Comic #61: Late Halloween Comic (11/15/2008)

Okay, go up to a girl. Hand her some shaving cream. Tell her she needs it more than you do. I'll wait.
Anyway, I've seen far worse than parents dragging their lazy kids around in wagons. I've seen parents DRIVING their kids from house to house. They're out of their minds.
The next three comics are gonna finish off Eevee's story arc, because we need our main characters back. It was originally meant to be finished before the Halloween comic. But that, uh, didn't happen. So Eevee doesn't get a costume this year. Or does she? I'm doing a mini-contest thing now, whoever draws Eevee with the coolest costume gets to make me draw them anything they want. Not that I don't normally do that, but they'd probably receive it in a much more timely manner if they earned it.
Also, I set up an RSS feed for the comic. Which is kinda neat. Does anybody use those?
This was my 300th post, nice.
I have a wild prediction for eevee's story arc (I'll be amazed if it's right):
Eevee decides to reluctantly evolve into Espeon to use her psychic powers to make the author go away. She then returns home, after ripping some sweet psychic abilities on unsuspecting people. Then, she would use her super psychic abilities to modify the space time switch in Pichu and her house so it only affects her. Then Pichu pulls the switch and voila! Eevee is eevee and the author is gone. No more story arcs.
Or, the story arc could have to do with that pokeball from comic 1
Furthermore, are raticate and Nidoqueen/Nidorina/Nidoran female even in the same egg group? Raticate has to be the father, because Nidoqueen/Nidorina/Nidoran female are always female.
Also, I highly doubt any of these characters would ever evolve. That's not Steven's Pokémon-training style.
I'll totally draw Eevee, whether it'll get uploaded is completely in question though.
And Hlavico, I must say youre update rate is amazing!
Google Search Dog Halloween Costumes
Click the Link right after the shopping results
Its right in the middle there-hard to miss.
You're welcome to use the idea, but you'll have to get it sketched, scanned, and posted before me. To bad I can't focus enough to do serious art at 1:44 AM
Though it would seem charmanders and vulpixes can't breed.
I think, out of the four, the most likely candidate is Maurice. Though in actual Pokemon video games I tend to use Wartortles a lot.
EDIT: We have 100 people with 10 or more posts that are not banned. This is the number of people documented on the member's list.
By the Way, How can you incorrectly eat a reeses?
Do you eat with the paper on? Or is it much more disgusting?
I should have just said that I like animal crossing, instead of falsely correcting you. Besides I'm really not in a appropriate position to be picking on people (yes even neophytes) so you don't have to worry about that.
Edit: and you didn't sound mean, just defensive of animal crossing.
Well, my last name, Hlavac, is pronounced Lavic. Hlavco is therefore pronounced Lavco.