"...they even got a dog. *woof*" Yeah, that thing looked so very vicious. Let's think this through for a moment, literally thousands of people saw the info with the phone number and address. They received only a few phone calls. How many of the people willing to put in even that much effort would actually be willing to leave their parents' basement and go after these guys? These guys are such morons.
I LOVE cats, and when I saw this I felt soo bad for this cat... but still, it's pretty hilarious. If you're a cat lover, be warned! You will have sympathy. And if you hate cats, you'll love this!
We still have a good amount of summer left and the days seem to be getting hotter. If you haven’t already, launch some Water Wars! A quick debriefing should give you some basic knowledge on this year’s arsenal selection.
The latest Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged (season 2 premiere!) was thoroughly awesome. Enough so that I decided to make an avatar! But I didn't want to get rid of Justin's awesome headbob, so I then combined the two into one sick twisted horrible monster of an avatar. Here's the original, I thought it turned out pretty nice too.
on a sandwich with
on top. The new episodes are way better than I expected! I felt that the series had hit a rut after the 16th episode, but the latest installments are lolcopter. Mario, nice job on the avatar! I thought that part was absolutely hilarious. NYEH!!
Actually, a dedicated string datatype is not really necessary. An array of integers representing the ASCII or Unicode values of the characters involved can perform the same function, albeit while being a bit more inconvenient for certain tasks. As a matter of fact, the strings in the C language work much like this, with strings being merely an array of "char" variables terminated by the null character, with the "char" datatype itself being a simple 8-bit unsigned integer for most intents and purposes.
In fact, this method of handling strings can be more convenient than having a dedicated datatype for certain tasks, as you can manipulate them the same way you'd manipulate any other array rather than having to make use of a whole new group of functions and commands for the sole purpose of manipulating strings. However, this method is not ideal for applications that involve large amounts of string manipulation, and thus C is a sub-optimal language for programming this type of application.
YYYYAAAYYYYY! It's finally done! You may remember that I posted a video called "Kyle and I Hurt Ourselves" a while ago. Well, I have finished the complete winter 06/07 video!
A man tries to cope with life after his toaster leaves him to go on adventures.
I want an award for being generally awesome.
Fox News=quality reporting!
"What is this 4chan?" "We must destroy it with news media!"
It's just some bored pre-teens using programs they found with a google search. All for least they're getting their lulz.
Dear god. Local news is so retarded.
Do you like Wes Andersen?
I LOVE cats, and when I saw this I felt soo bad for this cat... but still, it's pretty hilarious. If you're a cat lover, be warned! You will have sympathy. And if you hate cats, you'll love this!
Move out!
on a sandwich with
on top. The new episodes are way better than I expected! I felt that the series had hit a rut after the 16th episode, but the latest installments are lolcopter. Mario, nice job on the avatar! I thought that part was absolutely hilarious. NYEH!!
"Yes, but... what if we could?"
A 45 minute documentary about the relationships between men and their realdolls. GoogleVideo format.
In fact, this method of handling strings can be more convenient than having a dedicated datatype for certain tasks, as you can manipulate them the same way you'd manipulate any other array rather than having to make use of a whole new group of functions and commands for the sole purpose of manipulating strings. However, this method is not ideal for applications that involve large amounts of string manipulation, and thus C is a sub-optimal language for programming this type of application.
well, yes, it's great during winter, i was there about 6 years ago in february and had a great time.