Peace Out, Girl Scouts!

Well, on Friday on leaving for a camp, then when I get back from that, the next day I'm leaving for China. About a day after that, I'm gone to my grandmother's for a week... I'll be gone for like, a month.

Try not to kill yourselves out of missing me while I'm gone.


  • edited June 2008
    Goodbye, token young'n!! Take care! Don't drink the water! Watch out for crazy Asian women who just want to learn English from you!!
  • edited June 2008
    Man, when you mentioned "camp" it latched itself to the thread title in my mind and made me think you were going to a girl scout camp... that would be really weird.

    Anyways, have a good time, I'll be here with all the shoes you missed when you come back.
  • edited June 2008
    Have fun!! I know you will!!
  • edited June 2008
    Andrew speaks truth. For the love of god, do not drink the tap water, unless you want explosive diarrhea for four days. I speak from experience.

    Play it safe; I even used bottled water for brushing my teeth. It's okay to wash your hands with tap water though.

    And, if you want to meet a girl, tell her 你的很大的乳房很好吃! Write that down, it always works.
  • edited June 2008
    Got it!

    And yeah, the water has A.I.D.S.
  • edited June 2008
    The pronunciation is ni(3) de(4) hen(3) da(4) de(4) ru(3) fang(4) hen(3) hao(3) chi(1).

    Make sure you look at her chest when you say it too. That's the most important.
  • edited June 2008
    Your great good to eat the breast
  • edited June 2008
    No, no, see, "breasts" are symbollic for... mind, and "delicious" can mean, um, intelligent. It means she is very smart. Yeah.

    Definitely not that she has big, delicious breasts. Of course not.
  • edited June 2008
    I do that all the time to people.
  • edited June 2008
    Trick them into insulting the Chinese?
  • edited June 2008
    I think he means eating strangers breasts.
  • edited July 2008
    I'm back for a day and a half! Then off to commieland!
  • edited July 2008
    Be sure to get some fireworks and make stuff a'splode in celebration of the capitalist ways before joining the communist bandwagon!
  • edited July 2008
    Yeah, I'm planning to blow lotsa stuff up tomorrow.
  • edited July 2008
    I'm in Beijing! Or however it's spelled!

    20 Yuan for 20 minutes of Internet.

    Geez, spent like 26 hoursish getting here, it was an epic journey.

    Haven't seen Serephel, he must have chickened out.

    Also, the leaders warned us that the women like to offer massages, and not to accept them. *wink wink*

    Thought I'd stop back to say hi, having a great time. Fish balls are nasty.

    Chinese keyboards are wierd.

    See ya maybe some other time.
  • edited July 2008
    Agentcel wrote: »
    I'm in Beijing! Or however it's spelled!

    20 Yuan for 20 minutes of Internet.

    Geez, spent like 26 hoursish getting here, it was an epic journey.

    Haven't seen Serephel, he must have chickened out.

    Also, the leaders warned us that the women like to offer massages, and not to accept them. *wink wink*

    Thought I'd stop back to say hi, having a great time. Fish balls are nasty.

    Chinese keyboards are wierd.

    See ya maybe some other time.

    20 yuan for 20 minutes? You're getting ripped off.

    Traveling to China always feels epic, because it's so far away from us.

    You are a good thousand miles away from me, I am southwest of Shanghai.

    Many massage parlors are fronts for brothels. It's fairly well known, but the government and local police typically turn a blind eye to it. Although I heard Beijing is weeding out prostitutes, telling them to go be somewhere else. However, there are legitimate foot massage parlors, you can tell by how conservative the women dress. I recommend those, those are really great.

    Fish balls are delicious, you just don't understand.

