I'm posting from an iPhone!

edited July 18 in Tech
woo hoo! This is sweet, though the keyboard is definitely going to take some getting used to.


  • edited July 2007
    Awesome! I wish I had $600 to spare..
  • edited July 2007
    How's that workin for ya?
  • edited July 2007
    Geoff! You already had an iPhone! What kind of person needs two iPhones?!? The crazy kind, that's what.
  • edited July 2007
    There is no version of Linux for the iPhone yet. Therefore, it's worthless.
  • edited July 2007
    I'd vastly prefer an iPhone that works over an iPhone with Linux on it.
  • edited July 2007
  • edited July 2007
    What a frivolous, over-priced gadget. The iPhone has exactly 0 functions that appeal to me. All this thread tells me is that geoko must be loaded to be able to have an iPhone, a Wii, and a PS3. I can only assume he is a robot that never eats or sleeps.
  • edited July 2007
    You forget the possibility that he is some sort of drug purveyor
  • edited July 2007
    I want to need an iPhone.
  • edited July 2007
    Here's what you do:

    You take your current phone and go to a rough bar claiming that it costs a lot of money. Then go outside and when the nice man (men) come up to you and request it, simply hand it over.
  • edited July 2007
    If I remove tuition, gas, and my Wii, I'm almost positive I've otherwise spent less in the last year than what it costs to buy an iPhone with the required service to make it function. With a price tag like that, it should not just direct me from one place to another via maps, but drive me there. It should not simply play music, but sing to me. I could go on but perhaps you know where I'm going with this. The point is, I do not believe it is possible to need an iPhone at this point.
  • edited July 2007
    Night Lord wrote: »
    Here's what you do:

    You take your current phone and go to a rough bar claiming that it costs a lot of money. Then go outside and when the nice man (men) come up to you and request it, simply hand it over.

    Despite your protestations to the contrary, you can't simply trick Fate. Giving my phone to thieves (or destroying it, as you've mentioned to me previously) is a waste of money spent. I plan on getting my money's worth on my current cell phone.

    X'o'Lore: Why is the Wii exempt from what I can only assume is a tally of non-essential purchases?

    I've already decided that the iPhone will be my next phone, but I can't justify throwing out a perfectly good phone to get one. I can wait.
  • edited July 2007
    What if your iPod and your phone broke simultaneously?
  • edited July 2007
    I'd be very saddened. Then, like I said, I'd get an iPhone.
  • edited July 2007
    heh heh, so it's actually my brother's iphone. they sold out before i could get one. But I wanted to test it in a way that I would be likely to actually use it, and here's my review thus far. Everything is RIDICULOUSLY intuitive. I was like hmmm... I wonder how I change cities in weather, well... I would make so that i just drag it off this way and... voila, I was right! The browser works VERY well, with funky exception I stumbled onto. That was entering my user name and password. (I suppose I'd only really have to do that once, but oh man it was a pain.) I kept accidentally hitting the return key, which made it try to load, and it would delete what I'd already typed as an "incorrect password." I must've typed Geoko and ******* a hundred times. Although, I suppose that goes under my gneral "the keyboard takes some getting used to" complaint. The auto correcting generally does a fairly good job, and once it learned what words you tend to use, I'm sure would be VERY handy. (For example, I tend to type "gonna" a lot, which of course was not in the dictionary, aftre typing it a few times, it caught on and would correct to "gonna".) The browser, email, voicemail, and ipod functions are all so slickly integrated and executed (ESPECIALLY the iPod part) that I really think the complaints are minute in comparison. More storage space would be nice (Honestly, I don't even think 60 GB was enough, I need... like... a 300 GB ipod, but by the time that comes out, I'll need a TB iPod I'm sure), iChat would only be appropriate (though I'm told they'll be adding iChat when the new Mac OS comes out), and typing in compact boxes on websites can be a little awkward, at least without zooming way in. All in all, even in its current early incarnation, I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10. of course, I'd give my current phone a .5 out of (10 to the power of 50), and I'd still say it blows everything else out of the water, there's just a few things I'd still like to see.
  • edited July 2007
    I'm too lasy to read all that. What does it say?
  • edited July 2007
    Night Lord wrote: »
    What if your iPod and your phone broke simultaneously?

    My phones been breaking for months, and my last iPod broke this weekend. (My 40 GB died a while ago, my 60 GB got stolen a month or so ago, and my 15 GB finally crapped out on me after almost 4 years. but hey, my shuffles and my 1st gen are still kickin'!)

    I intend to get an iPhone, once my credit card debt from buying a wii and a PS3 last month calms down a bit. I'll probly pick one up in early august / late july.
  • edited July 2007
    mario wrote: »
    X'o'Lore: Why is the Wii exempt from what I can only assume is a tally of non-essential purchases?

