Nah, I'm sportin' a bit of a hobo beard myself right now. Of course I'm working on a schooling upgrade and will likely get around to trimming the beard proper eventually.
...What do you mean you don't see me?? There's a picture of me right under the "Tech It Out" section! I'm the one watching the intense foosball game. ...Okay, so maybe not famous, but it's still pretty cool considering this page will probably have the most views with my picture on it than anywhere else on the web.
That guy is all blurry. I can only assume he is moving so fast he is literally phasing out of reality as we know it. Truly some epic level foosball going on there.
Oh yeah? My radical and tech savvy tech company has a ping pong table AND a foosball table that no one uses. Also an air hockey table no one can use since it's so loud. And a pool table that's so off balance, it makes the balls look like they're on a Ouija board.
Since the last time I posted in this thread, I got fired from the job I was talking about, and got a new job! I start next week, and it seems like a really cool place to work. Even better than the last place. Plus it's in a town with people I know/people who are my age that I can be friends with.
I also went on a date for the first time in too long, so that's pretty cool too.
I'll be starting a new job myself within a couple weeks, so I guess that's a success. I had to cancel out of a second interview over it. That was a weird call to make.
I'd be happier if my back hadn't been bugging me and hurting for the past week (including during an interview) for no apparent reason. When I can lay on my back and laugh out loud without it hurting a bunch I'll be properly excited.
Success. Also I am now moderately engaged, romantically speaking. i.e. my girlfriend of many years who basically always intended to marry me decided to put a relatively inexpensive ring on me. As far as engagements are concerned this one is very unofficial, but I'd still expect a wedding in five to ten years. You're all invited.
Edit: we're gonna need to extend the statute of limitations on post editing indefinitely. I'm not nearly satisfied enough with my writing abilities to be able to articulate myself properly in any less than a week.
I'm buying a HOUSE! It feels very grown-up It'll have a guest bedroom AND an extra room for whatever we want! Sort of on the small size for what we're paying, but the Austin housing market has been beyond ridiculous the past 2 years and it's only getting worse-- a semi-decent-looking one story house in some neighborhoods can go up to 500k just for the location, it's nuts. Greg and I have been looking/putting in offers for a couple months though, and we finally had one approved for a beautiful house this evening. It's very exciting! Hurrah grownup purchases!
That's awesome to hear! I've been looking into buying a place of my own myself. The market is a little better in this area though. I'll be looking at about 150K for my place. Of course, it's not in a huge city like Austin.
I'll have to make due with an apartment. Gotta pay off the loans first, then save up a bit and THEN I might think about that sort of thing. That said, I'm not sure what I'd do with a house.
I need a house badly. I'm trying to skip the apartment phase and go straight from "parents' house" to "own house". But right now my room is pretty much overflowing with all the crap I've accumulated.
Right? I moved back with my parents and I didn't realize just how much stuff I had back at my old apartment. Especially for someone living on their own.
I'm starting to make moves in this direction as well, just moved out of my apartment into my girlfriend's family's home so I can start saving up. We're hoping to find a place to buy some time this year.
Of course, this means we're all getting really sweet places of our own to host traveling Orange Belt folks. Which is the greatest of all possible news.
Everytime I think I found a good place, somebody buys it out from under me. Usually it happens before I can even go look at the place, but a few months ago I showed up at a house for a meeting with the realtor. She gets out of her car and goes "I hope you hate it."
"Somebody called and put down a full cash offer four minutes ago."
Ah well, eventually. The longer I wait, the more money I have.
Lol. I watched the disney movie Princess and the Frog with some friends last weekend, at one point the main character gets turned down from her dream property and is told "Oh about your offer, someone came in and put in a higher offer in cash to close tomorrow." Her response was, "But I worked so hard...".
Made me tear up a little bit. We had that happen a couple times on offers we put in, which is SO DEPRESSING after you've contemplated and accepted the idea of making such a large purchase and living someplace for a while. We actually got a nicer house than we thought we'd end up with, ironically we had to "settle" for the nicer house instead of buying a cheaper house and fixing it up-- if any property looked like it could pull a nice little profit after renovation, it was eaten up by flippers with cash offers and closed within 2 days. The house we're moving into doesn't have as much opportunity for upgrading (since it's already SO AWESOME), so we were able to snag the highest offer. In any case.. have no fear, when you find a place you can claim as your own, the wait will make the reward even sweeter!
What about other life events? What are some other successes happening in the OB?
Mostly just working at the new job, looking for a place and considering it a success if I find enough time to play some games or make some feeble attempt to keep up with various webcomics.
Is the OB now a real state forum????? And if so, am I still allowed? I have zero plans to buy land or buildings in the future. I might purchase a tent for camping purposes in a couple of years if all goes well, though.
"Respectable". You're forgetting Ryan still posts here.
...What do you mean you don't see me?? There's a picture of me right under the "Tech It Out" section! I'm the one watching the intense foosball game. ...Okay, so maybe not famous, but it's still pretty cool considering this page will probably have the most views with my picture on it than anywhere else on the web.
I mostly spend my breaks watching game shows.
I also went on a date for the first time in too long, so that's pretty cool too.
I'd be happier if my back hadn't been bugging me and hurting for the past week (including during an interview) for no apparent reason. When I can lay on my back and laugh out loud without it hurting a bunch I'll be properly excited.
Edit: we're gonna need to extend the statute of limitations on post editing indefinitely. I'm not nearly satisfied enough with my writing abilities to be able to articulate myself properly in any less than a week.
I'll have to make due with an apartment. Gotta pay off the loans first, then save up a bit and THEN I might think about that sort of thing. That said, I'm not sure what I'd do with a house.
Of course, this means we're all getting really sweet places of our own to host traveling Orange Belt folks. Which is the greatest of all possible news.
"Somebody called and put down a full cash offer four minutes ago."
Ah well, eventually. The longer I wait, the more money I have.
Made me tear up a little bit. We had that happen a couple times on offers we put in, which is SO DEPRESSING after you've contemplated and accepted the idea of making such a large purchase and living someplace for a while. We actually got a nicer house than we thought we'd end up with, ironically we had to "settle" for the nicer house instead of buying a cheaper house and fixing it up-- if any property looked like it could pull a nice little profit after renovation, it was eaten up by flippers with cash offers and closed within 2 days. The house we're moving into doesn't have as much opportunity for upgrading (since it's already SO AWESOME), so we were able to snag the highest offer. In any case.. have no fear, when you find a place you can claim as your own, the wait will make the reward even sweeter!
What about other life events? What are some other successes happening in the OB?