Also, he didn't leave the green teleport marker behind.
EDIT: That's be sweet if they improved Farore's wind in Brawl so that you could create a warp point, and then press up and b (or whatever buttons you do) again to go back there at any time.
The fact that it wasn't available in Zelda II doesn't seem to matter, since you take a quite anachronistic leniency with what does and what doesn't occur Zelda II
He clearly used the Gnat Hat to shrink himself. The Miscreant is going to be in for a mighty shock when Link magically appears behind him after taking the hat off! In fact, maybe he went to go get the Four Sword! That'd show The Miscreant who's in charge and who is not in charge!
EDIT: I come bearing tidings of 2007! In other news, my exclamation mark button is getting mighty sore with me for abusing him! More on that story at 11. Back to you in the studio, Chuck!
Huh, guys? How about it? Delicious frozen yogurt?
But yes, this is officially the best comic you've made.
EDIT: Made a gift for you, since I have nothing better to do:
I agree with the frozen yogurt plan. Sounds mighty tasty.
My guess would be that he used Farore's Wind.
Zelda, however, displayed having this ability (at least the Smash Bros. Melee incarnation of it).
EDIT: That's be sweet if they improved Farore's wind in Brawl so that you could create a warp point, and then press up and b (or whatever buttons you do) again to go back there at any time.
I think Link used the Magic Cape.
What is QED?
Link's not that smart though.
EDIT: I come bearing tidings of 2007! In other news, my exclamation mark button is getting mighty sore with me for abusing him! More on that story at 11. Back to you in the studio, Chuck!
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.