Huckleberry Finn



  • edited July 2008
    Panda wrote: »
    Oh and I have to read Hucklberry Finn along with The catcher and the rye for AP English next year...>_> I havent started yet. CURSE YOU FINAL FANTASY TACTICS!

    Hahahaha... I understand completely, I have it for my reading list too -all the honors/AP classes have to read it- and I just started, but I'm reading three chapters a day so I should be done exactly two days before school starts.

    At first I thought it'd be hard to get through because of the dialect but then I got into it and realized it wasn't really that difficult at all... though I do find myself correcting their grammar in my head. XD

    Sorry this is from a while back btw, but I just had to comment on it.
  • edited July 2008
    Dude. Man. I need to you pay attention to the mental and emotional growth that Huckleberry exhibits during the first 32-or-so chapters of the book. I also need you to pay attention to the sense of freedom and common sense that Nigger Jim shows during the same chapters.

    THEN, when you get to the last 13-or-so chapters, you need to see how all of the mental/emotional growth and freedom/common sense is crushed by the whims of a psychopath named Mark Twain. He punishes those who don't pay attention to the warning at the beginning of the book: if you look for a plot you will be shot.
  • edited July 2008
    Dude. Man. I need to you pay attention to the mental and emotional growth that Huckleberry exhibits during the first 32-or-so chapters of the book. I also need you to pay attention to the sense of freedom and common sense that Nigger Jim shows during the same chapters.

    THEN, when you get to the last 13-or-so chapters, you need to see how all of the mental/emotional growth and freedom/common sense is crushed by the whims of a psychopath named Mark Twain. He punishes those who don't pay attention to the warning at the beginning of the book: if you look for a plot you will be shot.

    Thanks, from your description i'm sure it will be an emotional experience. xD
    Yeah I pretty much just started Catcher in the Rye and i go back to school around the 30th of August, but i have the 1st few weeks of school to get it done too, because im just a lucky jerk i guess. hehe
  • edited July 2008
    Oh, well, I start in mid-August and we have a test on our summer reading the very first day T.T So I'm cutting it kind of close, but I know I'll get it done in time so that's all that matters.

    I'll keep your mini-rant- oops, I mean analysis in mind, John.