


  • edited July 2008
    Dear Leader! Let's talk about North Korea now!
  • edited July 2008
    Night Lord wrote: »
    I did! I also knew it's customary to thank Kim Jong Il (not face to face, obviously) after having surgery.
    Did Kim Jong Il institute socialised healthcare? If he did then thanking him after surgery makes more sense than what many people attribute medical successes (and touchdowns, for some reason) to in other parts of the world.
  • edited July 2008
    A couple months back the New York Philharmonic performed in North Korea. They let a bunch of reporters into the country, including the Economist. They published a series of articles about the experience. Most notably:

    1. Cell phones are not allowed in the country. Seriously. They don't want the people learning more than they should.

    2. They went on tour of the city, and they visited a massive library that was supposed to be used all the time. The writer said it felt like a staged movie set. People were sitting around, but they were most definitely not reading.

    3. Kim Jong Il did not attend the actual concert :(
  • godgod
    edited July 2008
    kukopanki wrote: »
    What if they threw it into the trash can? Hey, I know I would never do that but I hear some people do!
    Or, they can skip an entire step and shit directly into the paper towel, then throw that away. They had to shut downs the bathrooms in our culinary department at school because someone was doing that. Yeah. A kid who was cooking our food wash shitting in towels. I'm so glad my schools food is too disgusting to eat.
  • edited July 2008
    We're done talking about poo now. You may only talk about going poo if it is related to how our Dear Leader does not.
  • edited July 2008
    Serephel wrote: »
    A couple months back the New York Philharmonic performed in North Korea. They let a bunch of reporters into the country, including the Economist. They published a series of articles about the experience. Most notably:

    1. Cell phones are not allowed in the country. Seriously. They don't want the people learning more than they should.

    2. They went on tour of the city, and they visited a massive library that was supposed to be used all the time. The writer said it felt like a staged movie set. People were sitting around, but they were most definitely not reading.

    3. Kim Jong Il did not attend the actual concert :(

    Also, since the country has such a poor infrastructure, only Pyongyang gets any real electricity, and even then, things such as lights are turned off during the day.

    That one dot is Pyongyang.

    They also have Juche tower, which even when the rest of the city is in complete darkness, remains lit as a sign of strength of the regime.

    And then there's this...
    which is just obscene, in my opinion. A 30 foot statue made of Gold.
  • edited July 2008
    Now THAT is a fast statue!!!
  • edited August 2008
    The more I hear about North Korea, the more it sounds like ancient Egyptian culture has been resurrected, sans papyrus.
  • edited August 2008
    I've seen that electricity map, I love it. Seoul itself takes up about 1/3 of the entire length of the Demarcation line, and Pyongyang is just a little dot.

  • edited August 2008
    Free Market Capitalism!
  • edited August 2008
    I was just looking at a map like that the other day..... it's just... so strange to see such a huge difference between the two countries. And how symbolic...