The New and Improved SCIENCE! Movie thread



  • edited March 2008
    Stephen Chow's got a new movie out, and it's even kinda SCIENCE!-y looking. Limited release though.

  • edited March 2008
    Can the Die Hard films be put on the list?
  • edited March 2008
    At least the 4th one is kinda SCIENCE!-y, I'm not so sure about the other 3.

    EDIT: Hey, how about The Prestige? It's got David Bowie playing Nikola Tesla. Plus some other stuff and an actually good plot twist, but I think David Bowie playing Nikola Tesla is enough.
  • edited March 2008
    I would say that a combination Nikola Tesla/David Bowie would be enough to accept it without even hearing anything else about the movie. Accepted!

    I'm not completely averse to Die-Hard watchin'. Possibly this years SCIENCE! week we could marathon all four (or for the less hardcore, watch all four during the week) for some good 'stuff blows up' times. Unless anyone has a better 'bulk movie' suggestion.
  • edited March 2008
    Has Godzilla been done?
  • edited March 2008

    The old site for the list is here.

    But feel free to do a search and resurrect, as long as you're genuinely about discussing the film, either pro or con. As long as we're not looking at a 'this movie is awesome/sucks' post. Unless you've got a valid, discussable reason.
  • edited March 2008
    I would be okay with rewatching Godzilla, since I watched the English bastardization with the fictional reporter Steve Martin haphazardly inserted into the film. I'd love to see if the original cut ever made it over here with English subtitles or dub.
  • edited March 2008
    What about the 1999 US version? I found it quite fun and kitschy
  • edited March 2008
    Oh god please no.
  • edited March 2008
    I just saw most of Black Sheep. It's about genetically mutated bloodthirsty sheep that get loose in New Zealand. They bite other sheep to infect them, and then bite humans to kill/transform them into giant man/sheep monsters.

    We need to watch this movie.
  • edited March 2008
    Correction: They bite ther sheep to infect them, and then bite humans to kill/transform them into giant man/sheep monsters. AND THEY ALSO BITE A HIPPIE.

    Who then shears himself. And gets acupunctured into a coma.

    Now if that's not convincing people to watch this, I'm just going to have to give up on you all.

    Translation: Added to the list.
  • edited March 2008
    I haven't seen Starcrash, however it was described in the following terms by the author of Get Medieval, Knowledge is Power and Dumnestor's Heroes:
    You know that stupid thing the teacher made you do in 8th grade Creative Writing Class, where one person would write the first line of a story and then it would be passed around the classroom, with everybody adding a sentence? I have found a movie that is exactly like that. It goes like this:

    Our intrepid heroes are SPACE PIRATES!
    But the SPACE PIRATES are captured by SPACE AMAZONS!
    But the SPACE AMAZONS are outwitted by a ROBOT FROM TEXAS!
    But the ROBOT FROM TEXAS is smashed to pieces by KUNG-FU CAVEMEN!
    But the KUNG FU CAVEMEN are slaughtered by a GUY WITH A LIGHTSABER!

    I am not making any of this up.

    Needless to say, this is the greatest movie ever made, and I will be buying it on DVD as soon as possible. There's a part where David Hasslehoff tries to fight off the Kung-Fu Cavemen by shooting lasers out of his eyes. If you can think that sentence without hysterical laughter, you are not human.

    EDIT: I just checked the movie's IMDB Quote page and found the following:
    Emperor of the Galaxy: You know, my son, I wouldn't be Emperor of the Galaxy if I didn't have a few powers at my disposal. Imperial Battleship, halt the flow of time!
    I must see this movie!
  • edited April 2008
    Well I think it sounds slick enough to warrant a watchin'. I'm in the process of compiling all the movies we're talking about viewing, hopefully I can get a schedule put together soon.

    Another suggestion: The Fountain.
  • edited May 2008
    I've just thought. What about Flash Gordon, has that been done, and if not can we add it?
  • edited June 2008
    I've got a movie to submit to the thread!

    Dragon Wars

    I remember seeing this in the new releases section of movie stores in the US last winter. I picked it up a few days ago and just watched it. It's got an American cast, but it's apparently a Korean made movie, and it was wildly anticipated there.

    It seemed to me to be a terrible movie with a huge budget, but since it was so eagerly awaited in South Korea, maybe there was just something cultural to it that I missed.

    Either way, I thought it was great. It has gigantic turtle dragons with cannons mounted on their shells. There is no way a movie can be bad with dragons like that.
  • edited June 2008
    Ahaha, I saw that in theaters. It was indeed pretty damn shitty.
  • edited June 2008
    The acting was bad, the story was bad, and for some reason the first half was all in old Korean. But dragon turtles with mounted cannons! And other guys were riding velociraptors!
  • edited June 2008
    Good SCIENCE!, baaaaaaaad movie.
  • edited June 2008
    With a huuuuuuuuuge budget.
  • edited September 2008
    So last night I saw a movie called Zombie-American. Featuring Ed Helms (Andy Bernard in The Office) as a zombie trying to live in modern society. It wasn't the greatest movie, but I thought that it would be relevant given the recent debates.
  • edited September 2008
    I'm intrigued. To the Netflix!

    EDIT: Sadly, it is not on the Netflix. But they do have American Zombie, which also intrigues.

    Oh yeah, now that I'm settled in the new place and reactivated my Netflix account... SCIENCE! movies, anyone?
  • edited December 2008
    As I understand it, this is the "movie thread" right?

    Anyway the Stephen Colbert christmas special was extremely Ryan, if you have not seen it, I highly recommened you make an effort to.
  • edited December 2008
    But is it a SCIENE! movie? This thread is clearly for SCIENCE! movies, as it is in the SCIENCE! section of the OB.
  • edited December 2008
    I rewatched Highlander the other day. Oh yes, if a film with an extremely camply dressed Sean Connery, Queen Soundtrack and four extremely awful sequels isn't considered SCIENCE!y enough, I don't want to be involved in SCIENCE! movies.

    It also spawned the best music video ever:
  • edited January 2009
    I finally got around to actually watching Starcrash, and must conclude that it's quite possibly the greatest human achievement in all of history! It has everything mentioned above, in addition to Christopher Plummer delivering the most nonsensical lines imaginable dead straight ("In three minutes the green ray will lose its power, time will flow normally... and everything will explode") the female lead running around in a tiny leather bikini for 90% of the movie's runtime for no reason whatsoever, and an invasion of a space fortress by loading soldiers into space-torpedoes and having them crash through the fortress's space-windows!

    This is SCIENCE! distilled to its purest essence, and absolutely must be seen by everyone with eyes!
