job complaining thread

edited December 2010 in 6:35
This doesn't really have much to do with 6:35. I just felt like coming in here and talking about how I can't find a damn job. Maybe it'll touch off some kind of discussion about jobs, or about job searches. Maybe it'll make everyone here hate me. I don't know.

Is everyone here in college? Do you guys have jobs?


  • edited March 2006
    I'm in high school! I have a job! That is very inconsistent!

    I work ticket redemption at an arcade, but only
    A) When my brother's working (I can't drive yet).
    B) When ABSOLUTELY nobody else can come in.

    I've held the job since November and actually worked twice. I don't mind, it's the easiest job ever.
  • edited March 2006
    I work for my parents at their awning company when I'm not in class. It's not a bad deal, but an awning shop really isn't the place for me.
  • jcjc
    edited March 2006
    I worked at an arcade for a while. It was a good job. I helped customers and maintained the machines in addition to running the redemption counter, or, as I like to think of it, the Infinite Twizzler Supply.
  • edited March 2006
    Hey! I eat Twizzlers at the counter too! That's crazy!
  • jcjc
    edited March 2006
    Eat one for me, yo. Preferably right in front of a patron who just paid a bunch of tickets for the same thing.
  • edited March 2006
    I had plenty this past Sunday. Though it's probably not hard to save up five tickets for it. Cheapest item there, but only because we were out of the one-ticket plastic gold coins that kids buy just to finish off their last few tickets. One girl was about to buy 255 plastic gold coins with her 255 tickets, but her dad wouldn't let her.
  • edited March 2006
    OK, I'll join in. I have a master's degree in engineering, and I work as a barrista. It's actually a very nice job, and I'm treated very well compared to even engineering jobs that I've held. This week I was offered an equally nice job at a local yarn store.

    I'm very frustrated, though, because getting an M.S. in engineering is supposed to open professional doors. It did not. I constantly worry that my degree is going to somehow 'expire' as I work jobs that do not require math or analysis.

    As JC and a few others here know, I'd really like a nice administrative job at a university-- a job that values education, allows me to make decisions, and makes me feel as if I'm contributing in some way to the quality of the organization. So far, no takers.

    This week I found out about something that made me a bit less worried about my degree expiring-- I'm going to join Engineers Without Bounds, the group that contributes engineering work to third-world communities who request assistance. I'm not sure that my skills are a great match, but perhaps I'll learn some new ones.

    Leesh was actually offered an awesome job pretty recently, JC.
  • edited March 2006
    aw, thanks for the shoutout, stef!

    it's true: i was offered a pretty awesome job (i start in june)--but of course, it took me TWO master's degrees to actually get it. i have had a lot of odd (seriously, odd) jobs in the past, though.

    for people looking for jobs, maybe talking to some temp agencies (at universities and elsewhere) is something to think about. ok, there's no health insurance, but i know a lot of temps who have been hired full-time (i would have been, had i not been about to start my second master's degree). it just depends how desperate you are, i guess.

    and seriously, you never know what skills employers may be looking for--i actually have relevant work experience for only about half of my future job, but they recruited me due to my awesome language skills. skills that will, in fact, be paying the bills. starting in june.
  • edited March 2006
    Construction is still the best field of work ever. You're moving around all day and if you're any good at it, you can make a damn living. I was the wealthiest when I was out of school and just working.

    EDIT: You also get to meet some really smart people if you work the right jobs. Most of the guys learned the same things working that they would've learned in an engineering school or electical engineering, but they got to earn money at the same time. BOCTAE, there are also plenty of guys from the lower rungs of society.
  • edited March 2006
    When I did concrete foundations for a summer, I worked with a bunch of idiots, aside from the foreman.

    But you do get sexy working construction 60 hours a week in the hot sun. And the money is good too.

    Just don't work fast food. I've done that in the past. I once worked with a guy who broke his wrist, because one night he was really high and drunk, and he tried to clothesline a stop sign. He said it was talking shit to him.
  • jcjc
    edited March 2006
    Construction is not for me, unfortunately, as I am a pale/fat/weak TRIPLE THREAT!! I have no strength of any kind. Also, rough dudes see my hella small appearance and treat me accordingly.

