Why would he leave his wallet with his ID in the house he is robbing? Unless he wanted to get caught... So that everybody would know that he is the sausage-whacker! A-hah!
A 280 lb mugging victim's life was saved in Germany when a bullet fired at him was trapped in his fat.
Rolf Mittelhaus tells the Austrian Times he was attacked by a mugger and heard a loud bang, but he didn't feel any pain because he says he'd "been drinking and didn't really know what was going on."
Mittelhaus didn't know he had been shot until he was examined after reporting the attack to police two days later.
The bullet fell out of his rolls of fat while he was being examined for injuries.
Whoa. I think the picture going along with the article is misleading. I'm not an expert on ammunition, but I don't think his fat could have stopped a bullet like the one pictured. I know it's a stock photo, but still, poor choice.
Matt Brown, police minister in the state of New South Wales, was asked to hand in his resignation after reports circulated about the alleged late-night indiscretion.
National newspaper The Australia said Mr Brown stripped off to his "very brief" underwear and danced on a couch to techno music during a boozy office party, according to an unnamed witnesses.
"I'm a human being and I made a mistake and I'm going to cop the consequences of that mistake," an emotional Mr Brown told reporters after he quit.
"I'm talking about an incident in my office some three months ago during the budget sittings. As is the tradition with the parliament, work colleagues get together to celebrate the budget.
"During that celebratory night, I behaved in a manner not befitting a minister."
However, Mr Brown denied an accusation he simulated a sex act with a female colleague.
Again quoting unnamed witnesses, The Australian reported that the then-housing minister "mounted the chest" of fellow MP Noreen Hay at the party.
"There've been some scurrilous accusations about inappropriate behaviour regarding a female work colleague," he said.
"I want to say categorically, they are lies, they are not true, they did not happen."
The NSW state premier Nathan Rees said he asked for Mr Brown's resignation after he failed to reveal to him the whole truth about the incident.
Perhaps when it's not an office party; making an ass out of yourself in front of everyone you work with is dangerous!
Sounds like a kick-ass hilarious party though. 'Cept for the queers who all told on him. I bet they were all standing and whispering in a corner, scandalized by what was going on.
I vote that Minister Brown DID simulate a sex act with a female work colleague!!
WATERBURY, Vt. -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, cofounders of Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc., urging them to replace cow's milk they use in their ice cream products with human breast milk, according to a statement recently released by a PETA spokeswoman.
"PETA's request comes in the wake of news reports that a Swiss restaurant owner will begin purchasing breast milk from nursing mothers and substituting breast milk for 75 percent of the cow's milk in the food he serves," the statement says.
PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies on factory farms and benefit human health.
"The fact that human adults consume huge quantities of dairy products made from milk that was meant for a baby cow just doesn't make sense," says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. "Everyone knows that 'the breast is best,' so Ben & Jerry's could do consumers and cows a big favor by making the switch to breast milk."
"We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child," said a spokesperson for Ben and Jerry's.
Read PETA's letter to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield
September 23, 2008
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Cofounders
Ben & Jerry's Homemade Inc.
Dear Mr. Cohen and Mr. Greenfield,
On behalf of PETA and our more than 2 million members and supporters, I'd like to bring your attention to an innovative new idea from Switzerland that would bring a unique twist to Ben and Jerry's.
Storchen restaurant is set to unveil a menu that includes soups, stews, and sauces made with at least 75 percent breast milk procured from human donors who are paid in exchange for their milk. If Ben and Jerry's replaced the cow's milk in its ice cream with breast milk, your customers-and cows-would reap the benefits.
Using cow's milk for your ice cream is a hazard to your customer's health. Dairy products have been linked to juvenile diabetes, allergies, constipation, obesity, and prostate and ovarian cancer. The late Dr. Benjamin Spock, America's leading authority on child care, spoke out against feeding cow's milk to children, saying it may play a role in anemia, allergies, and juvenile diabetes and in the long term, will set kids up for obesity and heart disease-America's number one cause of death.
