I heard, like, that one time, he created like a bajillion user accounts, forced them all to vote for a particular contender game that was part of a poll or something, something about making a sprite comic for it... and then, like, BANNED every single one of them, the same night. At gunpoint.
I hear Mario pays spambots to register on the forums, gets a cut of the Runescape gold they make off unsuspecting forumites, then bans the bots and takes their cut of the gold for himself. That monster!
Right back at ya, Tak.
HA HA! Tanya's gross.
.....can she?
Im scared!!
What a badass.
Just so he could ban him.
Oh the HORROR!!
Then he Rick Roll'd him.
Then he banned him.
{It's my first post! I'm going to do the same thing Agentcel did and glorify it! I guess I'm accepted, now.}