Brew 42: I Am Declaring Warhol

edited February 2007 in Witch's Brew
Matt and Mario have recently demonstrated the art of brewing in an epic 24 panel brew, I'll have it up in a few. Check back soon.

EDIT: post'd


  • edited February 2007
    Love the title! Though it actually makes no sense to me at all! Which is maybe why I love it so.
  • edited February 2007
    It will make sense soon enough.
  • edited February 2007
    I'm liking this simul-brew action going on. I wonder how many will come out between now and the Mass Brew?
  • edited February 2007
    I can't wait! But I must! Sentence fragment!
  • edited February 2007
    hlavco wrote: »
    I'm liking this simul-brew action going on. I wonder how many will come out between now and the Mass Brew?

    Hopefully many. The whole idea of multiple Brews running concurrently is to have more frequent updates, instead of waiting a year or so between episode releases. We'll see how that goes.

    EDIT: Hooray for Brew42 being up!
  • edited February 2007
    That brew was entertainergizing!
  • edited February 2007
    Tony Danza's evil side is horrifying.
  • edited February 2007
    As hlavco just demonstrated, they haven't yet invented words to describe how incredible that Brew was. I'll have to make one up. That Brew was scrumtrulescent.
  • edited February 2007
    But that's been made up already! By Will Ferrell impersonating James Lipton!
  • edited February 2007
    But I made up it's spelling!
  • edited February 2007
    Vin Diesel thinks he can step to Chuck Norris? What a tool. Chuck Norris can divide by zero. You don't mess with that kind of power.
  • edited February 2007
    Oh God, the talking Chuck Norris painting had me in stitches. Literally! It made my appendix burst!
  • edited February 2007
    mjc0961 wrote: »
    Vin Diesel thinks he can step to Chuck Norris? What a tool. Chuck Norris can divide by zero. You don't mess with that kind of power.

    I don't know... While Chuck's power is amazing, I don't think even he could watch the entirety of The Pacifier without crying. If there's one man who might have a chance against Chuck, it's Vin. Or 20 Bees Man. Or Jon Basedow, and maybe Dwayne Johnson. Actually, I think if they all teamed up, they might have a chance.
  • edited February 2007
    Chuck would just drive a 10 second car in to the battle area to distract Vin, then he would give 20 bees man the choice of either dying by bullet, or roundhouse kick, and 20 bees man would be incapacitated due to extreme indecision, then Chuck would buy air time for his Total Gym to take Jon Basedow off the air, thus rendering him powerless, and then he'd fake a roundhouse kick to the Rock, so he would act like he was killed, Chuck wins.
  • edited February 2007
    Chuck Norris makes The Pacifier look like The Little Mermaid. I haven't actually seen The Pacifier, so I base that statement on Chuck Norris' ass kicking power.
  • edited February 2007
    The Little Mermaid is much better than The Pacifier, even if you judge it by waterfowl content.
  • edited February 2007
    Twenty Bees Man would never team up with Fitness Celebrity Jon Basedow! THIS HYPOTHETICAL ARGUMENT IS FLAWED.
  • edited February 2007
    Dude, I am appalled that I witnessed the creation of Soup Perm Mark/Ed by walking by your computer.
  • edited February 2007
    You had no clue what you were looking at, did you? I still don't.
  • edited February 2007
    mario wrote: »
    Twenty Bees Man would never team up with Fitness Celebrity Jon Basedow! THIS HYPOTHETICAL ARGUMENT IS FLAWED.

    Think x-men and the brotherhood teaming up against Apocalypse, enemies will work together when a greater cause is presented. And they totally have a shot, all they have to do is get the bees to hold chuck down while dwayne and vin act out scenes from the scorpion king, the rundown, XXX, pacifier, Tokyo Drift, etc. while jon basedow usurps chuck's infomercial air time. (it's like samson's hair, infomercial air time is where Chuck draws his power from, no air time = no power.) The various scenes from the stupid movies would dull chuck's amazing wit which can normally kill a yak from a hundred yards away, with mind bullets. Powerless and feeling stupid, he should be easy to take down.
  • edited February 2007
    Ah ha! Vin Diesel wasn't in Tokyo Drift! Also, where does 20 bees man fit in? In your scenario, I think he's just busy deciding what attack he'll use. Man, 20 Bees Man isn't a very good super hero, huh?
  • edited February 2007
    There is a solution to his problem! I could tell you how to fix him, but my services don't come cheap...
  • edited February 2007
    Takeru wrote: »
    Ah ha! Vin Diesel wasn't in Tokyo Drift!