    I like the idea of building stuff, though.

    leesh- thanks. I haven't tried a temp agency in a while (the last time, I KILLED their tests and they didn't offer me anything), but it may be time to try again. If it's not prying, I'd like at least some clue as to who recruits based on awesome language skills. I can totally fake those for almost a whole interview!

    Stef- I am totally with you on the administrative college job. I am looking in the same direction. A nice campus environment, quiet office-- rather like grad school, except you know how to do the things you're supposed to do, and everyone else there is not a hypercompetitive genius.

    Okay, I'm glad I made this thread. It is making me feel somewhat better to talk to friends about this stuff.
  • edited March 2006
    We should start our OWN college! The Orange Belt Academy of SCIENCE! It's an utterly feasable plan!
  • edited March 2006
    I am nineteen years old and I graduate this spring. I've had a lot of jobs for my age, none of which have had anything to do with my actual education or lack thereof. I have don't know what I want to do.

    Right now I am an assistant to a pr-executive-type. I mostly enjoy my work because I have an excuse to dress up every day.
    It's pretty vapid but it's all I have right now.
  • edited March 2006
    I'm happy being unemployed, the government covers my costs and, whilst I don't have much money for luxuries, I find that I can live without most things.

    All my friends who do have jobs seem to spend all their time working and not enjoying the money they actually get.

    Admittedly I'll have to get a job eventually to do the whole 'own a house' thing, but for now it's all good.
  • edited March 2006
    Right now I'm looking into getting some random position helping out around the bio or chem department. Though it's only an idea, I don't even know if there are any openings or anything at all availible. I'd probably do it even if I was barely paid at all, I have a lot of free time and hate nearly everybody on my floor.
  • edited March 2006
    !!!!(etc)--i was recruited by a university library, b/c my second degree is in library science, which is required for librarian jobs. sorry to get your hopes up.

    if you want to do admin stuff at a university, definitely look into their temp agencies--and if you don't hear back from them, call and see what's up so they know you're interested.
  • edited March 2006
    JC, allow me to get your hopes up. A few hours ago, I was contacted to interview for the first of the admin jobs. Time to dryclean the ol' interviewin' suit.
  • edited March 2006
    Admin of what?
  • edited March 2006
  • edited March 2006
    SCIENCE! administrates itself.
  • edited March 2006

    Hopefully the interviewin' suit is actually giant mech armour so that Stef actually survives.
  • edited March 2006
    With giant mech armor she might survive, but it still doesn't do any good if the interviewer doesn't.
  • edited March 2006
    As far as SCIENCE! is concerned that would count in her favour.
  • edited March 2006
    My summer job search begins! I have a month. I think this year I am going to try to get two part time jobs, as full time jobs seem to elude me.

    Most of the applications I have put in were out of desperation, but I put an application in at a nice sandwich cafe to be a cook and at a quaint little coffee shop to be a barista, I'm hoping I can get those two jobs.

    At this rate, everyone on the forums will be a barista at some time in their life!
  • edited March 2006
    I most recently worked at LensCrafters. I learned how to make lenses (oh so sexy) and I also learned how to swindle people out of their money! The skill is useful when you want to fuck over some angry jews. I used my powers for evil once, though. I sold a more expensive, totally extraneous lens to a cute girl who most definitely did not need the extranaeities. I hope to find her someday and apologize.

    Soon I'll be doing SOMETHING in the air force! Possibly engineering based. I want to use it as a springboard into NASA - the dying space program that our government and people see more as an organization worthy of charity than as an organization worthy of proper funding and national support.
  • edited March 2006
    I work at subway. Not only do I make sammiches for people, but I have a supervisor who is mean to me, for the sole purpose of getting me to quit.

    It's not exactly my dream job.
  • edited March 2006
    You should steal a bunch of loaves of bread when you quit.
  • edited March 2006
    Respond to abuse from management with blackmail.
  • edited March 2006
    I punched a co-worker once. That was fun and definatly less work than blackmail.
  • edited March 2006
    Stef and Leesh, congrats to you both.

    I now work in a job that can best be described as "ridiculously wonderful," but I had to go through six months of hell in another, far less enjoyable job before I found it.

    -- Nato