Sonic Unleashed



  • edited December 2008
    Well, at least update on XMAS day to give us your opinion, you pretty much know ours.
  • edited December 2008
    Okay, here's the deal on Sonic Unleashed. The day stages are all awesome, and are most certainly not trial-and-error... it's quite a lot of fun. They're fast, and most of the time, you've got full boost charge, so you end up zipping right through the levels. They aren't too short, most are 3 minutes plus, a good time, I'd say. Basically, day stages= win.

    Werehog levels are not bad as they would have you think. For the most part, they're actually pretty fun, but after playing for several hours, I just have a few complaints about these levels. The flying enemies are a pain to hit sometimes, and the werehog's really pretty hard to control on the ground. Imagine being on ice the whole time... he slides around that bad. Try platforming on ice, not so fun. For example, on the China stage I got to the top of a huge waterfall, let him move a second too long, and went flying down to my death. BUT! Other than the rare glitchy moments, these levels aren't trash/ added game time/ whatever. They're not Sonic, but they certainly aren't bad.

    Overall, this game's pretty sweet. I'd give it a 9/10 personally, but then again, I did like Wii music... ;)

    By the way, I'm just gonna beat the game, and enjoy the day stages any time I want! Suckers!
  • edited December 2008
    I played the demo a few days ago, it was ok. Though I don't see much point in the robots in the level, most of the time you just blow them up by hitting boost. It didn't have any Hog-wolf levels which is something that doesn’t interest me at all. I would see maybe getting this, but the idea of a lot of it not being the day time stuff doesn’t sound so great. Overall from playing the demo and seeing game play videos this isn’t a game I will be buying anytime soon (or at all).
  • edited December 2008
    If the game was nothing but the running stuff I'd at least rent it. The demo was fairly fun. I ran threw the one level a few times before I got bored.
  • edited February 2009
    Ok, finally, here's a video of me ripping through the China level. You know, for one last hurrah for this game.

    (Watch in high quality btw, just click the arrow in the lower right corner.)

  • edited February 2009
    Just so everyone is a aware the controls on this game are WAY tighter than they are in any other Sonic game.