    Yes he was! At the very end he has a cameo.
  • edited February 2007
    deku12345 wrote: »
    Yes he was! At the very end he has a cameo.

    Vin's part shan't be belittled as a "cameo", he made the whole film worth while!
  • edited February 2007
    Oh, I never had the will to sit through that movie, had I known Vin was at the end, I would've loved it.
  • edited February 2007
    Bill Nye is superior to Chuck Norris.
  • edited February 2007
    Bill Nye is superior to everyone, his SCIENCE! puts him on a higher plane, up there with Abe Lincoln and Shakespeare (The Necronomicon gives him +80 to all his stats).
  • edited February 2007
    Some Bill Nye facts:

    -Bill Nye can split atoms with his bare hands.
    -Bill Nye's sperm count is measured in moles/milliliter.
    -Bill Nye knows how fast an electron is going... AND where it is.
    -Bill Nye decides if Schroedinger's cat is alive or dead.
    -Bill Nye told Pluto that it was no longer a planet... and it listened.
    -Bill Nye carries the fountain of youth around in a klein bottle in his back pocket.
    -Bill Nye destroyed the Berlin Wall with common household chemicals.
    -Gravity: Bill Nye's idea.
    -Bill Nye tutors Stephen Hawking.
    -Bill Nye challenged a photon to a race in a vacuum and won.
    -Bill Nye knows more than Laplace's Demon.
    -Bill Nye does his taxes in his head, and he's a millionaire... draw your own conclusion.
    -Bill Nye was the first person to orbit the earth... in only a lab coat and safety goggles.
    -Bill Nye is the only person who is allowed in the lab area without goggles.
    -While filming a Science Guy episode on particle physics, Bill Nye met his antimatter self. It was a battle of wits, since Bill and Anti-Bill couldn't touch each other without annihilating themselves and most of the West Coast. Bill finally won by proving that the Universe itself is a figment of his imagination, and therefore he can do whatever he wants to it. Anti-Bill promptly vanished in a puff of logic.
    -Santa Claus will soon begin contracting all gift giving to Bill Nye. Good children will receive gyroscopes, and bad children will have the thermite reaction initiated on their face.
    -"When Chuck Norris has a problem, he asks Bill Nye."
    *Scott Fridlund
    -Bill Nye counted to infinity 3 times, and still had not reached his IQ score
    *Michael Bertasso Jr
    -Bill Nye makes his ice cream using milk, cream, sugar ,.....and cold fusion.
    *Justin Meyers
    -Superman once told Bill Nye that he was completely indestructible, this led to Bill creating what he likes to call kryptonite.
    *Jeff Baustian
    -Avogadro's Number is actually a misnomer since Bill Nye discovered it when asked to provide a PIN for his checking account.
    *Galen Azbell
    -Bill Nye can decrease his own entropy without doing work.
    -Bill Nye is more efficient than a reversible process.
    -While the general public knows him as Chuck Norris, Bill Nye knows him as the Roundhouse Kicking Machine of Science.
    -Bill Nye derived the Theory of Everything at age 5, deemed the world unworthy of its mighty and far-reaching applications, and destroyed all his work using the Theory of Everything Paper Shredder of Science.
    *Erik Nelson
    -Some people can recite the first few thousand digits of pi. Bill Nye can recite the last thousand digits of pi.
    *Jason Biatek
  • edited February 2007
    Was Chuck Norris already on the cast list? If not, ADD HIM NOW.
  • edited February 2007
    What other episode was he in?