Has anyone else used this &fmt=18 trick? You add it to the end of a youtube URL and the video and audio quality is noticibly better. Not really sure why, but it works.
Alternatively, you can just hit "watch in higher resolution" for the same effect. You can also set youtube to automatically do that when its available.
Theme song for the next James Bond movie. It's a bit different from the ones thus far but I like the new direction they're going in.
NO WAY!!! This is the most disgraceful Bond theme EVER!!! If i wanted to hear Jack White do a song i would just buy a White Stripes album! (which i would NEVER do)
EDIT: Ok i realize that if i had actually listened to that post i would have not made a fool of myself... But i still stand behind my comments on the ACTUAL song...
EDIT: And there are many birthday threads if you prefer that way.
Star Wars Ewok Gospel!
Domino PCs!
Fun stuff.
I NEED that beard!!!
A video made by a friend of a friend. Interesting, I'd like to hear what people think.
Theme song for the next James Bond movie. It's a bit different from the ones thus far but I like the new direction they're going in.
NO WAY!!! This is the most disgraceful Bond theme EVER!!! If i wanted to hear Jack White do a song i would just buy a White Stripes album! (which i would NEVER do)
EDIT: Ok i realize that if i had actually listened to that post i would have not made a fool of myself... But i still stand behind my comments on the ACTUAL song...