I'm posting from an iPhone!



  • edited July 2007
    Don't most answer machines use EEPROM memory to store the messages as opposed to tapes now a days?
  • edited July 2007
    bah, tape ones are cooler, i liked playing back the tapes and messing with the motor so that everyone sounded like satan, of course that was before I knew how tapes worked and that I was basically destroying the tape deck and the tapes themselves... Oh well, live and learn, or so rockin' people say.
  • edited July 2007
    Bah, tapes are annoying. Having to rewind and the tape getting caught in the reels far too often.

    Digital is far more Rockin' ;)
  • edited July 2007
    Our family used to have the best answering machine tape ever. As my father said "Thank you for calling the Hlavac residence, please leave a message after the tone", the first dungeon of Mario 3 could be heard in the background. Right after "after the tone", I jumped in the lava to make the dying noise. Then the person would leave their message. It was awesome.

    My parents used to be so into video games... I wonder what happened?
  • edited July 2007
    The over-complication of video-games, which nintendo have realised and are trying to rectify.
  • edited July 2007
    DI, that is so awesome and retro. I was wondering when those would come back into style.
    I just figured there wasn't any point in paying a monthly fee for something that could be done just as well by paying a few dollars up front for another device.
  • edited July 2007
    I assumed the monthly fee was for use of the cellular networks.

    I've personally gone the opposite direction from DI, opting instead to drop my landline. It's worked out pretty awesomely so far.
  • edited July 2007
    Sometimes pizza places won't deliver to cell phone numbers. That happened to my cousins, because too many people around there were making prank orders and stuff.
  • edited July 2007
    mario wrote: »
    I assumed the monthly fee was for use of the cellular networks.
    I meant the monthly fee for the optional voicemail feature on landline packages.
    hlavco wrote: »
    Sometimes pizza places won't deliver to cell phone numbers. That happened to my cousins, because too many people around there were making prank orders and stuff.
    Plus you can't hook a fax machine to one, have to worry about reception (I had a lot of trouble making calls from my apartment on my cell, but that might have been because my cell was rather crap) and it makes it difficult to get DSL. I might switch back to cellular if someone offers a package that gives unlimited Internet access for a reasonable price, or if I start making enough that I can afford the redundancy of having two phone services, but until then I'll just stick with the landline.
  • edited July 2007
    What use is a virtual pizza? I'd rather have one delivered to an address.

    DI, sir, what do you pay monthly for your landline?
  • edited July 2007
    Oh yeah? Well I'm posting from my iPhone! And I'm loving it!

    This thing is basically the best phone ever. Text messaging is now not a total pain in the ass, on account of the extremely useful auto-correcting keyboard. It took maybe a day to get used to a touch keyboard, but now I'm positively blazing with it.

    I'd say the weirdest thing about it is having all these methods of communication (email, SMS, voicemail, etc.) alongside each other. I switch between them constantly, forgetting that the recipient isn't getting everything consolidated like I am. But that's more my problem than the phone's.

    I'm very glad I bit the bullet and bought this. If it only saved cookies, I'd use it for the forum instead of my computer. ^_^
  • edited July 2007
    I got to hold an iPhone for the first time the other day. It was pretty looking, but I really don't have a reason for one. At all. I'm rather attached to my cheap buy-one-get-one-free phone that doesn't even have an antennae anymore.
  • edited July 2007
    I hardly even use a cell phone. I never felt a need to text anybody (especially since my friends don't have cellphones at all). I have no music to put on an mp3 player and care little for photos. Any time that I'd have time to be on the internet I have access to a computer with internet access. Really, if it can't run Unreal Tournament 2004, 3D Studio Max, various text editors, photoshop, and be able to manage thousands of files (and run them, so it must be Windows) AND have the numerous gigabytes of storage to contain all that then I have no use for it. The only thing an iPhone can do for me is be featured on a youtube video where they grind it up in a blender.

    Sir, I am not impressed.
  • edited July 2007
    Who's trying to impress you? The thread is called "I'm posting from an iPhone!", so I figured I should post on it from an iPhone. Also, some people expressed interest in owners' opinions on the device, so I gave some.
  • edited July 2007
    Oh come off it, Mario, everyone knows you're always trying to impress everyone with everything you do, from your awesome JT avatar to your rad unnamed salesman caricatures in Witch's Brew
  • edited July 2007
    Very well. I will simply leave it at the iPhone is not for me. I did mean to congratulate you on your purchase nonetheless and hope it proves to be useful. I HAVE heard nothing but good things about it.

    But after having my favored tech sites keep jabbering about the iPhone it did make my day to see one meet a blendery death.
  • edited July 2007
    XoLore wrote: »
    I hardly even use a cell phone. I never felt a need to text anybody (especially since my friends don't have cellphones at all). I have no music to put on an mp3 player and care little for photos. Any time that I'd have time to be on the internet I have access to a computer with internet access. Really, if it can't run Unreal Tournament 2004, 3D Studio Max, various text editors, photoshop, and be able to manage thousands of files (and run them, so it must be Windows) AND have the numerous gigabytes of storage to contain all that then I have no use for it. The only thing an iPhone can do for me is be featured on a youtube video where they grind it up in a blender.

    Sir, I am not impressed.

    You sir need a UMPC
  • edited July 2007
    This would be true, but they generally aren't powerful enough to effectively run the software I run now, let alone what I might use in the future. A laptop would work, but not as well as a good desktop. Right now I just use a mobile harddrive.
  • edited July 2007
    Phone Home is very cool. I tried it out at work and it's pretty solid. Highly recommended for all you zero other iPhone owners on the forum. As is Gridgets.
  • edited July 2007
    S-s-someone likes The Salesman? Hooray!
  • edited July 2007
    Dude, everyone loves the salesman, except those buying his products.

    Mainly because they usually die.
  • edited August 2007
    I think that was mentioned already. Still, the link was appreciated. The blatant waste of money was not.
  • edited August 2007
    Two blatant wastes of money, actually.
  • edited August 2007
    Yeah, but did you see the Ebay link? Some crazy fucker bought it for $901 bucks.