    And yes, Asian keyboards are just different enough to feel awkward.
  • edited July 2008
    has anyone else felt like... this... ambient awesomeness this month? it's like, the air is more pure around here for some reason or something...
  • edited July 2008
    Yes, the threads do seem more thread-like this month.
  • edited July 2008
    That simply won't do

  • edited July 2008
    You: "I trust my instincts! I do a barrel roll!"
    GM: "Your ship sinks to the deepest depths of the sea. You are dead."
    You: "Aw nuts. I just remembered I was actually supposed to do an aileron roll."
    GM: "...Ok, fine. I'll be nice and take that back. Instead of a barrel roll, you do an AILERON roll...and your ship sinks to the deepest depths of the sea. You are dead."
    You: "You suck."
    GM: "Perhaps, but I'm not the one intentionally capsizing my ship."
    You: "Touché"
  • edited July 2008
    I'm in Xi An. I like this city better. Got a Terra Cotta warrior signed by the guy who discovered them for my dad. Score! I'm more than halfway done already... =(
  • edited July 2008
    You have to try some authentic Sichuan food. It's quite spicy and delicious. I love Sichuan food, but I only get to have West China interpretations of it.
  • edited July 2008
    I'm back! What a trip. It was really fun. I went to Hong Kong, Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuzhen, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, in that order. My favorite was Shanghai 'cause it's just like NYC. I'm not getting into details, but feel free to ask questions.

    List of stuff I did/saw:

    Forbidden City
    Kung Fu School
    Pearl Farm
    Silk Factory
    Urban Planning Museum
    Coca Cola Factory
    Great Wall
    Acrobat Show
    Opera House Show
    Seeing Olypic Buildings
    Terra Cotta Warriors
    Overnight Train
    Met a girl

    In no particluar order. And that's all I can remember now.

    Horrah for capitalism!
  • edited July 2008
    It looks like you just flew in a spiral. Why did you go to some places more than once?

    Met a girl? Did you bring her back with you?
  • edited July 2008
    Did you find the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor?
  • edited July 2008

    I find it humorous that Brendan Frasier says, "Abominable Snowmen?!?!" with the same note of shock and confusion that everyone else had in their minds.
  • edited July 2008
    I'm sorry but what are you going on about ilithid? And Agentcel, who did you travel with? Tell us more about this girl? Did you eat dog burgers? I hear they've been all the rage in China for the past thousand years or so
  • edited July 2008
    Dog is more of a northern delicacy. Apparently it's pretty popular in Beijing, and a lot of restaurants are being strongly discouraged from selling it during the Olympics.
  • edited July 2008
    We went to Hong Kong twice because we flew through there to get to Beijing. I dunno why. We went to Shanghai twice beause we left our giant suitcases there while we went to Suzhou and Wuzhen, and lived out of our backpacks. We went back to pick em up. I think I mentioned this before, but I traveled with People to People Ambassdor Programs. Basically, I travelled with 39 other kids from around the state, and 4 leaders. I only went in knowing 1 kid (who I really wasn't great friends with), and came out knowning almost everyone (the previously mentioned girl amoung them). She was a girl in our travel group, although I did have a couple Asian girls all over me...But the one girl in the travel group was very good lookin', and good personalitied. Hell, she even played video games. So I was pretty attracted to her. And she apparently showed feelings back. So it was pretty nice. I don't think it'll go anywhere though. She said she failed almost all her finals, and she's got a lot of problems at home. So she's like the perfect girl, but she's...y'know. Not the kind of girl you'd take home to mom. As I write this, I'm getting a scared feelng she'll read this... haha. But yeah, a nice flare of summmer love, not much else. Although I could easy go on Facebook and look her up, get her nuber, and hang out.

    As a side note, toay at about 5:00 PM my time, I'm leaving for my grandmother's camp until Saturday. So see ya when I get back. And after that, a certain other camp is coming up, with a certain other girl...but we'll cross that ridge when we come to it, eh?

    No, I didn't eat hot dogs. Yes, I did fnd the tomb of the Dragon Emperor.
  • edited July 2008
    Did you use the Chinese I taught you?