Adobe Photoshop Adventures



  • edited April 2009
    >Realize that you are a zombie and contemplate if a grue is tasty.
  • edited April 2009
    X'o'Lore: Realize that a grue is speedy, and a zombie's weakness is speed.
  • edited April 2009
    Wait, if the room is dark, then the contents of it are effectively invisible (as in not visible), so you should be able to see fine thanks to the Duck of See Invisible. >Look around.
  • edited April 2009
    > Unequip Duck. You don't need it right now.
  • edited April 2009
    > Unequip Duck. You don't need it right now.
    You put the Duck of See Invisible in one of your inventory boxen. Trust me.

    > Use Zombie glow power
    Please note that Zombieglow(c) consumes one pixel(s) worth of Pert per turn. You see that this room is filled with weird puzzle shit, you consider just leaving now. There are three boxes containing forty triangular prisms, cubes and spheres respectively. Some basic algebra is scribbled on the wall. There is also a locked door flanked by two receptacles with shaped openings. The scribblings read:
  • edited April 2009
    > Bollocks to this weird puzzle shit, just tear the door down with ZOMBIE STRENGTH.
  • godgod
    edited April 2009
    Put twenty tringles, cubes, and spheres in their repective holes on each side of the door. But screw that wall, you already passed Algebra II, you don't need that anymore.
  • edited April 2009
    > Find someplace to hide and wait for a smart person to come along and attempt to solve the puzzle. Their brain will surely be delicious.
  • edited April 2009
    > Erase the algebraic equation and replace it with a drawing of William Howard Taft in a slighty-too-small Stormtrooper costume.
  • edited April 2009
    > Erase the algebraic equation and replace it with a drawing of William Howard Taft in a slighty-too-small Stormtrooper costume.
    You lack the necessary Dry Eraser and Pencil, and besides it is unlikely
    you'd pass the necessary historical knowledge check due to your Zombie Stupidity.
    > Bollocks to this weird puzzle shit, just tear the door down with ZOMBIE STRENGTH.
    Your Pert is depleted somewhat. You enter Snowball's hideout, his corpse lay on the floor. You figure that bastard trader got what he deserved.
  • edited April 2009
    > Empty the cash register
  • edited April 2009
    Is... is that an Animal Farm reference? Kudos to you if it is.

    > Search Snowball's corpse for keys/potions/gigantic swords/misc items.
  • edited April 2009
    > Always leave things the way you found them, fix the door.
  • godgod
    edited April 2009
    >Claim Snowball's teeth, he has no more use for them.
  • edited April 2009
    >Throw the corpse at the locked cabinet.
  • edited April 2009
    > Wear Snowball's skull as a hat.
  • edited April 2009
    > Empty the cash register
    You mash the Ts until the register opens. You put the 100USD you find in your inventory boxen.
    > Wear Snowball's skull as a hat.
    As you are placing it on your head you take a smite to the face. Huh? Brains is that you?
  • edited April 2009
    > Erase the algebraic equation and replace it with a drawing of William Howard Taft in a slighty-too-small Stormtrooper costume.
    That's the worst idea you've read so far!... And yet the wall beckons.

    ((I don't get it: we have to stay away from MSPA commands, but you can still use their jokes?))
  • edited April 2009
    |[How counter productive! Good thing someone edited my post.

    Edit: Here's someone who took the opposite route!]|