My friend also always gets really annoyed whenever someone incorrectly states "Well that was ironic." He usually shouts "It's not ironic, it's coincidental!!" and everyone who knows him laughs at his outrage.
I guess another pet peeve for me is when people speaking during a debate in front of some sort of audience (when the speakers are talking about something that was either assigned by someone else or about something that doesn't matter) misunderstand the point of giving a speech, and think that the whole thing is actually a popularity contest in which the goal is NOT to make a logical conclusion based on factual evidence but to make the audience think the the opposing speaker is a loser/horrible person and that, since the speaker's personality is so wonderful, their argument is better.
A bigger pet peeve is when it never ceases to fail, and all research the other side pulled up to make their argument is ignored. Bigger pet peeve: when I'm part of that 'other side.'
Ohhh high school debating. Where the teacher thinks it's fair to match people up with pro/con arguments dealing with topics like slavery. I'm going to miss high school a lot.
Hey Bruce, sorry for all the pain I may have caused you through stupid grammatical mistakes.
I guess another pet peeve for me is when people speaking during a debate in front of some sort of audience (when the speakers are talking about something that was either assigned by someone else or about something that doesn't matter) misunderstand the point of giving a speech, and think that the whole thing is actually a popularity contest in which the goal is NOT to make a logical conclusion based on factual evidence but to make the audience think the the opposing speaker is a loser/horrible person and that, since the speaker's personality is so wonderful, their argument is better.
That aside, I really hate it when people feel the need to comment during a movie. I can see if everyone establishes the movie as silly and joins in to rib the film. But if the movie is good and I'm watching in the theater, I don't need to hear vocalizations of every damn thought that passes into your head! Damnit, just writing this post and thinking about a recent occurrence where my friend wouldn't shut up in the theater while watching a movie is pissing me off...
Tonight is a good night. Y'see, another grammatical annoyance I have is when people say "A whole nother...". I hate that. It bugs me. Yet tonight I have seen someone correctly use it as "A whole other".
I feel kinda bad after two people have voiced this complaint, but I talk during movies. I try to keep it low enough so that only my fellow sympathetic movie-watching compatriots can hear, but come on, going to the movie theaters is a communal experience. If you weren't supposed to hear other people, you'd watch every movie by yourself in your basement with the curtains drawn. When I go to the theater, I expect people to cheer, jeer, clap and comment. Like I said, I try not to be overly disruptive (unless that's the general trend of the audience, usually for blockbusters on opening weekend).
I hate people who actually click on spammer links.
The entire concept of marketing is cost/benefit. Spamming hundreds of thousands of message boards and e mails is fairly cheap. And as much as we hate it, there is somebody who actually does fall for spammers and buy their shit. It only takes a few purchases to make it worth the cost of spamming.
I say this as the OB has apparently just gotten hit with another spammer. We don't need to track down spammers. We need to track down the assholes who buy from spammers. If we eliminate them, we eliminate spammer business.
I feel kinda bad after two people have voiced this complaint, but I talk during movies. I try to keep it low enough so that only my fellow sympathetic movie-watching compatriots can hear, but come on, going to the movie theaters is a communal experience. If you weren't supposed to hear other people, you'd watch every movie by yourself in your basement with the curtains drawn. When I go to the theater, I expect people to cheer, jeer, clap and comment. Like I said, I try not to be overly disruptive (unless that's the general trend of the audience, usually for blockbusters on opening weekend).
I double that; although I don't talk aloud in movie theaters, I'll talk occasionally while watching a movie... except I admit that I USED to be annoying. I got the habit from my dad, we were always trying to guess the ending in whatever movie we were watching, or saying "Pssshhh that wouldn't happen" every time some super hero narrowly escaped death. NOW I'm much better about it! I only really talk after the people I'm with have established that the movie really does suck that bad. I've found it makes for a MUCH better time with friends.
Like I insinuated above, if you don't want to deal with other people at movies, wait for the DVD release and rent it at your convenience. You can just pretend movie theaters don't exist, and we'll all be happy. Personally, I don't think movies are intended to be watched in a vacuum. They're art, and art is supposed to be observed and interpreted by us unwashed masses. Do you also shush people commenting on paintings at your local gallery?
I will draw the line on unrelated disruptions, like conversations not related to the film, cell phones ringing and laser pointers. You can put those on the list of peeves, and I'm sure most here would agree on that front. I thank the Lord God Almighty that laser pointers seem to have gone out of fashion.
In Chinese movie theatres there is never a moment when there are not 3 people on a cell phone discussing irrelevant (so I think) topics. It's so noisy as hell that it's sometimes actually hard to hear the movie.
Well yeah, when it's someone yapping on a cell phone or something, that's lame. But I walk out of the range of current company when I get phone calls, or else ignore the call.
Besides, what if someone's children are calling him because the house is on fire and they don't know what to do? You don't want dead children on your concience, do you?
I keep my comments during the movie itself to a minimum, just a few one-liners here and there that usually cause everyone around me to burst out laughing. I'm brutal during the trailers. I remember one time, I saw a trailer for "Shall We Dance" and the theater was dead quiet, so I just announced, "I'll have to remember not to see that one" and the whole theater started cracking up.
