Okay, I was going to post the pic below first, but then remembered my "promise." Sorry I couldn't really draw for real, but, meh.
So I started inking this. I made some notable changes, mainly the hair. It's not finished yet (it's got like, seven layers), but I'll work on it. Keep in mind it's still WIP.
Something quick to try a new program. Please excuse most of the tech errors though... I'm too lazy to fix the foreshortening/perspective stuff at the moment.
Um, well, I pirated it, so it was well worth the price!
I got it mainly because I wanted to see how much time I'd save using it's "insta-effects" generator. A lot of the features it offers is "meh, I could use another program for this" and I think I'm too used to Photoshop so the interface kind of annoys me. Still, the exclusive things it provides is enough to warrant a pirating >_>
EDIT: There's this one feature I like where you can change an entire layer to be a certain color with just a click. It really helped when I was guide-lining because I forget sometimes to draw in a temporary color.
I really need some C&C for this one. For the real character design, his eye is shaped differently and his nose is less pointy, but I'm mainly concerned with his hair. I can't learn by watching, apparently, only doing, so does it look okay like that? I was pretty much winging it with the highlight things.
Possibly. I changed the contrast of the picture in Photoshop and lost some "value" there. That part is supposed to be shaved, so the hair density is lower.
To me it looks like he's got gray hair but it'd probably be more apparant were you to color it. Are those highlights in his hair to indicate a different color or from lighting?
Okay, I was going to post the pic below first, but then remembered my "promise." Sorry I couldn't really draw for real, but, meh.
So I started inking this. I made some notable changes, mainly the hair. It's not finished yet (it's got like, seven layers), but I'll work on it. Keep in mind it's still WIP.
Quality eyebrows.
They're like the center piece!
Something quick to try a new program. Please excuse most of the tech errors though... I'm too lazy to fix the foreshortening/perspective stuff at the moment.
I got it mainly because I wanted to see how much time I'd save using it's "insta-effects" generator. A lot of the features it offers is "meh, I could use another program for this" and I think I'm too used to Photoshop so the interface kind of annoys me. Still, the exclusive things it provides is enough to warrant a pirating >_>
EDIT: There's this one feature I like where you can change an entire layer to be a certain color with just a click. It really helped when I was guide-lining because I forget sometimes to draw in a temporary color.
I think all my characters are blind, or have some sort of sight-hindering thing.
Here's the non-gritty version.
I really need some C&C for this one. For the real character design, his eye is shaped differently and his nose is less pointy, but I'm mainly concerned with his hair. I can't learn by watching, apparently, only doing, so does it look okay like that? I was pretty much winging it with the highlight things.
And I think I'm done with it now.