Animals will also benefit from the switch to breast milk. Like all mammals, cows only produce milk during and after pregnancy, so to be able to constantly milk them, cows are forcefully impregnated every nine months. After several years of living in filthy conditions and being forced to produce 10 times more milk than they would naturally, their exhausted bodies are turned into hamburgers or ground up for soup.
And of course, the veal industry could not survive without the dairy industry. Because male calves can't produce milk, dairy farmers take them from their mothers immediately after birth and sell them to veal farms, where they endure 14 to17 weeks of torment chained inside a crate so small that they can't even turn around.
The breast is best! Won't you give cows and their babies a break and our health a boost by switching from cow's milk to breast milk in Ben and Jerry's ice cream? Thank you for your consideration.
I've learned to not take PETA seriously. I know that they are being serious, but whenever I hear the new ideas they come up with, they're usually the stupidest things I hear that day.
Ideally we should have human milk farms, in which we have like a hundred women who rotate in being fertilized, having a baby and producing milk, and then being fertilized again.
I would do the hard work of fertilizing young women over and over again. I'd do it for all of you. Because I care.
My thick mane of luscious brown curls entices women near and far. They smile and blush at me in the street, they try to practice their English with me, and they even follow me around in stores and gush at how amazing it is that I can speak some Chinese.
Isn't human milk a dairy product? Seems like it would be.. it IS milk.
YES! Milk has Lactose, a type of sugar which (like all sugars) can cause weight-gain and diabetes if over-consumed. It also contains fat. Too much fat can cause heart problems. HOORAY! PETA has finally made it to a 5th-grade level of Bio-Chemistry.
The thing that kills me is how strongly people fight for beliefs based on these twisted facts.
EDIT: also, milk has calcium, too much calcium can cause kidney stones.
It's funny how people sometimes will fiercely defend a point of view based almost entirely on ignorance rather than admit to being wrong when confronted with clearer, more informed thinking.
Pretty sure PETA is just using excuses like health concerns to push their vegan agenda. That doesn't negate the points they bring up, just bear in mind that the points they bring up regarding diabetes and the like are far from important to PETA. Sometimes it seems like they care about animals more than humans.
The system works! Three cheers for Florida doing something right for a change!
Although now I am a little worried. There will always be opponents to video games. Penny Arcade had it right, we should be happy that the best guy the anti-game movement had was that douche. What if someone less inflamatory, and more competent, takes up the mantle?
That won't happen, because nobody that classy would bother caring about what happens with video games. The only anti-video game movement agents have to be radical retards, because there is no possible way that somebody who's not completely ignorant would waste their time arguing about what happens in video gaming.
Also, people who were born the year Mortal Kombat came out are old enough to drive now, and will be voting in a couple of years. Video games are moving from being that freaky thing the kids are into into just another facet of day-to-day life, so it's getting harder to work up significant amounts of outrage over them.
I guess it also depends if he is 5ft or 6ft, that would make a difference.
Sounds like a kick-ass hilarious party though. 'Cept for the queers who all told on him. I bet they were all standing and whispering in a corner, scandalized by what was going on.
I vote that Minister Brown DID simulate a sex act with a female work colleague!!
PETA urges Ben & Jerry's to use human milk
I would do the hard work of fertilizing young women over and over again. I'd do it for all of you. Because I care.
I am Ryan, hear me rawr.
YES! Milk has Lactose, a type of sugar which (like all sugars) can cause weight-gain and diabetes if over-consumed. It also contains fat. Too much fat can cause heart problems. HOORAY! PETA has finally made it to a 5th-grade level of Bio-Chemistry.
The thing that kills me is how strongly people fight for beliefs based on these twisted facts.
EDIT: also, milk has calcium, too much calcium can cause kidney stones.
About time!
Although now I am a little worried. There will always be opponents to video games. Penny Arcade had it right, we should be happy that the best guy the anti-game movement had was that douche. What if someone less inflamatory, and more competent, takes up the mantle?