He's squeaking with rage. This is seriously pathetic. I can't even imagine being that angry about something. Just punch the damn wall or something. How the hell can you express such a rage by bouncing on your bed? Maybe that's why he's so insane, he doesn't know how to release his anger.
EDIT: I wish the speed-up wasn't broken. This is beatiful. Benny Hillified
For the sake of humanity I hope it's staged. But who knows, he may have mild autism or something, and maybe he had no friends in life except for his wow buddies. Or maybe he's just a spoiled shit whose parents told him no for the first time in 14 years.
I don't know. I think if it was staged it would make a little more sense. He's so random it has to be true blinding rage. Or he really is a damn good actor. Either way, funny and pathetic.
EDIT: I wish the speed-up wasn't broken. This is beatiful. Benny Hillified
EDIT: How the hell does he end up naked?
EDIT: I have a slight suspicion that this is staged, call me crazy
Or maybe he's just a damn fine actor.
I has a new sig.
This is gonna be the best Exploded British Day ever!
Free Real Estate!
There are no words... They should've sent a poet...
Time-lapse footage from a Japanese probe.