Orangebelt Sprite Comic Contest #6- Mario Comic



  • edited November 2006
    mario wrote: »
    Wow, whoever made this "Link and Friends" is totally bitin' on Fireflower's style. I loved that comic.

    I dunno without reading it myself. Plus, it's always possible that the author of Link and Friends never read or even heard of Fireflower.
    Agentcel wrote: »
    Alright...but not 'til thursday...I left the drawing at my mother's house.

    That's cool. No problem.
    deku12345 wrote: » that wasn't from Fireflower? Interesting how both Mario and I thought of it when we saw it though.

    Fireflower was an old, old sprite comic that has since ended. But it was good. I can't manage to find the archives anymore, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere.
    Nope, it wasn't from Fireflower. I did put the credits at the bottom, though, in case anyone wants to look up the other sources I used. And maybe Hamelin has the archive. I'll check and let you know.
    EDIT: Nope. No Fireflower there. That sucks, because now I really want to read it if you guys mistook Link and Friends for it.
  • edited November 2006
    Go buck wild!


    EDIT:Sorry he showed up a bit purple...
  • edited December 2006
    I almost forgot to check back for this, but thanks!
  • edited December 2006
    Maybe if you win again I could do a better job...@_@. Sorry it came out a little..not excellent.
  • edited December 2006
    looks fine to me
  • edited December 2006
    OOOH! Crayon! It's been a while since I broke out some crayons. In recent years I've been using a cheap oil pastel set instead. Not that I color much.
  • edited December 2006
    Agentcel wrote: »
    Maybe if you win again I could do a better job...@_@. Sorry it came out a little..not excellent.

    Nah, if I win again I think I'll go for one of the computer drawn ones of Zero's MMZ appearance.