What the hell?!?!?! It's been one week and I haven't heard from any of ou!!! You guys are so LAME1!!?!?
I', gonn a try not to edit my drunk messages because I want yoi to believe me when I say I'm furunk. I usually edit my messages too much. My bad guys.
By furunk I meant drunk of course, btw.
Fuck yeah I'm good at typing. ANYWAYS> you people are mamazing. I love you guys so much. Why don't you talk more. I talk sooooo mcuh.... ask Greg. I talk too much for the ineternet. You guys would hate me if i talked taht much all the time. It's retarded. BUT YOU SHOULD TALK MORE SO I DON"T HVVE TO!!! That way I don't feel liek a loser.
man....... get drun more. Hae fun wih life. I love you so much I won't even edit my post. It mkes the loe even more intsen. Hearts for everyone!!!!
I need to start making drunk posts again. With someone else posting when they're drunk, I won't be near as intimidated to post in this thread multiple times a weekend.
Plus, I've just got a week of finals left in the semester, then I'll be free to drink all the time!! It'll be great.
Naturally this requires expressions of love towards you all.
Ryan, you're interesting on a political economic level. Lauren, you talk about drugs, which is nice. I want some drugs. Mario does mac. So that's nice.
Carter, I need to call you gay on aol again!
John, remember when I was an annoying little scrote? Not anymore!
Drunk and I love you all. Also I just found out that i mae n A in number throeyr. I thoughr I was gona bake a C in that class at vest. SUCH a surpseice when I made an A... I actallu di a double tae wen I saw it. I'm pumped.
Love you all. You all are awesome.
EDIT: Also I didn't go back and edit it just to emphasize how drunk I am. Truth = love
Love sswet love! I'm holding off my natural spellcheck for all of you. I love yo! I love this paolce, really. I donknow I don't post mucy, but this is the SECOND bookmark toolbar at the top of my screen, and I check this place all the time. YHoiu all rock,.and I love yo,i YOU. I love YOU. Keep postng@ I loe tghis place. YARRGH pirate day,. /watcing RuPaul is awesome Yearrgh. Fuck. So many red squigglies.,
DUUUUUUUDE YES EPIC DRUNKENESS. You guys must be jealous....... I'm drinking with none other than MATT ((TAKERU)) here in AUSTIN. First OB member met in person.... done. It is more than awesome, and you guys should totally be jealous.
By the way, I am SO SORRY Rob that I couldn't go up to Philadelphia to go see you... I'm sure it would have been amazing. To the rest of y'all..... yes I said y'all... forget you guys, you never really made the effort to come down and see me
With that being said......
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! You guys are freaking fantastic. Matt and I figured out the other night, I've met a good portion of you before I even met Eric, and it's pretty crazy how almost half my life I've been in touch with you guys. You're all fantastic.
I was going to post this in the success thread, but I felt like a bad person expressing my excitement for intense binge drinking whilst there was a baby in the room.
I turn 21 this week I spent the last 2 weeks working full-time at one of my jobs (I have two total), and because I missed turning in my timesheet the last pay period for my 2nd job, I will get paid for a whole month of work there. So I get a good deal of money right around my birthday! Nothing too ridiculous, but very nice for a college student working two jobs.
Also, this weekend I found out that because the office I work at is going into heavy-duty cleaning mode, my 2nd job is closed and I don't have to go in to work anywhere at all this week if I don't want to!!
As soon as I heard this news, the first thing that popped into my head was "Good lord, I'm going to be sooo drunk every night this week."
I'm looking forward to it, but man. I'm gonna be sooo worn out after this weekend. It's about time... I'm pretty much the last of my friends to have a 21st birthday.
I', gonn a try not to edit my drunk messages because I want yoi to believe me when I say I'm furunk. I usually edit my messages too much. My bad guys.
By furunk I meant drunk of course, btw.
Fuck yeah I'm good at typing. ANYWAYS> you people are mamazing. I love you guys so much. Why don't you talk more. I talk sooooo mcuh.... ask Greg. I talk too much for the ineternet. You guys would hate me if i talked taht much all the time. It's retarded. BUT YOU SHOULD TALK MORE SO I DON"T HVVE TO!!! That way I don't feel liek a loser.
man....... get drun more. Hae fun wih life. I love you so much I won't even edit my post. It mkes the loe even more intsen. Hearts for everyone!!!!
I used shift key not caps lock. Deliberation is the key to love proclamations
But Christ i have had a lot of beer and vodka tonight.
I love, in no particulkarbor der, all of you.
That is all.
Peace out, batches.
BRUCE I LOVE YOU AS WELL! You are fantastic!
And so it was that I found my new signature quote.
Nafruruakky tghus requirews exprwessions of kove towards you all.
Ryan, youre interesting on a political economic level. Lauren you btak babout drugs, wuichs is nice. iwanr some drugs. Nario does mac. So thats nuce.
Carter, ui need to call you gay on aol bagajna!
John, rmemeber when i bwas an naannyoing little scroete? Nit anymore!
Come back jake!
Plus, I've just got a week of finals left in the semester, then I'll be free to drink all the time!! It'll be great.
Love you all. You all are awesome.
EDIT: Also I didn't go back and edit it just to emphasize how drunk I am. Truth = love
Love you too Andrew! This weekend is gonna be the SHIT for drunk posting. You just wait and see, why don't ya.
Should've done. Was happy drunk last night. Sad drunk tonight.
Still love you all though.
By the way, I am SO SORRY Rob that I couldn't go up to Philadelphia to go see you... I'm sure it would have been amazing. To the rest of y'all..... yes I said y'all... forget you guys, you never really made the effort to come down and see me
With that being said......
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! You guys are freaking fantastic. Matt and I figured out the other night, I've met a good portion of you before I even met Eric, and it's pretty crazy how almost half my life I've been in touch with you guys. You're all fantastic.
Who changed my avatar?
In vino veritas!
I turn 21 this week
Also, this weekend I found out that because the office I work at is going into heavy-duty cleaning mode, my 2nd job is closed and I don't have to go in to work anywhere at all this week if I don't want to!!
As soon as I heard this news, the first thing that popped into my head was "Good lord, I'm going to be sooo drunk every night this week."
I'm looking forward to it, but man. I'm gonna be sooo worn out after this weekend. It's about time... I'm pretty much the last of my friends to have a 21st birthday.