    It's not a tally of non-essential purchases. It's a tally of EVERYTHING. The Wii is almost all of the tally for non-essential. I'm probably even exagerating my spending a bit. I won't be able to pull that off over the next year though.
  • edited July 2007
    I called the nearby AT&T store the day after the phone came out and they had a whole bunch. Mostly because I saw this insane auction.
  • edited July 2007
    MrCheeze wrote: »
    I'm too lasy to read all that. What does it say?
    geoko wrote:
    heh heh, so it's actually my brother's iphone. they sold out before i could get one. But I wanted to test it in a way that I would be likely to actually use it, and here's my review thus far. Everything is RIDICULOUSLY intuitive. I was like hmmm... I wonder how I change cities in weather, well... I would make so that i just drag it off this way and... voila, I was right! The browser works VERY well, with funky exception I stumbled onto. That was entering my user name and password. (I suppose I'd only really have to do that once, but oh man it was a pain.) I kept accidentally hitting the return key, which made it try to load, and it would delete what I'd already typed as an "incorrect password." I must've typed Geoko and ******* a hundred times. Although, I suppose that goes under my gneral "the keyboard takes some getting used to" complaint. The auto correcting generally does a fairly good job, and once it learned what words you tend to use, I'm sure would be VERY handy. (For example, I tend to type "gonna" a lot, which of course was not in the dictionary, aftre typing it a few times, it caught on and would correct to "gonna".) The browser, email, voicemail, and ipod functions are all so slickly integrated and executed (ESPECIALLY the iPod part) that I really think the complaints are minute in comparison. More storage space would be nice (Honestly, I don't even think 60 GB was enough, I need... like... a 300 GB ipod, but by the time that comes out, I'll need a TB iPod I'm sure), iChat would only be appropriate (though I'm told they'll be adding iChat when the new Mac OS comes out), and typing in compact boxes on websites can be a little awkward, at least without zooming way in. All in all, even in its current early incarnation, I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10. of course, I'd give my current phone a .5 out of (10 to the power of 50), and I'd still say it blows everything else out of the water, there's just a few things I'd still like to see.
  • edited July 2007
    mario wrote: »
    X'o'Lore: Why is the Wii exempt from what I can only assume is a tally of non-essential purchases?
    Since when is a Wii non-essential?
  • edited July 2007
    You're right, I don't know what I was thinking.
  • edited July 2007
    Two things:

    1) Mario, you're taking no guff tonight. I love you like Brutus loved Caesar (before the murder).

    2) So it seems to me that the iPhone's super awesomeness lies not in its hardware, but mostly in its software? Geoff, you mentioned a weather-type program. What else does it have to offer? I'm seriously interested. My status as military personnel allows me to get out of most contracts by simply using the phrase, "Well, I'm in the military, so...". THEREFORE, Verizon may be out and AT&T may be in since the iPhone is interesting as Hell (atleast Dante's rendition thereof. I'm reading the books you sent me, Jeff!)
  • edited July 2007
    In fact, I've had a chance to mess around with the iPhone my boss got almost every workday since its release, so I might be able to help you out with that stuff. Apple's official site for the iPhone has some informative (as well as some cheesy) videos that walk you through the basics of phone features and usage, but here's the stuff I dig about it:

    -excellent browser (no Flash or Java support just yet, but plenty of developers have been quick on the draw to design Web-based iPhone apps, and I'm sure such things will be added in impending software updates)
    -Visual Voicemail (instead of waiting through the ol' pre-recorded "You, have, 3, new, voice messages and, 2, old, voice messages", you can see all your messages at a glance with caller ID and listen to them out of sequence. Watch the video, it's quite possibly too cool for school)
    -Google Maps (specifically the directions, which I'm amazed this video doesn't show; as you start your trip, you can hit a Next button, and the map will pan and zoom to the next step in your driving directions)
    -YouTube (because who wouldn't want Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series on the go? A crazy person, that's who)
    -Multi-Touch's "pinch" feature (makes me wish such functionality was available on the desktop)
    -a million other things

    ...Sigh, who am I kidding? I'm going to get an iPhone sooner rather than later.
  • edited July 2007
    Dear god I hope other phone providers rip off that voicemail.
  • edited July 2007
    I've often wished that voicemail providers would set up a website where you could download your messages as MP3s. The regular interface is incredibly annoying.

    Of course, now that I've gotten rid of my cellphone and gone back to a landline I just use an answering machine.
  • edited July 2007
    You can usually skip the slow voice-mail intro with the * button.
  • edited July 2007
    The iPhone does ensure that a good all-in-one gadget will be able to be had (it needs to record sound/take pictures/video too) in the near future. I expect the prices will come down over time. Also, AT&T is the worst provider I could hope for. They are the most evil of providers in this area, and that really says something when the best providers around here seem like they'd have a nasty tendency to sneak an additional charge of "your soul" on most your bills.
  • edited July 2007
    Eh, AT&T's got good signal strength in all the places I go on a regular basis, so I'm glad to be with them. I switched to them originally because my former provider (Verizon) kept locking out Bluetooth support on their phones. I like Bluetooth.

    The iPhone does take pictures, but I do see your point. Apple's general strategy is to first release a basic device that does a specific set of features just right, then add functionality later through software updates and, ultimately, new revisions of the product. That's how they did it with the iPod, anyway. I definitely like that the iPhone has the capability to be easily updated, a feature missing from most cell phones on the market. It will allow Apple to easily fix any bugs or security issues that may come up.
  • edited July 2007
    Of course, now that I've gotten rid of my cellphone and gone back to a landline I just use an answering machine.
    DI, that is so awesome and retro. I was wondering when those would come back into style.