Since I joined (right after the forumpocalypse) I have: Moved from San Francisco to Ireland, Worked in radio, Started university for the second time, Noticed that Mario is no longer a spring chicken, Started a radio station in my university, And left and re-joined this community numerous times. Damn I feel old...
Radiohead Jamuary?
It's my middle name...
I'm going to refer you to the YouTubin thread check out post number 2356 by Mario...
So I guess I was wearing a Van Dyke for all those years and not a Goatee. You learn something new every day!
I'll record that album, cuz that's what I do!
That's the most effort I've ever seen put into a spam post!
I do the same thing!
Yeah they just finished up. Australian woman freed after bomb drama
Whoo! Updated my PSN info!
I shaved my goatee off for the first time in YEARS. Instantly regretted the decision but I'll give myself a month before I make the decision on whether or not to grow it back...
Winter is my best friend! Warm fires, ridiculously strong hot chocolate cocktails, and SNOW!!! That being said I am also a big fan of summer. It's those in-between seasons I can't stand!
Shit! They're starting to learn!
Same here! I discovered it right after my last post and just couldn't give it up to anyone!
I could go for one! Although I'm still a big fan of my current one...
I like it Mario!
How polite of his to post in the Spambot alert thread!:facepalm:
Yeah i still have 2 years left as well, although I recently got exempt from an 8 month work experience requirement for my course. This means I now have 8 months off of college to pursue whatever I want to do. This includes a music video for a band I recently worked with and also some paid video editing for my department…
It seems to be since I've never seen one on these forums. Just a humble suggestion though, maybe they have other safeguards that i'm not aware of...
Hey Mario, I'm a member of a couple other vBulletin forums that require you to click the quick reply button at the bottom right of a post in order to activate the text box in the quick reply section. A minor inconvenience but it seems to work for sites such as Boards.ie and GearSlutz. Would something like this be doable?
Mother of God!
Hmmm, haven't heard that one before! How does it end?
Just got commissioned to create a music video for a band here in Limerick, Ireland during July! Keep an eye on the YouTubin' thread around the middle/end of July for the result!
Damn hypochondriacs...
Yeah in Ireland it's up to €1.50 a liter which is €5.60 a gallon. I know it's only £4.90 in Sterling but yeah suck it up America! We got it worse than you!
Scientists Build World’s First Schizophrenic Computer
Well that too...
Thanks! I play Bobby, the main character, in this one but I do my main work behind the camera with the lights/sound and I also take care of the editing once we're all filmed. Unfortunately there won't be any more videos until maybe this time next year unless I get off my ass and produce one on my own during the summer.…