
  • edited September 2010
    Sounds like a T-shirt slogan/inside joke.

    Also, I'm on skype most of the time, MSN/AIM/GoogleTalk now and then, and I do check my email several times a week. Also, there is also a land-line phone within my reach. If one of those doesn't work for anybody who cares to talk to me, then too bad. I only use my ancient cell phone to make out-going calls on very rare occasions and I like it that way.
  • edited September 2010
    I survived the UT Drama of '10

    Me too!! Not quite as impressive though... I spent my day at my house watching tv and making sure the 'second' gunman wasn't headed your direction.

    Also, X: we're talking about the school shooting yesterday at the University of Texas. Both of us are students here. I don't happen to have classes on Tuesdays, but Greg did; he was RIGHT THERE.
  • edited September 2010
    Ah. My bad. Wasn't paying attention to the news. As is usually the case.

    Sounds a bit frightful.
  • edited September 2010
    Mish42 wrote: »
    My new phone is fucking awesome

    Like a Micro Machine?!?!
  • edited September 2010
    XoLore wrote: »
    Ah. My bad. Wasn't paying attention to the news. As is usually the case.

    Sounds a bit frightful.

    It was :D
    mario wrote: »
    Like a Micro Machine?!?!

    Like a 4g phone! Sprint HTC Evo. :3
  • edited September 2010
    Do you happen to be in one of the very few places that has the 4G Network? If so, then awesome. Otherwise. WHAT THE HELL SPRINT!?! FIX YOUR DAMN NETWORK!
  • edited September 2010
    I'll admit, I haven't been using it since it sucks up so much battery... but yes, I live in a big enough city with a 4g network.
  • edited September 2010
    Ah, well, good for you. If I could actually afford a phone I might make more complaints about Sprint being dumb.
  • edited October 2010
    So, I've just triumphed (I think) over a bout of anxiety. It was really damn weird because I've never had that sort of thing happen to me before. I had every reason to be content and satisfied, but I couldn't shake the feeling that everything in my life was failing and I constantly had a tightness in my stomach. I couldn't enjoy things because I was so worried about the future.

    But I pushed through a major portion of the work I had to do this weekend and took some St. John's Wort, which is supposed to be a pretty effective anti-depressant (apparently it's prescription-only in Ireland) and now I feel awesome. I'm looking forward to the rest of the weekend and I'm motivated to do well in the next week of classes. Hooray!

    In other success news, I finally decided to stop being a bum and get my own monitor. My old monitor died about a year ago and a friend let me borrow his. But then it got a temporary dead pixel line in it so I thought I'd better give it back before IT broke. Now I'm sporting a 22" widescreen HDCP compatible monitor. It's my first widescreen, HD display device ever (including TVs) and it's lovely. I'm just pissed that you have to pay an extra 30 dollars for a damn DVI-D cord to get full HD output, but that can come later.
  • edited October 2010
    YAY NEW MONITORS! Everything is widescreen and XTREME!
  • edited October 2010
    I like monitors. I have 2 of them. I've thought about getting a 3rd.

    I don't know what you mean by not being able to get full HD. I would think a DVI-D connector is pretty much the standard type that would come with a monitor. Unless you mean that you need a dual-link cable, but I don't believe that would be the case with a 22" screen. It can't be more than a 1920 x 1080 resolution and single link should be able to handle that. Unless you are saying that you don't have a dvi cable at all. In that case I would say they are really cheaping out on monitors these days.
  • edited October 2010
    Yeah, it's the latter. It came with a VGA cable, so I need to get a DVI-D cable before I can use HD.

    Explain to me about this single-link/double-link thing. Will I be able to tell from looking at the female port on the back of my graphics card?
  • edited October 2010
    Um, I guess you could look at wikipedia about it. The single/double thing only really applies to the cable itself as far as I know. A double link cable has the full block of pins while a single has a gap in the middle of the main block of pins. The only real difference is that double link handles more bandwidth and is usually needed for really high resolution screens. Typically the big 27-30" type screens that have higher than 1920x1200 resolutions.
  • edited October 2010
    Well, right now it looks like my max resolution is 1680x1050, so I guess I only need single. Max resolution doesn't change with the cord, does it? Is that a graphics card thing?
  • edited October 2010
    Indeed it is a graphics card thing, though with some Graphics Cards/Software you can force the Res higher; but if the card or monitor isn't built to handle the Res it likely won't work very well.

    My monitor is really odd, it doesn't actually work on the Res it's built for; places the Start bar off screen.
  • edited October 2010
    I question if it was actually built for that resolution if that's the case Azrodal.

