The Revenge of the Spawn of the Somewhat Amusing News Thread Strikes Back Thread



  • edited April 2008
    Curse you! I'll be able to pick it up Friday...
  • edited April 2008
    But you don't have it now! So you suck!
  • edited April 2008
    Agreed! bwahahahahahaha
  • edited April 2008
    Huntington Beach man gets pot back from police
    Acting on court orders, Huntington Beach police returned 30 grams of pot taken from a medical marijuana patient last year.

    An appellate court ruled in a Garden Grove case that seized medical marijuana must be returned to a patient, and three weeks ago the California Supreme Court declined to review the appeals court ruling.

    That meant Huntington Beach resident David Alan Lucas could retrieve his high-grade purple urkel marijuana and a couple of smoking pipes. The 43-year-old man, who uses pot to relieve stress, says he's surprised to get it back.

    Police Capt. Chuck Thomas says the department is complying with the court order. California voters in 1996 approved the Compassionate Use Act allowing medical marijuana use
  • edited April 2008
    Psshh Californians.

  • edited April 2008
    high-grade purple urkel marijuana

    I am amused. Is the medicinal purpose of his pot to relieve stress? That sounds like a pretty weak reason.
  • edited April 2008
    I'm assuming his stress must be from some sort of hormonal or neurological disorder. In that case he's getting the weed in place of some other drug.
  • edited April 2008
    the funny part is that he probably got it back about 4 months after it was taken, nice and dry and ruined. but still! pot heads 1 - garbage grove police 0
  • edited April 2008
    Bruni nude photo sells for £45,500[about $91,000]

    A nude photo of the wife of French President Nicolas Sarkozy smashed its auction estimate as it sold for more than £45,000 in New York, Christie's said.

    The image of glamorous first lady Carla Bruni was taken by photographer Michel Comte 15 years ago and shows a younger, nude Ms Bruni facing the camera with her hands crossed at her waist.

    A buyer for a Chinese art collector bought the black-and-white 1993 photo for £45,500, more than 22 times its estimate of £1,500 to £2,000, the auction house said.

    The photograph, which measures 32.5cm by 22.5cm, was sold by German-born collector Gert Elfering and was acquired from the artist directly.

    The Italian supermodel turned singer, who also posed nude in last month's GQ magazine, was described as "a very popular visitor to Britain" by Prime Minister Gordon Brown following a two day state visit that aimed to strengthen the British ties with France last month.

    Ms Bruni stole many of the headlines during the visit and Mr Brown was pictured planting a kiss on her cheek.
    She is expected to release her latest album, No Promises, in May.
  • edited April 2008
    What a gyp, the picture's not even attached to the article.
  • edited April 2008
    if i paid 91000 dollars for a nude photo, i wouldn't share it either.
  • edited April 2008
  • edited April 2008
  • edited April 2008
    They should have known just how fast that picture would be on the internet as soon as that guy paid $91,0000 for it.
  • edited April 2008
  • edited April 2008
    Doesn't surprise me. They make everything there.
  • edited April 2008
    Except democracy.
  • edited April 2008
    That made me laugh a lot.
  • edited May 2008
    Man accused of trying to cash check for $360,000,000,000
    A man has been accused of attempting to pass a $360 billion check, which he claims was given to him by his girlfriend’s mother to start a record business, Fort Worth police said.

    Charles Ray Fuller, 21, of Crowley, was arrested on April 22 on an accusation of forgery, police said.

    Police responded to a report of a man attempting to pass the check about 4 p.m. that day at the Chase bank in the 8600 block of South Hulen Street, Fort Worth police Lt. Paul Henderson said.

    The personal check was not made out to Mr. Fuller and when the bank contacted the check owner, the woman said she did not write a check for $360 billion.

    Mr. Fuller was also accused of unlawful carrying of a weapon and possession of marijuana, Lt. Henderson said. He may also face a theft charge in Crowley.

    Lt. Henderson said he did not know if Mr. Fuller and his girlfriend were still together.
  • edited May 2008
    That's more than the national GDP of many small European countries....
  • edited May 2008
    Hey, the music industry is expensive.
  • edited May 2008
    Why, why would he forge a check and not make it out to himself.
    Charles Ray Fuller, 21, of Crowley, was arrested on April 22 on an accusation of forgery, police said.


    The personal check was not made out to Mr. Fuller and when the bank contacted the check owner, the woman said she did not write a check for $360 billion.
  • godgod
    edited May 2008
    Naked woman in Cheney’s sunglasses?
    My friend sent me this. Good find.
  • edited May 2008
    That actually made the news a few weeks ago, and I pray it was an incredibly slow news day.
  • edited May 2008
    hlavco wrote: »
    That actually made the news a few weeks ago, and I pray it was an incredibly slow news day.

    I was in the papers, once. They were reporting on this poetry slam thing, in which, I did an improv act. People liked it, not the most popular thing there, though. Anyways, a week or so later, someone tells me my picture is in the paper. And it was. I found the article, and there were two pictures of two different things, of which, I'm not the subject. However, I'm still in center focus and rather prominent. Not to mention the fact that I looked incredibly high. I read the article, and I wasn't even mentioned at all. Not even for publically reconciling with my girlfriend at the time at the end of the slam. That doesn't matter though.

    Anyways, yeah, what were you in the paper for?
  • godgod
    edited May 2008
    Me and Jhonny were in the paper for a zombie walk. Well, I was just standing off to the side in the picture, but FRONT PAGE!
  • edited May 2008
    Our local newspaper always prints out the honor roll, and also the results and summaries of all the local sports, so pretty much everybody in town has made the paper at least ten times.