Orange Belt Sprite Comic Contest #8:SNES
Hohohoho! It's time for number 8! The category is...SNES! You can use any SNES sprites, although you are not limited to SNES backgrounds. For example:

Is perfectly okay*. Same rules (including no reposts) and prizes. Woooo. more rule. No editing other entries to make your own.
*If you know what this says, you get brownie points.

Is perfectly okay*. Same rules (including no reposts) and prizes. Woooo. more rule. No editing other entries to make your own.
*If you know what this says, you get brownie points.
There's always #9, eh?
Here's a link that will help out anyone in need of SNES sprites.
(I still have 2 weeks in my quarter and will be too busy to participate. Also, my internet seems to be down at home for reasons I do not know.)
Don't say, that, I might get ideas...
(This isn't an actual entry)
But I was talking to Night Lord, who said he wouldn't enter now that Hamelin did.
So I didn't even mean to switch games each panel, it just kinda happened. This is what happens when I don't sleep for awhile.
Actually, the UK one has the same shape as the japanese one.
Wait, it doesn't matter anyway. It'd be the Super NES, or just SNES (or Super Nintendo Entertainment System if you like words). But not "Super SNES." That's one too many supers in the name.
As a judge, I declare that entry disqualified!
So I did. Whoops. Oh well. No harm, I guess.
The line "It doubles as an F-Zero course" made me laugh. Hard.
Punchlines are for sissies.
(And that's what happens when I listen to my brother)
I really don't like how sprite comics come out in Comic Life...but it simplifies the process to no end, so it's kinda worth it I guess...
PS: MrCheeze... I thought HTML and stuff was off on the on earth did you get a java popup to work in your signature?
Amoeba Boy
Night Lord