Some people call me the Irish space cowboy! yeah. Some call me the Samurai of looove. Some people call me Amoeba, 'cause I spoke like a pirate all yesteeerdayy.
While when comparing the rockingness factor of any given samurai to any given pirate, the samurai is almost certain to come out on top, there are certain exceptions. The Dread Pirate Roberts, for instance, is superior to any samurai not portrayed by Toshiro Mifune.
That's why the keys are spaced apart a little bit on the pirate keyboard. They really are still too damn close though. It's those damn Asian pirates with their small hooks.
EDIT: Samurai's are all well and good, but it takes a true master to make it as a tourist.
I refuse to talk like a pirate since l33tpixelz recruited me to the Ninja side.
Also, that pirate keyboard had me laughing extra hard.
That's why the keys are spaced apart a little bit on the pirate keyboard. They really are still too damn close though. It's those damn Asian pirates with their small hooks.