In movies I tend to talk too. Its always abot the move though, never about some other idle topic. I try to keep them quiet and to a minimum, but sometimes the movie just begs to be torn apart. Or praised if something awesome happens.
I'm with Amoeba on the movie thing. You can speak of renting DVD's but not all of us have the convienience of a full size movie theater setup in our basement. My TV has less than a 30" diaganal and no sound system to speak of. Picture quality is poor at best and claims of "HD" are a laugh. I don't pay my $10 to hear comments (people's innocent comments have ruined movies I would have enjoyed on occasion). I pay the occasional ticket price to see a movie on equipment vastly superior to anything I possess.
It ruined the movie? What, did they spoil the ending? Did they overdub the male lead with a squeaky nerdy voice? Did they add their own wacky sidekick character that's always just offscreen, and they constantly narrated his actions?
I dunno, maybe I'm just not that easily distracted from a film's narrative.
Some annoying teenagers making irritating noises Chris Farley style over appearances by one Angelina Jolie in that Beowulf movie come to mind as one of the worst instances in a theater. That was worse than talking. The plus side is most people in theaters are still pretty mindful, so I rarely actually have issues with talking, but it still irritates me on some level. The point is not that I can't follow the movie either. It's that the talking pulls you out of the movie. It's the difference between sitting in a theater watching a movie and actually being IN the movie.
The really bad talkers are the ones I have to deal with trying to watch movies at home. Especially when I'm trying to watch a movie I haven't seen before. Naturally there's either other people in the room holding a conversation and talking over the TV so I can't hear it, or someone is watching with me who has seen it before and feels compelled to inform me of everything that is going to happen before it does or often tell me to "watch this part coming up here it's totally awesome it's coming up pretty soon right after this part..." despite the fact that I'm already clearly watching.
I went to see A Series of Unfortunate Events once and during the happy little elf bit, these guys in the row behind me kept going "Wow, gay" "Haha, little fag elf" "Why did we come to see a fag movie?" etc.
My friend also always gets really annoyed whenever someone incorrectly states "Well that was ironic." He usually shouts "It's not ironic, it's coincidental!!" and everyone who knows him laughs at his outrage.
I guess another pet peeve for me is when people speaking during a debate in front of some sort of audience (when the speakers are talking about something that was either assigned by someone else or about something that doesn't matter) misunderstand the point of giving a speech, and think that the whole thing is actually a popularity contest in which the goal is NOT to make a logical conclusion based on factual evidence but to make the audience think the the opposing speaker is a loser/horrible person and that, since the speaker's personality is so wonderful, their argument is better.
A bigger pet peeve is when it never ceases to fail, and all research the other side pulled up to make their argument is ignored. Bigger pet peeve: when I'm part of that 'other side.'
Ohhh high school debating. Where the teacher thinks it's fair to match people up with pro/con arguments dealing with topics like slavery. I'm going to miss high school a lot.
Hey Bruce, sorry for all the pain I may have caused you through stupid grammatical mistakes.
But I especially hate when 'chill' is used as an adjective, such as "That party was really chill." ARGH
"That shit was so money."
In hindsight, I should have responded that I agree, those feces were indeed currency.
You mean you don't like politicians debating?
That aside, I really hate it when people feel the need to comment during a movie. I can see if everyone establishes the movie as silly and joins in to rib the film. But if the movie is good and I'm watching in the theater, I don't need to hear vocalizations of every damn thought that passes into your head! Damnit, just writing this post and thinking about a recent occurrence where my friend wouldn't shut up in the theater while watching a movie is pissing me off...
That is all.
I'm annoyed by people talking during movies. Even movies that aren't that good, if they're not terrible I don't want to hear your comments.
And anytime someone says evolution is "just a theory" I want to punch them in the throat.
The entire concept of marketing is cost/benefit. Spamming hundreds of thousands of message boards and e mails is fairly cheap. And as much as we hate it, there is somebody who actually does fall for spammers and buy their shit. It only takes a few purchases to make it worth the cost of spamming.
I say this as the OB has apparently just gotten hit with another spammer. We don't need to track down spammers. We need to track down the assholes who buy from spammers. If we eliminate them, we eliminate spammer business.
I will draw the line on unrelated disruptions, like conversations not related to the film, cell phones ringing and laser pointers. You can put those on the list of peeves, and I'm sure most here would agree on that front. I thank the Lord God Almighty that laser pointers seem to have gone out of fashion.
So, I've been forced to buy bootleg.
Edit: Mabye something like this this
I dunno, maybe I'm just not that easily distracted from a film's narrative.
The really bad talkers are the ones I have to deal with trying to watch movies at home. Especially when I'm trying to watch a movie I haven't seen before. Naturally there's either other people in the room holding a conversation and talking over the TV so I can't hear it, or someone is watching with me who has seen it before and feels compelled to inform me of everything that is going to happen before it does or often tell me to "watch this part coming up here it's totally awesome it's coming up pretty soon right after this part..." despite the fact that I'm already clearly watching.
They got kicked out by ushers. That pleased me.