some jc news

edited August 2007 in 6:35
Normally, I wouldn't post personal 'get a blog' stuff, but I'm starting to get depressed and I decided that boosting my ego for once might be nice. Also I love you all and want to share with the community. Nobody seemed to mind when I made personal gripey threads, so a personal brag thread should be okay.

About 3 weeks ago I defended my thesis. So now, except for the whole thesis-revision-and-actual-graduation-thing, I have mastered the shit out of the arts. And I started library school. In the space of one day I went from shitty linguist to untrained librarian. Still, it seems like a good move.

How are you guys doing?


  • edited September 2006
    JC, awesome! Time to kick the ass of every library, ever. What kind of classes are you taking?

    I'm doing well, since you asked. I start labwork this week as a more-different engineering student. Plus we moved into a townhouse with two floors.
  • edited September 2006
    Two floors of awesome, with walls and doors that close and everything.

    Mario was very excited on the phone with me about it.
  • jcjc
    edited September 2006
    Stef, it is awesome that you have a nice place to live now! What kind of engineering studentry are you up to now?
  • edited September 2006
    Mechanical engineering. But now I'm working on biological materials. Right now I'm attempting to read a whole lot of papers about bacteria.
  • edited September 2006
    Mechanical...Yes, I believe I got a sister going for that sort of engineering. And a townhouse would make for some decent living space.

    -Have fun with the librarian thing. I never spend time at actual libraries, but this is certainly something I chide myself for.

    As for what I'm up to, I'm on a laptop right now as I've been keeping my desktop busy rendering all the frames of an animation I made as a final project for one of my classes. I am quite enjoying my game design classes.
  • jcjc
    edited September 2006
    I wish I could design games! Sadly I am terrible at math and programming.

    I mean, I'm terrible at all the stuff I have to do in library science too, but that stuff's easier.
  • edited September 2006
    Faw. There's people makin' games someplaces that suck and math and don't know crap about programming. Damn lazy artists. :)

    -seriously though, being good at math doesn't seem to be a major requirement, and I know there are positions in game development that don't require programming, or at least not much. Really I think mod work or otherwise a good portfolio is better than a degree in any case. It also helps to know people in the business no doubt.
    Though if your aims are simple and you know at least a little programming things like Gamemaker are nice.
  • edited September 2006
    I'm glad everyone is doing so rockingly! Good times are ahead for the OB.

    As for me, I'm currently taking organic chemistry so that should let you know how much free time I have.
  • edited September 2006
    I got a job fixin' Macs! I get to take apart laptops and poke their innards! And maybe put them back together, if I'm in the mood.
  • jcjc
    edited September 2006
    That is sweet, Mario. I aspire to have a job of my own someday!
  • edited September 2006
    mario wrote:
    I get to take apart laptops and poke their innards!
    Sounds sexy.
  • edited September 2006
    You don't know the half of it. You ever replaced the CRT in an iMac G3? Removing the anode cap while trying not to get electrocuted to death is damn sexy.
  • edited September 2006
    Who did the what now? You are just using your hands right? I was just making a joke.
  • edited September 2006
    Congrats, JC! You ROCK!!
    (Can you post or PM a link to your final thesis when you're done?)

    What is it like behind the Iron Curtain of librarianism? I've always wanted to know. Unfortunately, I will likely not find out because I am starting work in a week at a small educational software company making games that will warp the minds of children as young as two. Huzzah!

    (I thoroughly envy the Stef and Mario two-floor TERRORDROME, as I am currently homeless and househunting later today.)
  • edited September 2006
    Dude! You're in Utah!!

    Did You Know:
    Salt Lake City, Utah, is exactly two days from Davis, California when driving on Route 80? It's A Fact!

    For the record, we don't live in one of the Davis 2-story TERROR DOMES. I totally wish we did.

    But, yeah! JC, post your thesis!
  • edited September 2006
    Is that two days the way normal people drive? How many hours of driving a day?

    Utah, btw, is quite staggeringly beautiful. I see mountains! My lungs don't corrode when I breathe! (Of course, maybe it's LA that's outside the norm.)

    Yes, the TERROR DOMES would have been totally wicked, but that wasn't a typo, just a geeky euphemism for awesometacular evil lair.

    (back on topic)
    Yeah, JC!, post your thesis!
  • jcjc
    edited September 2006
    Yeah, it's unfortunate that you won't learn what it's like to be a librarian because you're... too busy... in the game industry.

    Sorry, I couldn't see any of the posts under that through my tears.
  • edited September 2006
    But...educational! Where's the violence? Where's the blood spray!? Er, I mean, I wanna make a totally sweet RPG or something some day.
  • jcjc
    edited September 2006
    I'll post my thesis when I submit the final version. I'll give a prize of some kind to whoever gets through the most pages.
  • edited September 2006
    I wish I could design games! Sadly I am terrible at math and programming.

    Math is useful, but not necessary; programming is actually rather linguistic. Neither of these are good excuses! YOU CAN DESIGN GAMES! And you'd probably come up with a freakin' awesome one, too.
  • jcjc
    edited October 2006

    It's official: Rice University has accepted my final thesis. If I can find the webspace, I'll put it online for you. I don't know what the copyright situation is on it, so I might be totally be a pirate. I don't give a fuck.

    I have simultaneously officially become a linguist and stopped being a linguist!

    Jason, are you still working on games? Can I talk to you about an idea I had? It is for a game that would be fun.
  • edited October 2006
    Jason is still working on games! it is his job! but he has been scarce online as of late. Might I suggest email?
  • jcjc
    edited October 2006
    Email is a good idea.

    It would be nice to talk to you too, Stef, for non-game-related reasons! It's been forever.

    Anyway, Here is a Yousendit link to my thesis. The link should be good for 7 days. Seriously, I can't even get all the way through this thing, so nobody should feel like they have to.
  • edited October 2006

    Yeah, it would be nice to talk to you as well. DISCLAIMER: I am really boring these days.
  • jcjc
    edited October 2006
    You think you're boring? I've been a double grad student for the last two months.
  • edited October 2006
    If you're not bored you're not boring. Are you bored? Or are you just busy?
  • jcjc
    edited October 2006
    Both, all the time!
  • edited October 2006
    XoLore wrote: »
    If you're not bored you're not boring.
    Untrue. Reference golfers, trekkies, and dudes in those hippie jam bands that want to be Phish-but-only-the-live-Phish.
  • edited October 2006
    Just because you are not interested in golf, or Star Trek, or hippie jam bands that want to be Phish-but-only-the-live-Phish, does not mean those people are boring. The word is "uninteresting". They do things and have things to say and stories to tell.
    I myself have missed my bedtime in the past while reading a discussion on the L2 cache in the latest intel processors vs competing AMD processors. It would have bored most people I know to tears, but I thought it was genuinely interesting.
  • edited October 2006
    As it happens, I do enjoy Star Trek. And the company of most Trekkies, and hippies, and even the occasional golfer, so I was just being an ass to use those groups as pejorative generalities. However, I think you're drawing a semantic distinction between boring and uninteresting that I'm not quite following.

    Doing things, or having passion for things, makes you more likely to provide an interesting companion for another person, but it's no guarantee. And your interest in <computer thing you just talked about> doesn't make you particularly interesting or uninteresting to me, but if you wanted to talk exclusively about <aforementioned computer thing> I'd find you pretty boring, sure.

    Though I guess DI pulls that off pretty nicely, so whatever.

    Also, golf sucks. kthxbai.