Holy crap. If I hadn't already gave a damn about Kirby, I certainly would after seeing that.
Why would I be trying to be cute? You've linked to two different sections of some site, which leads me to assume they would be up and working, but they aren't. I don't know if you're already aware of it or if you'd need the error codes I was given.
Is this one also messed up due to file transfers?
You might want to double-check your code: Warning: require_once(/home/.captine/mpanighetti/dotmat/wp-includes/functions.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/.captine/mpanighetti/dotmat/wp-blog-header.php on line 8Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed…
I know they aren't meant to be above the law. Doesn't stop them, though. And neither does calling them on it, obviously.
We don't know why he's discriminating against the woman. We only know it's not because of the tattoo. There's probably something else the article isn't sharing. As for the policeman speeding... Duh? Police speed all the time. What was that couple thinking?
Oh, okay. Sorry about the confusion, then.
You forget the other mother in the article who has a tattoo and is still allowed service, making the doctor guilty of discrimination. The rules have to apply to all or to none.
I give a damn about Kirby. He's awesome.
The lowest pit of hell is all frozen. Nice.
Oh, never mind the poor sick child. If the mother has a damned tattoo, who cares if the child gets better? That asshat deserves to have his medical lisence revoked.
I personally think that "cure for cancer" has a nice ring to it.
No, I do not mean titties. The drug won't make you skinny and attractive. There. I guess nobody likes positive spin.
Write a "What happened to all the original Megaman characters in the X-series games" theory, because it seems that X'o'Lore never got around to doing so.
That's where you're wrong again, mario! You didn't go down to the "Other Crossovers" section, did you?
Only if you have a weird tumor that's growing all over your naturally skinny body and making you look fat.
That's where you're wrong, mario! EDIT: Okay, have hotlinking protection you stupid picture! Also, since you guys all like Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_vs._DC
Oh, kewl. I just noticed that it scrolls the newest question across the Channel icon on the menu.
Hmm. Althought one could say "Bob Saget could have done it!" ... Nope. "A wizard did it!" is the superior phrase.
Oh yeah, I read that one! Batman was clearly looking for kids using PictoChat.
Does that mean we have to say "Bob Saget did it!" from now on?
Duck VS Dog has no baring on proving how much more awesome Chuck Norris is. Chuck Norris would kill Vin Diesel and his duck, and then play poker with his dog, because if any dog can actually play poker, it's Chuck Norris' dog.
Chocolate roses = chocolate because you eat them. It matters not what shape the chocolate is molded into. Upon closer inspection of the Wiimote today, the grove along the side looks like it was meant to dock into something. Maybe there's some attatchment coming out that lets it dock underneath the classic controller (which…
Don't worry about me, I know plenty about posting in locked threads.
You'll need one of each.
Well said. :)
Uhm, no. That guy didn't run around throwing little cut up pieces of contruction paper (Tingle is too cheap to buy glitter) and yelling "Tingle Tingle Kooloo-Limpah!" That guy is totally not Tingle. The only similarity is the outfit.
They locked my spambot warning thread and then kept posting in it to taunt us. Well, maybe not to taunt us. But there was much posting in a locked topic.
I don't care what that poll says, chocolates > roses easily.
Sounds like one of the better ways to go out, actually.