Aquaria looks pretty cool



  • edited December 2007
    Planning on it, once the site comes back.
  • edited December 2007
    Found what appears to be a juicy link for you!

    Maybe. I'm not about to start to buy the game again to see if it works, but this site acknowledges that the Bit-Blot site is down. The link leads to a page that looks exactly like the screen I bought it from, and it's Plimus' secure site, so it should work just fine. I think?

    I don't know. I'm a little leery, but I think it would be okay. It is Plimus' site, after all.
  • edited December 2007
    It looks to have worked just fine, the game's downloading right now.

    In other words: You. Are. Rad.
  • edited December 2007
    Well, I guess the actual site's kinda back up.. seems they've redirected the purchase pages through Derek's site. But I'm still happy I was able to find something first. =D

    Enjoy, mittens. It's absolutely beautiful.
  • edited December 2007
    I'll get the full game once Ambrosia releases the Mac port. Someday. But what the hell, I'll download the demo and Boot Camp it around a little to whet my appetite.
  • edited December 2007
    It looks like some people are buying the game, should there be an Aquaria game discussion (i.e. spoilers maybe) thread?

    I'm going to not bother right now, and ask if one is supposed to get anything after defeating the fallen god. Other than the home treasure, which appears to do nothing at all. No new song? Is the cutscene just storyline? I ask because I am stuck, and I'm wondering if I should keep trying new things, or if I've missed something important already.
  • edited December 2007
    Oh yes, I'm quite far past the first boss. In regards to the part where it crashed, it may have just been my computer overheating. My laptop doesn't get much air flow over its processor. Also, I wasn't even supposed to be at the place where it was crashing, yet.
  • edited December 2007
    The demo almost works in Wine. The only problem is that you can't see the mouse cursor during the game itself (although you can see it on the title screen menu.) Unfortunately, with a game as mouse-driven as this one that's a pretty big problem.
  • edited December 2007
    Status report, everyone! I've just finished my first runthrough, though I didn't get the good ending, I'll have to go back and get that eventually.

    I have to say, I'm extremely impressed. It amazes me that this game was made by two guys.

    There are some flaws, but they're minor. I think it's evident that Alec and Derek love games and drew on their histories as gamers in making this game unique.
  • edited December 2007
    If you pay attention to the credits, you'll note there were more than two people involved! I got the "good" ending, but was kind of angry at myself when the game told me I unlocked it. "Different Ending Unlocked" it flashed on the screen before I even beat it once. I still haven't gotten all the treasures or recipes though, so, yeah.

    This post was meant to illustrate how frustrated I am that I have to play it through once again to see the "normal" ending. Not that I'd mind playing it again, in fact, I look forward to it. Just the fact that I have to play it again and IGNORE every nook and cranny is what's getting me. Also for the record I just finished it earlier today, so I'm not gloating or anything. This post was nothing but good intentions!
  • edited December 2007
    Well then, what did you think, John? What were the game's biggest flaws and glories?
  • edited December 2007
    The biggest flaw is that there's no Linux version yet.

    Although apparently the Windows version plays quite well in Wine, I'm still holding off until they either release or cancel the Linux port.
  • edited December 2007
    I think my biggest gripe was that the game was not as difficult as it could have been; by that I mean battles were not too hard. I think this could have been changed by limiting the amount of food items you could eat per minute, or making the enemy fire less avoidable. At times during the game I was reminded of Ikaruga, with the sheer number of projectiles that could be launched at you at any given time, but still most of these were avoidable by swimming in a figure-eight or circle while right clicking like a madman. Maybe I should have turned off the auto-target? I found the ability to ride sea-horses pointless since the first time going through an area I'd rather slowly explore than quickly rush through it, subsequent passes through an area were faster on an ancient turtle's back than on a sea horse's, and when on the mount itself you're vulnerable to attack without having a method of defending yourself.

    The food system was great. I like how some things healed you, some things buffed you, some were harmful, and some were just fun. (Rainbow soup, "not another sea loaf", etc.) The inclusion of an Aquarian language is another point I like that added some flavor to the game. The art was beautiful. The controls were simple and uncluttered. The music was pleasant and mood-setting, but not distracting. The voice acting for Naija was nicely done, but I have to wonder if the English accent was real. If so, then fine, but if not then I'll have to be a bit confused. The voice acting for the final boss was a bit cliché, but not unbearable. I liked the various treasures you could find around Aquaria to add to your home cave. I also liked the different costumes you could change into during your normal form, with some being purely cosmetic and others aiding you in some way; the only thing about Naija's outfits I did not like was the peek-a-boo-tummy-style outfit Derek Yu seems to have a hard on for. The song powers were varied, and one thing I especially liked was that learning new ones rarely deprecated the older ones. The map was huge; of course I would have loved it to be bigger, but then I can't think of any size map that would have satisfied my hunger for exploration. Exploration was definitely the best part of this game.
  • edited December 2007
    Naija's voice actress is actually British, but her natural accent is a bit different from Naija's. She did a podcast-interview with one of the developers that was part of the "Seven Days of Aquaria" bit on the blog.
  • edited December 2007
    Oh John.... that comic is hilarious.

    I think I agree with everything you said here pretty much... there were some little things that I absolutely loved. I loved Naija's giggles and gasps when she saw different things in the world. I love how they captured a sense of the loneliness of Aquaria throughout the game.
  • edited December 2007
    Mac version? :'( *sniffle* Where are you?
  • edited December 2007
    Wow... I just got the good ending... wow. FTW.

    And John, you don't have to go back to see another ending, the bad ending is just the good ending minus a sizable chunk.
  • edited December 2007
    I'm having trouble with the Boss in the crazy living cave place behind the city. I figured out what to do but I'm still dying a lot.
  • edited December 2007
    Have you started utilizing food? I always go into boss fights with a lot of healing and buffing items.
  • edited December 2007
    Yeah, I was just having a run of bad luck it seemed, I beat the boss a little bit ago.
  • edited December 2007
    Oh oh! One other thing I like was how unlinear it was. Mithalas or The Kelp Forest? Go wherever you want! Also, with some patience and generous use of The Verse, one could travel through The Abyss right from the start of the game.

    EDIT: Not that I did, I'm just saying is all.
  • edited December 2007
    Generous use of the Verse? What are you talking about?
  • edited December 2007
    The same thing I mean when I say I like toast with a generous use of butter. That's not to say I like to have sexual intercourse with slightly-above-room-temperature butter, but rather that I like to eat toast with a lot of butter. If you wail on any note of the verse, all the mobile, non-hostile bioluminescent critters just swarm around you.

    P.S. For the record, I'm not saying that I do NOT like to have sexual intercourse with slightly-above-room-temperature butter either.
  • edited December 2007

    Oh. I wasn't aware that they did that. You wouldn't be able to do much though... until you got Li. I wonder if you could get to the final boss without ever getting Sun Form? I'm trying to think of an instance outside of that battle that you NEED Sun Form...


    Perhaps this thread should have a spoilers label put on it?