Smart beagle. (Two words I thought I'd never use together in a sentence)
I like how long it takes the other dogs to realize what he's doing, and then they just sit and watch him for a while. It moments like those where I wish I could hear animals' thoughts. I think it would make some situations a lot funnier.
'sides you were just in it for the Laurens.
And a Paris:
I have no group of peopleeee! waaaaaaaaaa ;_;
B-but I also love all of you... Sniff.
Smart beagle. (Two words I thought I'd never use together in a sentence)
I don't get it. Is the show about people pitching ideas for shows? Or is it last show they pitched?
I like how long it takes the other dogs to realize what he's doing, and then they just sit and watch him for a while. It moments like those where I wish I could hear animals' thoughts. I think it would make some situations a lot funnier.
Sadly this kid isn't...
I agree, but this kid has WAYY too much time on his hands... Much like most of us...
Drunken squirrel!
I remember seeing it too, perhaps it was posted earlier in this thread or in another?
well idk, either way its funny as hell