no matter! :D Your new friend can light the way! Ask him if he's ever seen your key before, or who M is.
so then you can free up the hand you're using to hold lint, because your stomach will show the way. :D Alternatively if it ISN'T a throwie, try to make peace, as it could be a powerful ally!
PLEASE pitch in guys, don't you want a picture from moi? I will draw aaaaaanything you desire... maybe this'll sweeten the deal: a promo I put up somewhere else to get a few more entries(which worked well enough hee)? :o
not to sound mean, but this is kinda the answer I was hoping to prevent.. I said both were ok to me, so one or the other couldn't ever really seem better to me nor could comments "get to" me. I'm asking what your opinion is!:o What do you want to see? besides, are you gonna just let "traditional" win then? ;)
you and me both, dude. Maybe someday... :D
^^^wtf? I was trying to emulate the real-ness of early 60s disney style with the simplicity of some kinds of anime of today. After all, it's probably going to change a little bit. Sorry if it looks TOO manga-ish :( Anyway, as for the comedy part of it, it's not going to be so much jokes and situational humour. Things you'd…
a few of my good friends say it just "mys" :> anyway, I'm working on pictures, if you want me to draw then give me an idea on what TO draw. Hey, DI :D