The "Games you played for 5 minutes never to play again and reasons why" thread

edited October 2014 in Games
I just picked up and 45 minutes later put down, final fantasy 4 (2) for the ds, and I'm probably never going to pick it up again. you see the entire first 45 minutes of the game is intro, they added shitty voice acting and just... whatever, I can look past most of the shit. But I died after this long unskippable BS that I've done hundreds of times before (I like the game, I felt compelled to actually buy it this time) and of course forgot to save. so now I'm pissed.

Anyway this thread is for anyone who played a game for a day or less and then stopped that shit because of something stupid in the planning or production of the game, or just basic frustration I guess. Really everyone has those games, so here's a place to vent.

And it's in general discussion because it's general. Call me general too.


  • edited August 2008
    Eh, not exactly the same situation, but once when I was playing through Majora's Mask I was going through one of the temples getting all of the fairies and tons of other things all in one shot, having the pre-plan what location in the game I was at particular hours of the game. I think it was just because I hate having to start everything over again. I believe I was doing the winter/mountain temple, and getting a bunch of masks, and getting my guilded sword (having to beat certain parts of the dungeons and time them right with what part of the day), and I remember it all being fairly complicated and mostly unnecessary.

    It had been a several day process of saving at those owl statues, and ended with me getting annoyed at something and turning it off without playing any song or saving at a statue... I was so flustered I hadn't saved that ONE time even though I had saved over and over again at other points in the process, and in the end I was like "Eh, I had been meaning to start a game with a different name save anyway."

    I tend to get really impatient with video games. Windwaker was fun, but gah... that whole triforce gathering bit of the game was torture.
  • edited August 2008
    I played DDR: Universe for like 3 minutes, because I wanted to get back into playing it. But then I realized that my room didn't have enough room to play, and that I enjoyed playing Guitar Hero more.
  • edited August 2008
    Rainbow Six. The computer did it all for me, and I thought "The AI playing the game for me. Yeah, fun"
  • godgod
    edited August 2008
    Diablo. Don't ask, I played it for five minutes, died pretty quickly, and got bored.
  • edited August 2008
    I beat Aegis Wing with a buddy of mine, and I just don't feel like I should ever play it again.
  • edited August 2008
    Aw come on, I don't think this can apply to games that you didn't have to pay for.
  • edited August 2008
    Diablo 1 or 2? No matter I guess, I played the hell out of both.

    Now Final Fantasy VII? I tried that once. Never got far. The whole cyberpunk thing is crap. I hate it. FF died for me when that game came out.

    Zelda? I have had Twilight Princess since last Christmas and never played it. Truth? I probably never will.

    Honestly I just don't have the time anymore to invest into long games. I have tons of games that I've never beat or maybe I hardly even started them. I'm lucky to get more than about 5-6 hours in a week to play games on my own and I usually don't get that. And it's never in one sitting. God forbid I can sit and play for more than half an hour. At that rate it'd take me probably an entire year to play all the way through Zelda when accounting for the way I play games. I just can't maintain intereset in a game when it takes me a YEAR to get through it.

    Now I've been playing Dungeon Siege 2 for the last MONTH and have done really well! I actually got through the first act! Now at 3 acts per difficulty...3 extra act from the expansion in each of those difficulties...and I'm never going to make it to the higher difficulties. That is basically 12 acts. If it takes me a month to get through an act on a GOOD month? It will take between 1 year to 1 and a half years to get one single character all the way through this game. And that's if this is the ONLY game I ever play during that time.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm the same way X'o. Long games just don't get finished. I enjoyed Tactics a2 for a month before I put it down, I gotta be close to done but I'm just bored of it.

    Thinking about it... the only game I can remember beating was Elite Beat Agents. I played Crisis Core for the psp for a day and then quit that. Hellgate London I quit after a day (that game was atrocious though), Age of Conan, this is what I can remember right now at least.
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah I felt the same about FFIV (not so surprising) but Tactics? Damn I was hooked on that game and I don't even want to play it anymore...It's sad, I really really liked it.

    EDIT:And oh yeah, I've heard nothing but bad about Age of Conan. I'll stick to WoW.
  • edited August 2008
    After I got my DS, my sister bought me Children of Mana. I played half-way through the first dungeon I think before putting it down and not touching it again. A super-cute RPG with twelve-year-olds as heroes? I could get behind that when I was twelve, but now-a-days I need something that appeals to MY core demographic.

    This, for example, I can relate to. A young man, recently recruited into the professional world, proceeds to do his best to complete the assignments, erm, assigned to him. When you start out the game and your work's not so good, you take all the credit for the failure, but after you've played awhile and you get good your lazy, incompetent, egomaniacal boss takes all the credit! I CAN RELATE TO THIS!
  • edited August 2008
    I also HATED FF7. Hated and still do hate it with a passion.
    But I'd have to say mine would be Condemned 2. That was just a huge hulking pile of shit.
  • edited August 2008
    The shame of it is some of these games are really good, and probably would be something we'd want to continue playing. Super Mario Galaxy was the same thing for me, played it for an hour, haven't touched it since.
  • edited August 2008
    I really liked Mario Galaxy. But I think it was as much because I could grab 2 or 3 stars in those half hour sessions I'd sit to play it.
  • edited August 2008
    I haven't had any of these games in a long time! Horrah!
  • godgod
    edited August 2008
    I also have played almost no Twilight Princess and Super Maro Galaxy.
  • edited August 2008
    I got to RIGHT before Ganondorf with all twenty hearts, I haven't played since. I'm off to play Mario Galaxy now.
  • edited August 2008
    I've got a copy of Okami that I haven't touched in months. I played it for a few hours but got annoyed with its somewhat wonky controls, the paint system that never worked properly, the tedious battles and the incredible long-windedness of the text. Seriously, I wanted to squash that bug just after sitting through the opening cutscenes, and playing through more of the game didn't improve matters.

