Hlavco's Stuff.



  • edited March 2012
    Who's Eevee standing on?
  • edited March 2012
    It's turtles all the way down!
  • edited March 2012
    So in April I'm gonna be doing daily drawings again. Back in February I said I wouldn't because it was hard, but now I've conveniently forgotten how hard it was.

    There hasn't been much new stuff this month because I was computerless for two weeks while my laptop was being replaced.

    Here's a pichu, anyhow:

    Changed up the style on it a little bit.
  • edited March 2012
    Woot! More arts!
  • edited March 2012
    Several more arts please. Put all us infrequent artsers to shame!
  • edited April 2012
    Oh, by the way, the April arting got cancelled. The site organizers got kind of unorganized. It might be happening in June though.

    Here are some various pichus and eevees I drew weeks/months ago and forgot to post here (with the exception of the pichu three posts above this one):

    Also this: runTestAv.gif
  • edited June 2012
    Drawing inspiration from Random Brew, I added a comic randomizer to my site. I'm not sure how well it'll do considering the wordiness my comic sometimes has, but there are 892 panels in there, so maybe you'll get lucky.

    Also, some art from art jams I did on another forum:

    First one required us to draw princesses. My princess was a squirrel, which lost to a spider princess and a devil princess. Probably the girliest thing I've ever drawn.

    Second jam was about turning characters into old-timey cartoons. Here are two traveling salesmen.

    The third one assigned everyone a random superpower and had us make our character into a superhero with that power. I got necromancy, despite being probably the only person on the internet who isn't obsessed with zombies.

    Also, and not for an art jam, here's a zangoose. Most people draw them bipedal and with big claws, but the games say that they're only like that during battle, so I decided to draw a normal boring one instead. I wasn't too happy with it so I made a lazy background.
  • edited June 2012
    The ironic necromancer who is scared of zombies. Perfect. It's like the wizard who doesn't believe in magic.
  • edited August 2012

    I'm doing the daily drawing thing again this month. First week is short because it started on a Wednesday.

    8/1: I wonder how the computer racers felt about being forced to restart the race whenever the human didn't do well enough to continue? At one point I was going to make this a comic, but I think the single drawing works well enough.

    8/2: I'm taking user suggestions this time around to ensure I don't run out of ideas. This user's suggestion was "rain". I think it came out kinda cool.

    8/3: Some gestalt crap and a house.

    8/4: Waited till super late to do this one, so I did "bacon", the quickest-sounding user suggestion. Well, the quickest one that wasn't "a penis".
  • edited August 2012
    I love the look on Mario's face. He has the perfect derp look.
  • edited August 2012
    I never did quite understand why you can be dropped from the race for doing poorly, but none of the computers can.
  • edited August 2012
    I was so happy when they removed that rule in the newer games. Of course, the removal of that rule coincided with the AI racers gaining access to all of the previously player-only items, so if you screwed up you would promptly be below 4th place anyway.
  • edited August 2012
    Daily Draw August, Week 2.

    8/5: A mewtwo.
    8/6: A happy tree.
    8/7: User suggestion,"Turn a rabbit into a doughnut". I accidentally turned a donut into a rabbit.
    8/8: Weasel in a bit of a different style.
    8/9: User suggestion, "insane clown possum".
    8/10: Just some vector-y letters.
    8/11: A funky tabletop.
  • edited August 2012
    The donuts are indeed a bit gamey.
  • edited August 2012

    Week 3, not as good as Week 2:
    8/12: A wintery tree. Not very August-y but whatever.
    8/13: A rattata. I kinda cheated here, the original came out so bad that I went back today and improved it.
    8/14: Just a pichu doodle, as I wasn't feeling well and just wanted to draw something quick before bed.
    8/15: User suggestion, the dreaded cereal shark. The fact that it is Shark Week is just a coincidence.
    8/16: A car that actually came out pretty cool. My favorite drawing this week by far.
    8/17: User suggestion, sort of. They wanted me to draw some character expressions, but I don't really have the imagination to think of too many without any context. So I just doodled heads.
    8/18: Waited until 3:45am to draw this one, so I just scribbled for fifteen minutes and went to bed. I actually like the smaller fox better, and that one took about ten seconds.
  • edited August 2012
    That car came out all beautiful-like.
  • edited August 2012
    No arts for last week? Or have you just not got around to posting them yet?

    Come to think of it, I actually forget the day that you normally post these on. If you normally do it at a time later than now, feel free to ignore me and carry on.
  • edited August 2012
    I was traveling this weekend so I missed four days. I'm going to post Sunday-Wednesday of last week once I get back from work, and Thursday-Sunday will be made up during the beginning of September.
  • edited August 2012
    Fair enough. I'll wait in anticipation.
  • edited August 2012

    Week 4 (cut short by traveling):
    8/19: Layered background thing.
    8/20: User suggestion, feraligatr.
    8/21: Slingshot raccoon.
    8/22: Some shapes and colors.
  • edited August 2012
    The Feraligatr looks kind of campy - I don't feel the picture properly captures his ferociousness, it feels like a pose and style more befitting a Totodile, small and scrappy and ever ready to fight. Feraligatr is big and powerful and vicious.

    Except for that one thing, all four of these are amazing work.
  • edited August 2012
    Yeah, I'm kinda bad at "ferocious". Which is a shame as I do enjoy a giant scary monster now and again.
  • edited September 2012

    Week 5, another shortened week due to traveling. I'm extending the drawings to September 7th to make it up.
    27th: An eevee with weird background.
    28th: Various tumblr responses. If I was cheap I could totally count this as eight drawings.
    29th: Fighter dude.
    30th: My Animal Crossing villager, who has a strange obsession with the t-rex skull I gifted her. She told me she likes to have conversations with it when they're alone at night.
  • edited September 2012
    Your Animal Crossing character might be Dina from Dumbing of Age. I also appreciate the unlikely monster truck.
  • edited September 2012
    I've never read Dumbing of Age. Is it worth checking out?


    Daily Draw August is done, and it only took till a quarter of the way through September!

    9/4 - Some guitar guy sketch.
    9/5 - Redraw of this fox-thing I made during Daily Draw February.
    9/6 - That night I was too busy catching up on Homestuck to draw anything good.
    9/7 - I decided to make a big, nice drawing to make up for the many low-effort ones this month. Didn't manage to finish (so many trees), luckily the rest of the collage covers a lot of the emptiness.
  • edited September 2012
    Dumbing of Age is pretty good. I like it, but that may not mean much as I like quite a lot of things. It's all the same characters found in Shortpacked and the older comics made by the same guy, but basically a complete reboot with a whole different story, so it can be read separately just fine.
    But to be clear, Dina is a quiet and sort of creepy girl who clearly loves dinosaurs a whole lot.

    Your trees look small next to those enormous building-cubes.
  • edited September 2012

    I doodled up a zangoose without giving it any particular pose, so I just moved the arms around a bit till something looked decent. Couldn't decide on a final version so I just mirrored it and made two.
  • edited September 2012
    He's lamenting his lack of thumbs.
  • edited September 2012
    Thumbs are overrated.
  • edited September 2012
    I didn't think Zangoose had thumbs?