


Invited by


  • I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Seems like a solid Pokemon experience so far to me.
  • Anyone else pick up the new Pokemon? I'll post my 3DS code in the friend code thread. EDIT: Added my code to my original post on the first page of that thread.
  • Hooray! Another person who's going to be playing Pokemon. I'm working on Black 2 right now. I'm pretty much done for the most part, just need a few more random Pokemon from around the world.
  • Javier? Is that....... nukivaj? He's long gone too.... =(
  • I have actually completed a few games since my last post here! Saints Row 3 and Mirror's Edge. I'm a proud panda.
  • Are any of these people OBers besides you, Mario? And Stef, but I think she's long gone or something.
  • Do we have a Steam ID thread or anything? My ID is the same as my username here. I always have Team Fortress 2 installed and ready. I love that game.
  • Yaay! I am seeing so many successes in this thread... we're all becoming respectable, happily-employed people! Congrats!
  • I kinda wish I didn't have a 3DSXL now. The 3D hurts my eyes and I kind of like the tablet-like design. Oh well. I don't think it's anything to get angry about, but I have seen some vitriol on the web.
  • Menacingly? What do you mean? You mean the way fans talk or the way non-fans talk? Also, Jon, I liked that Municipal Waste song. Would you classify that as punk?
  • Does anyone here like/appreciate metal? In my absence I've found a few sweet pieces.
  • BTW, Adam, I don't hate you guys in regards to LotRO. I just... needed to play other games. I'm a serial game-player-and-noncompletist. I don't remember the last time I fully beat a game.
  • It just says "video not available". Maybe it's only available in Australia? Aren't you an Aussie or am I making that up?
  • The games are pretty rockin. But.... the video is not available anymore!
  • That does look pretty badass. I was really into the show when it first came out, when Pokemon was this giant exciting new thing... I may have to try to find these episodes once they come out. I also got a big kick out of the narrator's announcer voice.
  • Thanks! I will do my best. Life is a bit more stable now... I don't have to work weekends anymore, so I should have more time for routine. And Wisconsin is indeed known for its cows... cheese in particular. Though we're sort of in the west-central part of the state and here there's a lot of forests, state parks, and lakes.…
  • I guess this would be as good a place to post as any! Hello again, everyone. I think the last time I posted something here was back in 2011. It was a rough 2 years. Not on a global scale, since we were comfortable and well-off, but those were my 2 years of working retail after grad school. I think I got a bit depressed…
  • Hello everyone! I know it's been like 2-3 years since my last post and I don't know if I'm going to stick around long-term, but I wanted to say hey! Life has changed a lot since the last time I was here. What's everyone up to?
  • You're not. That's the job market, sadly.
  • Thanks for the tutorial, Dustin. Got it set up and it's super swell.
  • Welp.... I'm into Minecraft again. I'll probably see y'all on the server. Quick question.... you know that water cushion we had to take us down to the diamond mine on the old server? How did we do that?
  • Ryan, I really would recommend at LEAST watching the Torchwood episode 'Adrift' if nothing else. Torchwood gets better late 2nd season and really gets good season 3 with Children of Earth.
  • So.... not liking the most recent episode of Who. I feel like Moffat is giving up genuine moments of character development and storytelling in favor of WHOA TWISTS AND SILLY PHRASES! Whereas Torchwood, which started out so silly in its first season, is becoming a pretty character-focused drama. I'm liking Miracle Day.
  • Sweet find, X. I'm digging it.
  • I already gave you your birthday present. But Happy Birthday anyway. Enjoy your game, fucker.
  • I'm stunned... Texas Governor Signs Budget Cutting State Funding for Library Services by 88 Percent
  • That's what she said. OHHHHHH. Ahem. Last night there was a dream segment about this... tiny little horse (like, fits in the palm of your hand) that this guy was making as an air freshener. Essentially you take the horse out of its sealed container, it freshens the room, and then it dies. It smelled kinda bad though, and I…
  • Well, to be honest, the first, no, the second, yes. Partially. It's more about having more crazy awesome dreams. Especially if I can manipulate them. I'm also trying to get back that feeling from the Dracula vs. Death dream... I actually FELT energy being pulled from the core of my being as I blasted with fire, lightning,…
  • I lost some of the earlier dreams of the night because I didn't get up and write them down, but there are three distinct phases I remember: Earliest one involved Megan and I living in this HUGE labyrinthine house. We mostly spent our time in the upper levels, though there were spectacular rooms below that we just never…
  • Nothing really coherent last night. I can really only remember bits and pieces. I remember walking around a neighborhood, or perhaps sneaking, with some other people, and we were in a van with this weird... front latch brake thing. It flipped down and held the van in place, but it didn't work very well. I think the people…