    I have limited knowledge on the cable thing, but no, the cable shouldn't affect you. Actually, I think the DVI cable is only needed for the HDCP. If you don't watch any HD video with DRM stuffs you wouldn't actually NEED the DVI. DVI is theoretically better quality though since you aren't converting the signal from digital to analog and back to digital that way.

    Graphics cards determine the resolution, the monitor just tries to display what it's given. Modern systems will try to prevent you from setting a higher resolution than your monitor can handle. Yes they can tell. 1680x1050 is what most 22" monitors run at. Not enough pixels for 1080 video, but more than enough for 720. A bit awkward, but still HD.

    My own big monitor is 1920x1200. a bit of extra vertical over fullHD, and it came with 4 different cables. I actually have an extra DVI cable since I'm using the display port cable. My lesser monitor came with both VGA and DVI cables as well. That's why I said it sounds like they are cheaping out these days. But I have I think $770 worth of screen real estate in front of me right now. That's for a 1920x1200 and a 1280x1024. I don't know what yours set you back for, but suffice to say, don't be too pissed about the lack of a DVI cable.
  • edited October 2010
    I just have a nice lappy, never have to worry about monitors.
  • edited October 2010
    Nah, if I have my res set at Higher than 1400 x 900 my monitor detects it and freaks out about it not being "Not Optimum Mode." And then recommends 1400 x 900 dispite that everything actually FITS on the screen at 1600 x 1200.

    You just hit any button on the monitor to make it go away, but any time it switches res to go out of a full screen game it shows back up. Not really a big deal just kinda annoying, Though I've been using 1280 x 1024 anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
  • edited October 2010
    I'm...I'm not sure what to make of that. It sure sounds like you have a typical 17-19 inch widescreen flat panel which would run at 1440x900. That'd be a 16:10 widescreen resolution. 1600x1200 is a standard 4:3 resolution, as is 1280x960. If you're trying to run non-widescreen resolutions like this on a widscreen monitor you have problems. If 1600x1200 truly fits it'd only be the result of a scaler in the monitor rescaling the image to fit the actual 1440x900 matrix. That's...definitely not optimal.

    Now if you do not have a widescreen monitor, then you have bigger issues as your monitor would then be extra messed up thinking that it is.
  • edited October 2010
    It's a 18in. by 12 in. and a Samsung if that matters. Which'd make it... about a 21.5 diagonally? Those might not be TOTALLY exact, I'm pretty crap with a ruler, should be pretty close though.

    It only goes up to 1600x1200 if I force the Graphics card to use the Res, it doesn't normally show up in the Windows change Resolution thing. It's got an auto adjust, that quite frankly it really sucks at adjusting it correctly, and of course won't let me do it manually.

    Edit: Link
  • edited October 2010
    Another consideration here might be what operating system you're using and how legitimate it is.
  • edited October 2010
    Vista, so not legitimate at all.
  • edited October 2010
    Hey, now, I still use Vista. I have Windows 7 installed on a faster drive and can boot into it at will. I still use Vista though.

    Your link conclusively says it's a 1440x900 screen. 1600x1200 wouldn't show up in the change resolution thing because it's not a 1600x1200 monitor. It's a 1440x900 monitor. A widescreen. It has physical dots. 1,440 columns and 900 rows. It is physically incapable of any other resolution, so other resolutions would have to be scaled to fit the 1440x900 matrix. This is what your monitor would be doing. It's how flat panels work. As such...please don't run 1600x1200 or 1280x960 on that monitor if you can avoid it. It makes me cry a little.
  • edited October 2010
    I wouldn't except that I can't actually use the task bar if I don't.

    Edit: Opp. I was gonna give a demonstration of how terrible it was with my camera but 1440x900 suddenly works with the Auto Adjust. I SWEAR it didn't before. I'M NOT CRAZY!!!
  • edited October 2010
    He's not, it was very odd and threw most of task bar off screen. Strange that it's working now.
  • edited October 2010
    It's because I told you to do it. It's like when you bring your car to the mechanic and it suddenly works perfectly. I'm really not doubting you. I've seen computers do inexplicable stupid crap before. Let's just hope it stays nice and doesn't act stupid on you again. For now we'll chalk up another success.
  • edited October 2010
    It looks like it should. Successes: +1!
  • edited October 2010
    I was in a hurry today and I totally stole a cab from this one guy. I saw him call a cab that was just letting someone out half a block down. They were waiting for the cab to come to them. Bad move. I walked right past them towards the cab and called it, so it pulled up next to me. I heard his wife swear increduously. When I got inside and told the cab where to go, the guy came to the window and asked where the cab was going. The driver sped off without looking at him.

    After having cabs stolen from me so many times these last few years in China, this felt amazing and satisfying. I had a big smile on my face all day.
  • edited October 2010
    I won't lie, this is pretty impressive.