guess someone did. In the articles I read I never saw anything about a lawsuit but due to the massive size of…
While I am all for letting anyone marry anyone they goddamn well please, I was surprised to learn that a lone federal judge had the power to overturn the law that 7 million people voted for >_>
Her own fault TBQH, another person living outside their means. She should have paid off her student loads from half a decade ago with her job, then concentrated on vacations/saving a warchest. If you make 56k a year then pretty much any student loan within reason should be ok. The reason it is all the way up to 96k is…
Those student loans are probably gonna stick with her even if she files bankruptcy. Something about student loans make them amazingly hard to get rid of, not sure what it is.
Basically how I felt when I found out.
No they wou- Okay yes they would. Only some of it though. Well, most of it. Well... Actually... Yeah, they would hate your life.
Yeah, glad I wasn't made of bacon. I would have started to eat myself, and seeing as how I was the strongest there by far I might have actually got a few good bites in. "NO, STOP!!! LET ME EAT THE DELICIOUS BACON!!!!"
Yeah that is the cartoon I was referring to >_> I had never tried it before but it was pretty funny so I thought maybe you had seen it <_<
To be fair though when I bought the 360 the RRoD wasn't quite as out there as it is now. There were a couple occurrences but nothing like the "HAPPENS EVERY TIME LOL" that I seem to be seeing now.
I feel like I already have >_>
While I understand the need to form parties simply for practical purposes, I do not like how most politicians base their platforms simply on what their party line is on this or that. So instead of having people who have their own thoughts on a matter, you have someone spewing what their party thinks. Sure they may agree…
Aaaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd there we have it ladies an gentlemen. My launch X-Box finally gave out yesterday. The red rings finally caught me, shit sucks.