


  • edited August 2009
    Looks like something out of Silent Hill. They sit on their own heads!
  • edited August 2009
    Do you guys seriously think it's that creepy?
  • edited August 2009
    It's a little bit creepy. It's also because of that weird, old song they're chanting.
  • edited August 2009
    Pretty much everything they do from the 2 minute mark on looks like something from Silent Hill or a horror movie.

    Though I do admit, if I could do any of that, I'd do it all the time; and those flips they do to exit would be my only method of transportation.
  • edited August 2009
    Looking at it makes me feel pain in my lower back. It just looks REALLY uncomfortable.
  • edited August 2009
    Interesting take on contortion. I read somewhere that to be able to do that kind of stuff, you have to have a lot of natural flexibility and start training when you're little. As you get older your tendons are supposed to get stiffer, so they won't let you stretch and bend so much. Unconfirmed, however.
  • edited August 2009
    Jesus. No one should be able to bend like that!!

    Very awesome though. I can't imagine how much exercise and training it takes to be that flexible/strong. I consider myself fairly flexible, but shit.
  • edited August 2009
    I'd have to agree. That goes beyond flexible into the realm of nightmarish.
  • edited August 2009
    Weird Al Yankovic - Skipper Dan
  • edited August 2009

    Watch it in HD if you can.
  • edited August 2009
    You know, I'm not too familliar with the Orlando area but I have my doubts that it looks like this:


    Or this, for that matter:

  • edited August 2009

    The newest rehabilitation for prisoners is....dancing to thriller?

    They do the hustle as well. Oh and soulja boi.
  • edited August 2009

    I haven't seen the movie but I don't see how it could possibly compare to this.
  • edited August 2009
    I'm surprised by how many celebrities were in that. How do you get Henry Rollins to dress up as Duke for 7 seconds of an internet video?
  • edited August 2009
    What's the joke, Hamelin? What's the joke ??

    I think the 2010 Olympics are awesome, and moreso every time I see protesters. There needs to be a limit on free speech. We had an event related to 2010, with Ross Rebagliati and other Olympians signing autographs, made some speeches. The mascots were there. Also a concert, including Elise Estrada. The whole time, these hippies and their kids are standing in front of the stage banging drums and chanting. The police let them. A few normal citizens, who had come to the event with their kids hoping for a fun day, went up and got into fights with the protesters for ruining things.

    You can't protest against the Olympics. What's Vancouver gonna do, "Sorry everybody, no Olympics this year. We decided the money was better spent elsewhere, and that we really don't have any rights to the native land. Have fun in Sochi 2014."
  • edited August 2009
    shakeycat wrote: »
    There needs to be a limit on free speech.

    Whoah whoah whoah, you suddenly sound awfully familiar...
  • edited August 2009
    Heh, even so, when your so called free speech prevents anyone else from having a good time at an enormous public event filled with good international relations all around even between waring countries... well it's pushing it.
  • edited August 2009
    NoLonger wrote: »
    Heh, even so, when your so called free speech prevents anyone else from having a good time at an enormous public event filled with good international relations all around even between warring countries... well it's pushing it.

    That's exactly it ... there's a time and a place for everything. This time has passed, and there's nothing protesters can do now except bitch and moan to no avail. And the place is not front and centre, you idiots.

    Mr Chavez and I might become good friends, some day. If he ever responds to my fanmail :( I sent drawings and everything
  • edited August 2009
    I think I said something similar about the protests against the 2008 Beijing Olympics last year about protesters being retarded, and Rob pointed out how in his part of the world protests are fairly important, because many countries in South America don't have very good political regimes.

    For the most part people in rich, developed countries don't realize how good their lives really are. They don't see the political corruption, the Big Brotherism, and the complete poverty and despair that billions of people in other parts of the world have to deal with. But then they go to college for a semester and OH EM GEE their eyes are opened to the world. They will protest globalization without thinking about how the cars their parents bought them have a manufacturing supply chain that spans half the globe, or they will protest international issues like Tibet without knowing a word of Mandarin or a single piece of information about Chinese history. And they'll throw around the word socialist, charged with the hatred of a racial epithet, and take a zealous psudo-patriotic against everything remotely socialist while enjoying the government run benefits of police, firefighters, public schools, food safety, interstate highways, etc.

    Taking away free speech is unpatriotic for a western country. We need to go deep down to our roots and find the real solution: we just need to beat the shit out of them. That's all.
  • edited August 2009
    Can't we just push them outside the entrances? That way the protesters can still be seen and heard by all who come and go, but the event can still go on with no further disruption.
  • edited August 2009
    My problem with protesters is that most of them don't offer any constructive solutions. They protest things like health care reform because everyone else is doing it, and if they even have a reason at all it's because "health care works for me so don't change it lol".

    Call Obama a socialist and use the words liberal as a slur (or Bush a fascist and everyone who doesn't agree with your ideology as being far right), and I'll quickly block out biased rhetoric and write you off as a dumbass. Calmly tell me that the government that could not manage the finances of Cash for Clunkers is not qualified to handle something as big as health care, and you've got my attention. Suggest that doctors should be forced to release accurate pricing information about services beforehand so patients can shop around and drive down prices, and I'll buy you a cup of coffee.

    Actually, what is up with these Olympic protests? I can't see the youtube video, internet from this side of the planet is crappy at the moment.
  • edited August 2009
    Actually there weren't any protests in the video that I saw. Maybe a couple people who weren't very excited about the Olympics, but that is all. I think protesters were just brought up by the Canadian girl.
  • edited August 2009
  • edited August 2009
    Those Orcas are awesome. But I have to remark that Orcas are in the Delphinidea family, or the dolphin family to you non-taxonomic jerks.

    And yes, Lex Luthor truly is the most evil of evils.
  • edited August 2009
    The Guild - Do You Wanna Date My Avatar
  • edited August 2009
    I just recently got into watching The Guild, It's pretty good. Up until you realize the people are just like your guild.....and you're the perverted douche bag.
  • edited August 2009
    The 8-bit trip!

    1500 hours of moving legobricks and taking photos of them.