    I may go back to the game again at some point, though, but it's fairly low on my list of games that I own but haven't had a chance to play a whole lot (a list made incredibly long by the fact that games like Dark Cloud 2, Dragon Quest 8 and Rogue Galaxy are so damn good while being so damn long. Why do you have to be so awesome, Level-5?)

    And then, of course, there's stuff like Metal Gear Solid 3 and Shadow of the Colossus, which I should have stopped playing after five minutes but instead stuck through to the end in the desperate hope that I'd somehow get my money's worth out of them.
  • edited August 2008
    Takeru wrote: »
    Aw come on, I don't think this can apply to games that you didn't have to pay for.

    I suppose. If that's the case, then I'd have to say Street Fighter 2. I got it off of the Live arcade, and couldn't really play it too often, since it's so goddamn hard and I'm terrible at Street Fighter. I mean, seriously, Ryu, stop fucking using Hadoken over and over again! The worst part about it is that when I play with my friends, I'm always better than them by miles. So, it really had very little lasting appeal.

    I can't really think of anything else, usually because I'm really picky about my games, and when I get them, I only stop playing them when I've beaten them in and out, no matter what they are. I mean, I beat Dirge of Cerberus. I even played the extra missions. srsly.
  • edited August 2008
    Yeah RCS, I had the same problem with the Live version of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. I mean, I love the game, I have it for the DS and I play it practically all the time....but I guess the xbox just isn't very good for old sk00l fighters, huh. It's a shame really. Hopefully the new Xbox Street Fighter wont be terrible.
  • edited August 2008
    Wanna know a game I played for like five minutes then never again?

    That's right, Mario Kart Wii, because none of you feckers thought it'd be a good idea to buy it, all swooning over Brawl. All I wanna do is be able to redshell you bitches :(
  • edited August 2008
    I'd love to play Mario Kart Wii with you, Bruce... but I'm really poor. =( It may be my next game purchase, though.

    And I know a lot of people like to hate on FFVII... but I thoroughly enjoyed that game. Good stuff, I think.

    But anyway, as to the thread topic... one of those games for me is Magna Carta: Tears of Blood. It looked pretty, and got okay reviews. So I bought it. I played it. I put it down after 5 hours of gameplay. Why?

    You can't backtrack to previous areas!! You have to stay in the little area that fits that section of the story! If that didn't suck enough, there are also little quests that you have to do, kill these things, get this item, but.. by the time you've gotten the items or killed the beasties, you can't get back to where you need to turn it in!

    Bullshit. Even though I HATE trading in games... it was one of the few that I felt was an embarrassment to my collection, and I got rid of it.

    Disgaea 2 might also end up being a game I never play again... but only because they seem to have changed almost nothing from the first game, and I've already spent 100 hours under that system building an army. I don't feel I need to do it from scratch again.
  • edited August 2008
    A game I played for about 5 min and never picked up again was ZooCube, for the GC. I got it the same birthday I got the Gamecube, along with Tarzan, and no memory card. I looked at the games, and went "...Thank you... but can we go out and get Super Smash Bro. Melee and a memory card now?"
  • edited August 2008
    *sniffle* awww... those were the days.
  • edited August 2008
    I played Deus Ex for a couple hours and haven't touched it in years. Weird thing is, I liked it and know it's a great game, I just stopped playing for a little while and never started again. I still tell myself I'll go back to it someday.
  • edited August 2008
    yea, deus ex was a SWEET game. never beat it completely but i played it for hours.
  • edited August 2008
    I bought Dynasty Warriors Advance because the PS game was fun.... I literally played it for about 10 minutes and just never picked it up again. I don't even bring it on long trips just in case I get really bored.
  • edited August 2008
    I do this way more often with books than with video games. I'll start a book, get busy and put it down, and then feel too lazy to pick the book back up and try to remember whats going on... I usually end up never picking it up again.
  • edited August 2008
    Kane and Lynch.
    So very boring.
  • edited August 2008
    When I bought my PS1 used (several years after the PS2 had been established), I thought it was about time to try out one o' them 3D Final Fantasy games the kids are always talking about. So I grabbed a used copy of Final Fantasy IX. Man, I still regret that decision. That game is absolutely horrible. From that moment on, I knew that gamers don't know shit about what makes a game good. The PS1's crap loading times combined with high-frequency random encounters made the battles a pain in the ass, and they ended up being the vast majority of gameplay. I got to some forest or swamp after the airship crashed before I turned the system off in disgust. I probably went back to PaRappa the Rapper at that point.
  • edited August 2008
    mario wrote: »
    When I bought my PS1 used (several years after the PS2 had been established), I thought it was about time to try out one o' them 3D Final Fantasy games the kids are always talking about. So I grabbed a used copy of Final Fantasy IX. Man, I still regret that decision. That game is absolutely horrible. From that moment on, I knew that gamers don't know shit about what makes a game good. The PS1's crap loading times combined with high-frequency random encounters made the battles a pain in the ass, and they ended up being the vast majority of gameplay. I got to some forest or swamp after the airship crashed before I turned the system off in disgust. I probably went back to PaRappa the Rapper at that point.

    I liked 9. =(