BevinDeezl wrote: » Augh, Journey... Do people Still listen to that like every night in that country of yours?!?
Drooling Iguana wrote: » Yet more evidence of the secret Communist plot to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.
The model that Robin was making of itself did indeed look splendid, didn't it?
Do people Still listen to that like every night in that country of yours?!?
it's actually getting better now.
Now it's only once every other night...
Lest they ROCK IT OFF.
bwahhahahahahahahahahaa! i love crazy conspiracy people.
oh, also, i stumbled across this very informative ad...
Jeez, Chainsaw maid must have been an extremely long project. That was awesome.
I saw the DvD at a store in Japan, I wish I had gotten it.:(
or the most disturbing one...
Except that they don't really sell the good glass bottle orangina here, just the plastic ones. It's not the same